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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding  (Read 14562 times)


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Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« on: September 08, 2013, 02:06:25 PM »

Hi ladies,

It's been a while since I last posted but could do with some advice from anyone with some insight on this.

GP put me on Evorel Conti 2 weeks ago after I decided the bleeds I was getting on Estradot 50 + Utrogestan 200mg were becoming too awful to face every month (I was losing time off work, etc).

I was delighted to hear this was a no-bleed HRT and was prepared from some spotting/breakthrough bleeding at the start of this new treatment. However, I started bleeding 2 days ago and it is as bad as ever - really heavy and painful. I am thoroughly fed up and look dreadful. I have been away on holiday for the last 2 weeks and am due back at work tomorrow. All the benefits of 2 weeks in the sun have gone and I feel wretched.

Is this normal and how long should I persevere with this? I'm 53 and with the exception of the heavy bleeding I get on HRT, love it and don't know how I could get through the menopause without it.

Apologies if there are numerous threads on this subject already - I had a quick skim through and couldn't find anything.


Mags x   


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Re: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2013, 04:36:21 PM »

It took fully six months for me to stop bleeding. It was never as heavy as you describe but we are all different. After that I was fine but obviously you can't put up with such a heavy bleed for too long.
I would go with it for a week or so to see if if settles a bit before you decide to try something different.
It is very common to take a good few months to settle onto a conti regime.



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Re: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2013, 04:58:56 PM »

I only had a very light bleed when I started Evoril conti and none for about 18 months now, so I guess we are all different!!!


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Re: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2013, 05:46:54 PM »

I only had light bleeds also Mags and it only lasted for a couple of months. The nurse at the clinic did say it could last for 6 months but no longer. x


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Re: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2013, 06:30:29 PM »

Hi Maggie

I am on Evorel Conti.
My doctor had warned they could cause spotting / bleeding.....


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Re: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2013, 10:18:00 PM »

Hi MaggieM

I was wondering whether you were post-meno because you were on a cyclical HRT, or maybe you don't know if you started the HRT some time ago?

Usually if you are not post-meno then you would expect some bleeding on a no bleed HRT, but if you are post-meno then as others have said it can take some time for the bleeding to stop.

However as you had heavy bleeds on the cyclical HRT I would have thought it is either due to your own cycle or maybe something else is causing the heavy bleeding eg a fibroid or something? Did the GP check for that? Once I was post-meno I had virtually no bleeds on cyclical HRT and then none on conti HRT - but of course we are all different!

Mostly if post-meno you would not expect heavy bleeding on that regime as 50 mcg is not a high oestrogen dose, if there is nothing else going on. Did you have heavy bleeds when still having periods or just before you started the HRT?

Sorry to hear it's still painful and heavy and hope you get some relief soon.

Hurdity x



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Re: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2013, 07:53:11 PM »

Hi ladies,
Thanks for all your replies - Hurdity, don't know if I'm post meno or not but at 53, I guess I probably am? I've been on various forms of sequential HRT for the past 5 years and before that, my periods were erratic (usually about one every 3 months or so). I had an ovary removed about 8 years ago, don't know if that's got anything to do with it.  Strange thing is, when I was having normal periods pre meno, they were perfectly normal. It's only when I became peri menopausal and then went on HRT that the horrendous bleeds started. I've never been checked out for fibroids but when I had a scan 8 years ago just before I had an ovarian cyst removed (and subsequently the ovary too), the nurse at the clinic told me there were fibroids present.

I stupidly thought "no bleed HRT" meant just that so imagine my delight when I started bleeding - heavily - 3 days ago after having just been on my new treatment for 2 weeks.
Oh well, I'll persevere for a week or so and see how it goes. It's still really heavy today but I've got more energy than I had over the w/end and haven't had any stomach cramps so perhaps things are settling down a bit. It's certainly no worse than when I was on sequential HRT.

Menopause and getting old is no fun  >:(       

Mags x


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Re: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2014, 04:55:41 PM »

I wonder if anyone can give me some advice please?  I'm 49 and started taking combined hrt tablets 4 years ago.  Did the job-got rid on night sweats and hot flushes.  Unfortunately also got rid of my libido completely.  Kept trying to talk to GP about it and finally a male GP referred me to gynae.  This was a year ago - I decided to go private to see specialist GP for menopause.  She gave me liverol(?) and things perked up a little.  After 6 weeks night sweats came back though.  Saw her 3 months later-she suggested I stay with it for 3 more months then try evorel contti patches if still a problem.  It was so I did.  Great.  Sweats stopped.  Then 2 months in I've started getting some spotting- never had this with liverol ( though had regular bleeds on first tablets as planned).  I read that this is quite common, someone suggested cutting a quarter off the patch to see if that helps, but I don't understand why it might.  Does anyone know?  Sadly, libido still dormant.  Thinking of purchasing testosterone cream on internet from Australia as I know it's not licensed here.  Has anyone else tried this also?  Many thanks for your help.


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Re: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2014, 09:49:41 AM »

Hi Lewis - I've only just noticed your post - sorry that you have not had a reply earlier.

I think that if you cut some of your patch you will also be cutting the oestrogen content which will bring back your flushes and sweats. It is common to get spotting for the first six months or so of a conti regime so I would stick with it for a while.

I know what you mean about the libido. It is such a difficult thing to accept - especially as you are relatively young. Do you also have lack of sexual response? Testosterone is prescribed here by private consultants and I think this would be safer than just ordering from the internet as the dose does need to be carefully managed.

Perhaps you would like to introduce yourself under new members - others will want to welcome you and it is easy for posts to get missed in threads. I am sure someone will be along with more technical advice as to what you should do re HRT.

Taz  :welcomemm:


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Re: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2014, 07:56:18 PM »

Hi Taz and thank you for your reply.  How do I introduce myself as new member?  Sounds like it would be a helpful thing to do.  I will look and see if I can find a private consultant who might discuss testosterone with me - the private GP wouldn't hear of it.
Thank you again.


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Re: Evorel Conti patches and bleeding
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2014, 08:01:13 PM »

There is a new members thread under General Discussion.  There are others on here who have been prescribed testosterone I am sure.

Taz x