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Author Topic: Upper Urinary Tract Infection  (Read 43198 times)


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Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« on: September 10, 2013, 10:51:00 PM »

Anyone else had one of these? A week ago I thought I was getting cystitis and put that down to coming off HRT five weeks ago. I drank lots of water and took paracetamol that morning and it disappeared. However I felt really tired and headachy with a low back ache - sort of stiff rather than back pain and then, on Sunday, I developed a massive bout of shivering. It was really embarrassing as we were out for a meal at the time and I couldn't hold my knife and fork. I went home and turned the fire on high and wrapped myself up on the sofa (after taking some nurofen) and it took about forty minutes for the shivering to stop. As long as I take paracetamol or nurofen every four hours the shivering stays away but if I am even twenty minutes late it starts up. I do find it interesting how the body does this - my hands and toes go totally white while the body tries to raise my core temperature (doc said that at least I know my hypothalmus is doing it's job!).

I went to the docs today and have sent off a sample and she prescribed nitrofurantoin as I can't have the trimethropin she thought would really shift it. It's not nice. I have had to go into work as there is no cover for my job at the moment but if I still feel the same in the morning I might decide to stay home and they will just have to sort it!

Taz x


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2013, 07:05:55 AM »

Sounds nasty Taz. How are you feeling this morning? Work? Their problem, not yours. You are allowed to be ill. I used to be like that, would struggle in to work no matter what.


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2013, 07:43:26 AM »

Sorry to hear about that Taz - it's horrible that shivering feeling you get with a temperature when you can't get warm. I haven't had a urine infection that has gone that far - in the past when I had them, the frequency and burning sent me to the docs before it really got a hold.

Do you think you have succumbed to it because of coming off HRT and it has already made a difference to your tissues - or perhaps just coincidence

Definitely shouldn't go into work if you feel like that and hope you feel better soon!

Hurdity x


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2013, 08:10:09 AM »

How are you today.

Stay at home and look after yourself. You will get better quicker that way.

Hope you are feeling a little better.



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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2013, 08:34:05 AM »

How are you now? You could always obtain some urine test strips and do a basic self test. This would give you an idea of what is going on.
Good luck.


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2013, 09:00:10 AM »

Thanks ladies. I'm not going in today. Had to give in due to high temperature first thing. Have had three of the antibiotics now so hope by tomorrow I will be feeling a bit better.

Hurdity - the strange thing is that with upper urinary tract infection you don't get any pain on passing urine in most cases. I just felt as if I was getting something flu-like for a few days. Achy and a bit shivery with a stiff feeling lower back and just thought it would either "come out" or pass. The shivers are a bit different to the normal shivers you get with a temperature. They are called rigors and one of the signs of this is that during the total shaking your fingers and toes go completely white and numb as the blood is taken into the core of the body. I found it really interesting how it all works - the doc was really great at explaining it all - and as she said "at least you know your hypothalmus is working well"  :)  Rigors show that a bacterial infection is present in the body but obviously doesn't show you where it is. The last time I saw someone with them was my mum when she first picked up MRSA in hospital - it was her constant shaking one morning and inability to hold anything that alerted them to something being wrong even though she didn't feel that ill. It also happened to a work colleague when she was going down with bacterial meningitis. I must admit I was a bit scared when they happened to me!!

Pauline - thanks for the advice. I sent the sample off yesterday and the doc will get in touch if it is the wrong antibiotic for the infection but I might get some strips for testing once I have finished the antibiotics to check that all is back to normal.

On a funny note when I first got up and came downstairs I had that horrible just-about-to-pass-out feeling (prob due to the high temperature) and I ended up sort of lying on the kitchen floor until the feeling passed. My cat thought this was wonderful and made a right fuss of me before sitting on my shoulders and settling down for a snooze!

Taz x



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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2013, 09:24:09 AM »

Taz you are very brave any of this would set my health anxiety off big time.

Keep your mobile close.


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2013, 09:39:39 AM »

I agree with SL, you are very brave about this. I hope you are tucked up in bed all cosy.
I don't know about a day off work, more like a good few days to get totally better.

Hope you improve as the day goes on.



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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2013, 09:44:07 AM »

I don't feel brave - I'm just getting on with it. The doc did say that as I was 59 this was good as over 60's should really be referred to hospital to make sure that the antibiotic was working quickly and to rule out anything else - that really cheered me up!!! She's the same age as me so understands.

I am a dreadful patient and hate being ill. Nobody likes being ill obviously but I do make it quite difficult for people to look after me and then, when I am feeling worse, I moan that nobody cares.. apparently!  ;D

I will be ok as long as the antibiotic begins to work tomorrow - if it doesn't I will then be sure that I have got something totally different and will be working on a funeral plan!

Taz x


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2013, 10:17:13 AM »

Hope the antibiotics start to work soon Taz and you start to feel better :foryou:

Katy x


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2013, 10:35:26 AM »

Hope you're feeling better soon. My thoughts are take rest of the week off. If you are so bad that you think you're likely to pass out, you need to rest. Body's way of telling you, you need to be horizontal not upright.  :hug:


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2013, 12:13:31 PM »

Hope the AB's soon kick in and you start to feel a bit better Taz  :foryou:


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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2013, 12:46:28 PM »

These bugs kind of creep up  >:(  .......... so we often don't know if we are 'in for something', whether it's 'the weather' or imagination  ::).

Hopefully the ABs will kick in by morning and you will begin to feel better.  Don't go to work, you may well pick up something else as your immune system is low or you will pass it on  ::)



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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2013, 02:47:48 PM »

Don't think you can pass this kind of infection on CLKD, but I do agree about picking something else up. Kids are germy little people.   ::)



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Re: Upper Urinary Tract Infection
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2013, 03:37:23 PM »

Well Taz got it from somewhere/one  ::)
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