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Author Topic: Anxiety and Menopause  (Read 11328 times)


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2013, 10:33:33 PM »

Agree with you all. Anxiety my worst symptom, had bout of post natal depression over 25 years ago, it went after 12 months, I didn't take any meds it just improved with time and I've been 100% fine - until being in peri menopause. I'm on ADs now, they help but don't eliminate the anxiety. Just have to keep plodding on until it goes, it's not easy though. Hormones really do cause a wide range of symptoms, the hot flushes I find easier to deal with than the anxiety, which makes life seem like a roller coaster ride!


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2013, 08:06:22 AM »

Gosh I have opened a can of worms....
I am so angry with myself because I think I had it all ticking along quite nicely (not completely anxiety free but under control) then I go and spoil it all but trying to reduce the HRT. Whether it is 'in my head' or a real problem my anxiety has come back with a vengeance . Hence I have gone back to my usual strength but by doing this I have really rocked the boat.
Last night was awful, hardly slept as kept being woken up with waves of anxiety. Feel dreadful this morning but can't give in to it. I know as HB says its all in my head but its such an overpowering emotion.
I also suffered a small bout of baby blues after my last child 14 years ago so I have always maintained it is hormone based.
Menopause comes for most of us at a time when we have other problems, elderly parents etc.
I shall not be coming off my HRT or AD anytime soon so if I mention it again then please shoot me.....


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2013, 02:07:11 PM »

I dont agree with it all being "in your head", that makes it sound as those its imagined and not a genuine physical symptom.  I believe its a physical manifestation of erratic hormones.  Not everyone suffers,  the same as not everyone has flushes, aching joints etc. But still very much a physical symptom.  As most of you have found its uncontrollable and comes on for no apparent reason.  You're not necessarily "worrying" or thinking about something stressful at the time to bring on the anxiety.  i dont know about anyone else but i've actually woken up in a state of anxiety.

Delilah x


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2013, 02:38:02 PM »

Yes, I often waken up like that so I do see your point. I guess what I meant with it all being in my head is my fears are irrational. Nothing bad is going to happen as it never has before but my head says something different. Then the fight or flight response kicks in which can't be controlled. That causes the physical symptoms. It's a vicious circle really. For me it's been going on so long that my brain is now conditioned to expect this.
It's how to change the thought processes.
I have read lots of books and from the comfort of my sofa I really think.    Oh yes I can do this or that....It's a different matter when I am in a situation that I am not comfortable with.
Don't know if that makes any sense to anyone.



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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2013, 02:46:12 PM »

 That was what I have been  trying to work out ,I was told my symptoms were anxiety and I didn't feel anxious about anything. I get jittery, hyperventilate, when I dose off to sleep I wake up shaken. I always thought that anxiety was in the mind ,but for me the physical symptoms seem to come first then my mood changes afterwards with a feeling of insecurity and generally hating the world around me, it is so complex and I wanted to know are these physical symptoms the same as other ladies experience. I have also mentioned my feelings of detachment from my family and friends, which just is not me.


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2013, 03:44:56 PM »

I also agree with you all anxiety is definatly the most awful part of this meno journey.For the past six weeks I have woken up in a state of anxiety every morning my heart pounds and my stomach churning I hate it .I am on hrt a low dose estrogen only I had a hysterectomy last year I think I will see if they will increase but somehow I don't think It will work.How long will it go on that's what concerns me .


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2013, 04:07:29 PM »

Why don't you think it will work Anjia? As has been said already the depletion in our oestrogen levels post-meno and the fluctuations in all of them during peri-menopause seem to bring about physical changes in our endocrine system and metabolism that leads to anxiety in many women.

I would certainly look to increase the dose if I were you. What sort of HRT are you on?

In general - re hormones and anxiety, I would firstly treat the effects of the hormones (rather than use ADs) if I could, and at the same time look for cognitive or psychological techniques to deal with the anxiety until hormones levels are restored to a degree that enable you to cope better.

Remember Bette's 3-2-1 anxiety exercise for example?,8454.75.html
you need to go to the first post. In fact I'm going to bump it which she used to do regularly.

I modifed it to help me get to sleep because I sometimes have trouble dropping off.

