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Author Topic: Starflower oil and Night sweats  (Read 6859 times)


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Starflower oil and Night sweats
« on: September 05, 2013, 04:22:39 PM »

I read on the general discussion (How do you cope with hot flushes) that Starflower Oil is supposed to help with hot flushes. Have tried it 1000mg for a month now to no avail.
Around 11pm every night I start to get hot  Lasts about 5 or 10 minutes - all over my body. I wake 3 or 4 times in the night - sometimes so hot I'm dripping. It generally lasts till about 9am and then I'm mostly OK during the day.  When we had that really hot weather in July I thought I was going to melt
I don't take any medication apart from loratadine at this time of year for hay fever.
I know there must be discussions about this on here but can't find them
Does anyone have an ideas apart from HRT


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Re: Starflower oil and Night sweats
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2013, 06:11:21 PM »

I have come off HRT and the night sweats are back.

Sorry there is no other answer apart from HRT. I really wish there was something else that would help but really there is not.

You have to decide what you can cope with and what you are prepared to tolerate.
I am hoping mine will settle as not sleeping is very tiring.



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Re: Starflower oil and Night sweats
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2013, 06:22:13 PM »

I can't take HRT and have had flushes and sweats for about 7 years now. I also am worse at night and sleep disruption can be very hard to cope with. I think most remedies promise much but perform little. It seems we just have to ride it out and hope every flush or sweat will be the last!!!!


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Re: Starflower oil and Night sweats
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2013, 09:19:06 PM »

I take Evening Primrose and Starflower oil combined and do find it helps, but I have been taking it for over a year. Maybe it works better for some than others. I do hope you find something that will help you xx


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Re: Starflower oil and Night sweats
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2013, 07:49:56 AM »

Thanks for your kind replies. Sitting here at 8.45am and just having my last morning sweat!!!  What amazes me is that they follow the same pattern everyday. I'll probably be OK now till around 11 this evening. Might give the Evening Primrose Oil a go. I was vary anti HRT at one point but am getting so tired that have seriously considered it recently. Now I read that slim women are more at risk on HRT from something or other (typical can't remember what it was) I'm not exactly skinny but fairly trim now ( have shed over 14lbs in the last year). Can't win  :(.
Looking forward to the winter for the first time in my life and hoping it will be COLD at night
Will let you know how I get on with the EPO


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Re: Starflower oil and Night sweats
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2013, 12:02:42 PM »

It was a small study on breast cancer in women using HRT annieb. It was always thought that overweight women were more at risk but what it seemed to say was that slim women could be at risk. It was all to do with the fat content of the breast I think so you could be slim with dense breasts and be at risk. This research was in very early stages though so there is nowhere enough evidence to actually say it does put slim women more at risk. I'm really pleased that you have sweat-free days at the moment - long may it continue!

A big well done on losing a stone in the past year!  :)



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Re: Starflower oil and Night sweats
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2013, 02:56:13 PM »

Thanks Taz. Do feel quite proud of myself - was somewhat motivated when hubby went on a health kick and lost a lot of weight (he did need to !) and his weight was coming down as mine was going up!!! Got to the point where I thought I'd end up weighing more than him!!!! I've still got the belly roll though even though I'm down to just over 10 stone which I think is OK for someone whose 5 ft 10 in. Think I might be stuck with that without some serious effort  :(
Mind you all this sweating means I'm probably loosing pounds overnight  ;D