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Author Topic: advice  (Read 4224 times)


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« on: September 20, 2013, 06:52:22 PM »

Hi everyone, I am not exactly new to this site, I have been dipping in and out for a few years now, but had to sign in as a newbie because I couldn't remember my username or password so thought it easier to start again! I need some advice please, I have had a really rough time for the past 4 years with the menopause, and then recently I went nearly 6 months without a period and I started to feel half human again, and then 2 weeks ago a period decided to appear, it was longer and heavier than normal, but since then I have felt awful!!!! palpitations back, upset stomach, aches and pains and generally feeling crap, I just wanted to know if this is normal, I have had a short cold recently too, thanks in advance ladies  :) xx


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Re: advice
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2013, 07:15:59 PM »

Hi creamcrackered and welcome (back) to the forum  ;D

Yes it is normal - annoying but normal. Some get to almost a whole year and then it all starts again.. but..maybe this will be your very last one!

Did you used to get palpitations or is it a new symptom for you?

Taz  x


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Re: advice
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2013, 07:36:18 PM »

Hi Taz, thanks for the reply, yes I always used to get the palpitations along with panic attacks etc, I thought I was through the worst but obviously not, I just feel crap, and feels like I am back to square one again.


poo brain

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Re: advice
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2013, 06:39:20 PM »

Me too x went 5 months with no show and was feeling good, then end of July had period really heavy for 6 weeks. Went to GP as was going on caravan hol for one week, still feeling fine. GP gave me Norithsterone to stop bleed, I asked her at the time if these were HRT as I was doing ok without it and she said no, just something to stop period. Took 10 day course. And stopped bleed but WHAM all old peri symptoms have returned, shakey, nausea, anxious, been off work for 2 weeks. Have horrid brain fog/pressure.  Feel real pants!! Go back to GP on Monday but really think HRT has messed me up big time.  Gonna try and ride the tide and maybe can return to how I felt before Norithsterone - what do you think.  Work in hospital and really feel that menopause is a dirty secret XX love and light to you all XX


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Re: advice
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2013, 07:40:55 PM »

Hi poo brain - welcome to the forum.

It is common to start periods again after a few months off and to also feel horrible - it can seem like taking a step backwards but hopefully you will soon even out again.

Norethisterone is not HRT. It is used as the progesterone part of HRT but is not full HRT which contains oestrogen as well as progesterone. Keep a diary of your symptoms and your bleeding pattern so that you can let the doc see this at a future date if you still feel horrible. This is a description of Norethisterone and what it is used for

You may like to introduce yourself under new members so that other members can welcome you.

Taz  :)


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Re: advice
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2013, 07:52:17 PM »

Hi Poo Brain, love the name, its nice to know that I am not alone with feeling like crap!! Just when we thought we were feeling human again, wham down we go. Welcome to the site I am newish here too. xx


poo brain

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Re: advice
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2013, 10:55:34 AM »

Hi Taz and CC.  Have tried to respond to you but I've been doing something wrong and my posts don't show.  Thanks for the update re Norethisterone Taz I thought it was a full blown HRT, what do I know eh?  Gonna go ahead and try to introduce myself under new members and tell a little of my story and maybe have a little chat.  CC you really are not on your own with this, I'm really struggling too at the moment.  I'm also newish here but did first register in 2011 but never really introduced myself or posted anything, gonna give it a blast now.  Love and light to you both xx


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Re: advice
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2013, 12:10:55 PM »

Hi Creamcrackered and all contributors
It sounds as though you need a thorough review. Do you have a menopause clinic near you?
If your GP isn't clued up about menopause see if there is a practice nurse or clinic that can give you time to go through things properly. I was peri from mid 30s and ended up on oestrogel and progesteron pills for 10 days a month to induce breakthourgh bleed.  The gel gives you the opportunity to adjust your dose of oestrogen to keep symptoms under control. This combo got me through my 30s and 40s well.
Dont' suffer unnecesarily. DG x