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Author Topic: large ovarian cyst post menopause  (Read 7583 times)


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large ovarian cyst post menopause
« on: August 27, 2013, 09:39:34 PM »

I am 50, no periods for 18 months, spotting 4 weeks ago. Blood tests and swabs back ok and had an abdominal ultrasound today and was diagnosed with 8cm cyst on left ovary. Sonnographer said no cause for worry as was fluid filled and highly likely to be benign. I have been referred back to my GP.

I am really very scared and worried , don't know what to expect next. I realise  8 cm is very large and being post menopausal not likely to disappear on own accord although sonnographer seemed to think this was a possibility.
Have any if you ladies been through anything similar? Can find plenty off advice for periods and pre menopausal cysts but not a lot for post menopausal women
Thanks for your support, in a bit if a state right now!
Debs x


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Re: large ovarian cyst post menopause
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2013, 07:52:49 AM »

Hi Debil - sorry you are experiencing this worrying time. Is this info of use

If you google post menopausal ovarian cysts it brings up more information.

Taz  :hug:


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Re: large ovarian cyst post menopause
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2013, 09:26:45 AM »

Hi Taz,
Thankyou for your support , it is very much appreciated. I spent most of last night awake and reading through the posts on here and what a lovely supportive forum this is....When my worries are over (hopefully) ,I plan to use my experience to offer some comfort and support to others and not just disappear!!
The link is  very interesting , somewhat comforting and in line with what i've read elsewhere.
Although the sonographer told me that mine is a simple fluid filled cyst ,it seems that because it is 8cm I will have to have it removed.
An operation doesn't worry me so much as I had a larger cyst than this removed 18 years ago by laparoscopy ( although the timing isn't great as my Deputy manager at work is currently recovering from a hysterectomy, so juggling time off would be difficult!!) However after reading everything that can potentially go wrong with all of our womanly bits, I am thinking I would like a total hysterectomy- ovaries and cervix an' all!!
As you can guess, what I am most concerned about is the possibility of  cancer , and I cant rest until this has been ruled out completely. I have rung my GP this morning for an appointment to discuss the scan and blood test results only to be told that I have to wait another week until the hospital send the results back,....... and its the waiting that I find the hardest!!
 Now it is diagnosed I realise the bloating,dragging sensation in my pelvis, feeling of not quite emptying bowels and lower back ache may all be attributed to the cysyt...ive had these symptoms for a while but they have never really bothered me......BTW I went to GP 18 months ago with these symptons and he told me it was gas, prescribed medication and it went away !!
  My left side is quite painful this morning , but im also getting throbbing in my right side and lower back- could be imagining it but the sonographer did prod and press a lot yesterday.
 Anyway does anyone know if the spotting that I had a month ago is related or do I still need to get to the bottom of why that happened?
Sorry to rant....many questions and not many answers at present.
Thanks again
Debs x


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Re: large ovarian cyst post menopause
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 06:59:48 PM »

Hi from one Debs to another ;)
I was not post meno but peri meno when I got my 5cms fluid filled ovarian cyst.
I got appt with gyny via GP and they did a pelvic mri scan to be sure it was a simple cyst and nothing nasty plus I had the CA125 test as well. 
The result was a simple fluid filled cyst and they said to moniter every 3 months and the cause, in my case was  being oestrogen dominent. I also had constant spotting and bleeding.
I cannot use hrt but I did consult a private Dr about natural progesterone therapy and he was adamant that if I used it the cyst would go in 6 weeks- to say I was sceptical is an understatement but amazingly he was right.
I am NOT saying that your cyst is due to hormone imbalance or that you should consider any homone treatment in any form but just to let you know that fluid cysts if they are not too large can go on their own as you wondered.
Given how big yours is they might want to remove it but they probably will want to do the tests I had before.
Good luck with it all.


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Re: large ovarian cyst post menopause
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2013, 07:59:52 AM »

Hi Debs,
Thank you for your response. My scan reports are back at the go .I rang to make an appointment and asked for the results to be read to me.....
The only bit of the info that I took in was that the cyst is 8.9cm and that referral to gynae is recommended. I have made appointment with GP as I am getting some pain in back and lower abdomen.i visit the dr tomorrow to discuss further.
When I first visited GP with spotting a month ago he ordered swabs and blood tests which all came back ok, but I'm not sure if a CA125 was included.....I was assuming so but now panicking that this might not have been done.
However I hope I'm going to get some answers tomorrow !
I'm glad all went well for you . It is reassuring to hear that it's not always necessary for surgery, however I think I will have to have the cyst removed due to its size!
Debs x