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Author Topic: appointment here at last!  (Read 1801 times)


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appointment here at last!
« on: September 11, 2013, 05:56:14 PM »

Well over 6 weeks since  my very brief episode of post- menopausal spotting on 1st August , my gyne appointment is tomorrow and hopefully I'll know the worst!
Due to my GP not explaining ( and me not asking enough questions) I am not 100% certain what type of ovarian cyst I have. I am aware that it is large(8cm) and the sonographer told me ( and GP sort of confirmed) fluid- filled so I am hoping/ assuming  it is a simple cyst as at no time has anyone mentioned it being complex in any way.

I am unaware of my CA blood test results ( test taken a week ago) as I felt it would be best to have these explained to me by the gynae as I have been googling like mad . jumping to conclusions and worrying myself sick ( and if im honest  im also scared to ring for them).
I am disgusted with myself for being so pathetic, particularly as im usually such an assertive and confident person….. this whole matter has turned me in to a quivering wreck and I don't think I have ever been so frightened or stressed as I have been over the last few weeks -  god knows how I will be when it comes to my appointment tomorrow afternoon!
 I know that nothing is conclusive until the cyst is removed and tested but I am praying that I will be given an indication that all is well as im not sure I can cope with any more uncertainty not to mention  bad news!- I just want my happy life back and to think of something else (rather than me me me) for a change!
I am grateful for all of the advice that you have all given to me….….and for answering my some of my ridiculous questions! Im afraid that there are likely to be more but it has been a great comfort to have you all there to confide in .
Thanks ladies xx


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Re: appointment here at last!
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2013, 07:45:41 PM »

good luck Debil with your surgery, do hope all goes well for you.


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Re: appointment here at last!
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2013, 07:40:33 AM »

Thanks Pansy.
boods all came back normal and I have a simple cyst which is believed to be benign which is huge relief . I am scheduled for removal of both ovaries by laparoscopy on 1st Oct. I asked about hysterectomy but Gynae said she did not feel it was necessary as uterus looked very healthy but was getting 2nd opinion from gynae/ onc as still not identified cause of spotting that caused all of this and she wanted to be certain that cyst could be aspirated ....if turns out I need laparotomy they will take uterus as well.
She also said as I have gone thro menopause I shouldn't get any further symptons from removal of ovaries.
As others on here have said....the waiting is the worst . All of the other  symptons I.e dizziness,nausea, aches and pains have disappeared but still have stabbing pains . In abdomen from time to time but gynae said the are not due to cyst!!?
Have pre- op on Monday and although not out of thhe woods yet as won't get the all clear until after the op, the relief is immense !
I think should even be fine to fly to Spain on 19th.?
Is anyone else who has had same procedure able to advise on recovery times  and hormonal changes ?
Debs x
