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Author Topic: Upper Urinary Tract Infection  (Read 43203 times)


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #105 on: September 30, 2013, 09:17:02 PM »

I'm feeling that the antibiotics are keeping it just under control but it's not gone and the doc was insistent that it should have gone by today. I have to phone tomorrow to get an "on the day" appointment with the doc I want so will do that first thing.

The vagifem is beginning to work though and I'm feeling more comfy again which is a bonus!

Taz x


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #106 on: September 30, 2013, 09:37:31 PM »

Have you many more ABs left to take Taz?. If you have then perhaps it's going to take the whole course to shift it. And they go on working for a short while afterwards.

Are you resting up and letting your body heal.
Let us know how you get on tomorrow.



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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #107 on: September 30, 2013, 09:54:55 PM »

I have five more days Honeybun. I first of all had five days of Nitrofuantoin and then five days of Ciprofloaxicin (sp?) and then a further ten days of double strength Cipro.

I asked the doc about resting and she said that if I really needed it I could have today and tomorrow off but today was very busy at work so I went in for the morning but stayed the whole day. I have been managing to resist doing the housework though  ;D  and have also been falling asleep a lot which is something I never do and I've been going to bed before midnight for the last three weeks - unheard of!!

Taz x


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #108 on: September 30, 2013, 10:17:12 PM »

Housework I find is easy to resist. Only trouble is it catches up with you eventually.

Good luck tomorrow.



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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #109 on: October 01, 2013, 05:23:17 AM »

I sure hope this gets under control soon and becomes a distant memory.  I hate things that drag on.  I hope the doc takes interest and does some detective work rather than just treat the symptoms.  Crossing my fingers for some good medical care and some answers and mostly your feeling better.


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #110 on: October 06, 2013, 02:35:51 PM »

I've forgotten to update this thread!

I saw the doc on Tuesday last week and although the sample looked fantastic (her words) it still showed traces of infection so the advice was to keep taking the remainder of the cipro and see her again in a week but don't leave it till then if I felt worse.

I was feeling ok towards the end of last week - still very tired though and not doing anything apart from going to work and coming home to doze on the sofa. Friday I began to feel a little sick and not hungry (again) plus a bit shivery so I thought it was coming back but during the evening I developed diarrhoea and felt really horrible. I blamed it on the antibiotics finally  managing to kill off all my good bacteria but then woke at three in the morning and was very sick a few times so it seems to have been a bug. I spent all of yesterday asleep in bed and am beginning to feel better today although I still have the diarrhoea even though I haven't eaten since Friday morning. I felt really sorry for myself yesterday but am better today. No work tomorrow as we have to have at least forty eight hours since the last episode of diarrhoea or sickness.

I had the last cipro on Friday morning which means I missed the last three of the course. I'm still trying to drink loads so will just have to wait and see what she says on Tuesday.

Taz  :(


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #111 on: October 06, 2013, 02:47:06 PM »

Damn!  I keep hoping to come on the forum and see that you are feeling better.  I so wish I could help from across the pond.  I hope they do paired blood cultures and get you to what we call an infectious disease specialist to identify the bug.  Cipro can be very hard on the gut and I personally would double up on probiotics.  I know you are taking a pricey one, but perhaps adding another different one would be good.  I take more than one kind at a time to get added coverage.  I guess at this point not good to play a guessing game as I use mine for occasional bouts of diverticulitis and kidneys could be different, but the gut reaction to ABs is the same.

So sorry, Taz and so hoping for improvement and discovery of cause.

Have you tried simple d mannose but that only clears the bladder of E. coli, the main cause of UTI.  E. coli can be a horrid infection though.  Have they said if this is the suspected cause?


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #112 on: October 06, 2013, 02:56:54 PM »

Hi Trey - sorry to disappoint you  ;D

E.Coli was the initial cause but on the second sample they tested E.Coli had gone but there was still significant infection but they couldn't grow anything to find out which it was.

Over this side of the pond it is difficult to get all of these different cultures etc. done quickly unless you pay extra via private healthcare which I haven't got. I will see what the doc says on Tuesday. I didn't think that the lack of good gut flora would cause vomiting as well as diarrhoea unless in the case of C.Diff which when my dad had it caused a lot of pain. I have just felt uncomfy but didn't have those severe spasms you can get with diarrhoea.

It's probably just the sickness bug which seems to be doing the rounds again. Working with four and five year olds doesn't help. I am usually with the older children. I need to boost the immune system I guess. The doc said that now I am off HRT I will notice a difference in my ability to shake off bugs. I haven't told her that I haven't decided whether to stay off or not but on current evidence I think I may very well re-start when I am feeling better!!

Taz x


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #113 on: October 06, 2013, 03:04:57 PM »

Ciprofloxacin had me doubled up in agony with violent diarhhoea. Literally hit me like a ton of bricks. Felt very nauseous for days beforehand. GP encouraged me to persevere as I had nasty chest infection at the time.  We had literally just ordered a carry out at shop & I was hit with the pain. Got back to car & fainted. Got home just in time!

Could be sickness bug Taz, but could also be the cipro.


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #114 on: October 06, 2013, 04:13:48 PM »

Thanks CG but I think I would have had symptoms before now though. I've been taking it for fifteen days now and it hasn't given me any stomach problems. I have had diarrhoea problems with antibiotics before but not coupled with sickness. I was more concerned that it would be the body being depleted of the good bacteria which is what the doc has warned me of - plus the obvious risk of C.Diff although cipro is not one of the bad guys in this respect.



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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #115 on: October 06, 2013, 05:56:02 PM »

Your resistance is probably really low. Being back amongst germ ridden children won't be helping.  I do feel for you Taz. I remember what I was like after pneumonia - caught every blooming virus going.



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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #116 on: October 06, 2013, 06:19:05 PM »

Oh Taz, just when you were feeling a bit better.

Is there a bug going round at school but in saying that there is always bugs going round and your immune system must be low with all the ABs you have been taking.
I hope things settle for you soon tummy wise.




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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #117 on: October 06, 2013, 06:21:26 PM »

Thanks ladies. Yes I caught everything going after pneumonia too and was much younger then!

We had two children off last week with sickness although they weren't actually sick while at school which obviously has a much greater "pass it on" risk.

Taz x  :)


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #118 on: October 06, 2013, 07:21:49 PM »

Taz - so sorry you are still feeling c--p
Good luck with the Dr on Tuesday.
Are you sure about the HRT?


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #119 on: October 08, 2013, 12:30:28 PM »

I saw the doc this morning after another one hour wait - she is so lovely to all of her patients and never rushes anybody so we all build it into our appointment time  ;D

She was pleased to let me know that last weeks sample showed no infection although still traces of blood and leucocytes (sp?)  She is sending me for a ultrasound of the kidneys because I still have the back pain and what I had been putting down to odd IBS pains in my right hand side over the summer she says sounds like kidney pain. There may be a small stone or cyst. If this shows nothing she has asked for me to be referred either back to the gynae to discuss my prolapse (joy) or to the urology for some more kidney tests.

She thinks as I do that the infection had been brewing for some time and this may be the reason why I have felt so tired and down all summer. We will have to wait and see.

I am pleased that the infection seems to have gone but worried that it will come back - especially as there were no specific symptoms until it had got well established. Carry on drinking she said and rest and don't hang on to your urine for any longer than you have to.

I'm not sure about the HRT Limpy. I will see how I feel once I have got over this. Since stopping the cipro the hot sweats have really diminished so maybe it was the infection and the antibiotic which was making them worse.. she says... hopefully  ;D

Taz x  :)
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