Hurdity x


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2013, 04:45:43 PM »

Thanks Hurdity it makes sense what your saying I am on Elleste solo 1mg so I will ask them To up it to 2mg I think It seems to make sense Thankyou for your advice it means a lot x


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2013, 06:22:38 AM »

Just add to what some of the other ladies have said, anxiety is the worst of the menopause for me too. I've been on AD's for about 11 years now but everything went out of control for a couple of years and I tried to manage as I didn't want to change or increase my AD's. eventually I had the meno confirmed and started on HRT, I've been on it for about 10 months now and I have had to change a few times, I'm not 100% and I don't think I ever will be but I'm definitely better than I was. So like you I'm going to continue with my AD's and HRT for as long as I need to.


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2013, 02:11:57 PM »

Hi again

Jo61 - your description sounds very similar although i haven't felt detached from family, everyone experiences different feelings though.

Hurdity - whilst i agree with the idea that  replacing depleted hormones should  help reduce anxiety, sometimes waiting for hrt to have its full effect can leave women in adreadful state for months on end. My own anxiety was so severe i genuinely felt suicidal and had to have the AD's to calm me otherwise i was afraid for my safety.  This may sound overly dramatic but i really was in a very bad way as i'm sure is the experience of many other women too.  I've also read that hrt doesn't always help with the anxiety part of menopause which leaves me wondering if AD's are the only other solution available.

Delilah x


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2013, 02:30:22 PM »

I think for some women its more complicated, if they were prone to anxiety before peri and menopause then it can be a bad time and should be evaluated.
HRT is sometimes not enough and some ladies don't tolerate it.

After all our own native hormones could make us feel pretty rotton for some even when we had our full quota.

Anxiety in all its forms is a condition separate from menopause, menopause can  exacerbate  it but I don't think it causes it. 
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 03:50:02 PM by silverlady »


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2013, 03:22:58 PM »

I've always had anxiety in the second half of the cycle so I just expected it to happen once I was on HRT. My anxiety together with my PMT had almost disappeared before starting HRT due, I suppose, to the levels dropping. Strange how we are all different.



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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2013, 03:55:21 PM »

Thankyou Silverlady , you seem to be a fountain of knowledge and I have found your links really interesting, I have not had any  of my symptoms prior to perimenopause. I have always considered myself a very assertive ,confident woman .I was self employed running 3 businesses at the same time ,looking  back there was a build up to these symptoms until I was a quivering wreck my periods changed I missed 3 months then they returned and they are really heavy . I was like you Delilah  worried about my sanity and I know what you mean about being suicidal I didn't feel like I wanted to end my life or anything but questioning life. I do have some mobility issues which has took a lot to come to terms with but I don't feel that this could cause the symptoms my GP calls anxiety. I am 52 years and find my mood changes in an instant, I have spent a fortune and tried lots of alternative medicines, the most effective for these symptoms for me is Magnesium and Quiet Life. This week has been horrendous starting on Sunday that tightness in the top of my stomach ,jittering ,no sleep wanting to leave home (fight or flight)imagination was running wild etc. then today I am as calm as anything love everybody my usual sociable self. It is interesting to note that my period was due yesterday and it hasn't arrived yet. I think it is the worry of when will this end, it is the uncertainty of is it menopause or is it something else and the dread of the next episode. You ladies are fantastic  and reassure me that this is normal ,and have certainly done your research. I am so grateful ,


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Re: Anxiety and Menopause
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2013, 04:36:39 PM »

You have coped with a lot jo.

It's suddenly occurred to me that lots of women who find themselves plunged into anxiety have been very successful and busy people. I wonder whether a lot of it is actual burn-out?  Years spent running at full revs without, maybe, proper time to relax or spend time on themselves. As women we seem to revel in the fact that we can do so many things at once such as running a business and family, taking care of children and other family members, always being there for family and friends. I'm the first to admit that this was me too. My lovely GP (sadly no longer with us) used to talk about "overload" and how, in the end, you hit a brick wall. I thought he just meant that exhaustion would be the end product but now I think he meant that anxiety and all the other things would raise their little heads.

Taz x
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