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Author Topic: dizziness  (Read 6611 times)


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« on: September 09, 2013, 11:40:06 AM »

Hi I'm 51 and I went to the doctors the other day, because I'm feeling really tired and worn out all the time.  Also, I get episodes of dizziness/unable to concentrate.  My legs and joints ache from time to time and  I also feel cold a lot, even when it's hot and I seem to be a little anxious at times; not confident like a used to be.
The doctor says you don't usually get dizzy with menopause, so has anyone else had these symptoms?


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Re: dizziness
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2013, 12:53:23 PM »

Hi silver

I've got most of those symptoms you describe, all came around the same time and yes all related to menopause. I dont think docs know the half of it!!

Did your gp offer tests to check those symptoms aren't something else? I had blood tests for the joint aches to check for rheumatic conditions, thyroid checks for constant tiredness and various meds incase the dizzies were menieres disease asi had tinnitus as well. Nothing worked and eventually accepted it was hormones. The dizziness gets better as the day goes on and by evening is practically gone but back first thing next day.  A number of other ladies here have also mentioned it as yet another meno symptom so rest assured your not alone.

There are prescribed meds you could try, sorry cant remember what they are but ask your gp if he'll prescribe something for you.  Hrt doesn't seem to help the dizzies, at least not for me. Hope you get some relief soon silver and i'd get back to the gp if i were you and see if he can prescribe something for you to at least try.

Delilah x


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Re: dizziness
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2013, 01:08:41 PM »

Hi Silver,
Sorry to hear about your symptoms. I'm also experiencing episodes of dizziness and light headedness.... and I am feeling very anxious too. Not sure if its related to menopause or if its just a symptom of general anxiety as Im awaiting some medical results and getting a bit stressed out over them.
If the situation doesn't resolve itself soon ill be seeing my GP  as im getting fearful of passing out in public or when driving which adds to the anxiety ......and around in circles we go !!
Hope you feel better soon
Debs xx

Suzi Q

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Re: dizziness
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2013, 01:36:42 PM »

Dizzies are one of the least kown sides to Premeno and meno
I suffered for 9mnths was dreeadful day after day kowne thought to take a btest I was only 37
I went to hospital had brain scans MRI the lot nothng they decided either meniers or sinus
Went o Chiro got loads of releife and GP gave me 10m stemital heped imensly it did go took about 2 years (sorry)
I also got a ringing in my ears buzzy sound that was the trigher but my dizzie was every day from June to April when I finally went in to hospital for Scans by June it had eased with chiro and just for the next  year or so just an odd atk
Taken care of asap with stemital I did give up all dairy and red meat dont know if it helped but I lost weight
Your normal OK but get some stemital to help ease off fatty greacy foods too and please dont freak out it makes it worse

ancient runner

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Re: dizziness
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2013, 01:48:58 PM »

Thyroid? Just looked at the symptoms as I think husband might poss have problem (eyebrows have mostly disappeared for years now, from the outer edges). Dizziness v common. Hypothyroidism most common in women in 40s-60s.


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Re: dizziness
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2013, 03:18:12 PM »

Thank you ladies for all your replies.  At least I know I'm not alone.  That's the most worrying think, thinking your the only one that's going mad  :o


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Re: dizziness
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2013, 07:57:26 PM »

thats very interesting , i didnt realise , you got the whole dizziness , with it . but i did have a spell , of this last year , which was very scarey , fingers crossed , i havent had it since though  ;)


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Re: dizziness
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2013, 08:29:37 PM »

Yes, dizziness is a nuisance symptom. It does mostly improve with HRT.


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Re: dizziness
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2013, 09:20:29 PM »

I had dizziness for about a year or so. The doctor's advice 'stand up more slowly'! Helpful - not! HRT did not make a difference. It eventually went on its own.



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Re: dizziness
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2013, 09:51:27 PM »

I was an advisor for a thyoid advice charity and I would be recommending that your Dr tests our thyroid function as peri meno time is a very common time for women to suddenly develop an underactive thyroid.
I hope he is already doing bloods and if he sent you away without arranging any then I would be straight back to ask if your thyroid was okay hint hint!