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Author Topic: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause  (Read 39382 times)


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Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« on: August 26, 2013, 06:55:56 PM »

This is a bitter yet progressive recent account in my life. Perhaps I should introduce myself first. My name is Annie and I am 51 yrs of age, in full blown menopause.

Last week I was advised by my spouse that we could no longer be in our marriage because I was out of control and was no longer myself. This is true, I have become an emotional basket-case and angry and in a darkness deep inside. There weird part is outside of menopause I am a very happy person full of vitality and my spirituality is full of life. Not in the last 2 years, however.

My spouse had tried several times in the last couple of years to talk to me about the changes that were being seen in me, those words pretty much fell on deaf ears. I became outraged with defense and felt like noone was understanding my position in life. I even resorted to wine, hoping that would mask what I was going through, just the opposite happened, I became WORSE! 

When someone tells you they have cancer, all arms and love are there to support you, when someone tells you they are losing their quality of life because of menopause, the typical and normal response is.. oh you have mid life crisis, you're going to be batty for while without any support of loving arms to help ease the terrible times and which is usually followed up with a laugh in your face because you are in menopause as it's some universal joke that you missed out on. This is NO joke!!

I have entered a life of hell and anguish and I have not been able to see a light at the end of ANY tunnel for 2 years now. I am a cervical cancer survivor of 12 years now and that was easier to go through then what I am presently facing. Go figure!!

I was able to get on hormones after about a year of psychotic behavior until I received a call from my specialist stating I would have to get off the HRT's NOW because I was a high risk patient for reoccurring cancer. For those 2 months I was on HRT's, I was happy again, I had a life again, I saw me again. Shortly after I "listened" to my Doctor and removed myself from the HRT's, I was back to being batsh*t crazy, and it's been like that ever since.

Last week was a HUGE eye opener for me with one of the biggest jolts in my life hearing my spouse tell me that we could no longer go on like this and our relationship was done. I resorted to begging, losing all my dignity that I ever had developed in life, begging that I get ONE more chance to make myself right and ok. That also fell on deaf ears, not because of a lack of trying on my spouses part, because I have turned my spouse into a crazy person because of me and my emotional trauma with menopause.

Perhaps there is a little light at the beginning/end of this story....I will explain.... As I mentioned earlier, I have always been a very spiritual person, seeing the good in everyone, being a magical person in life, seeing life with plenty of vitality, losing this to emotional downfalls due to menopause has really created a dark place in my life. The "jolt" I received from my spouse was JUST enough to open my eyes a bit bigger than what they have been for a couple of years to do something about this.

I called a therapist right away before I allowed my emotional breakdown from the news of I was no longer in my relationship with my spouse which honestly broke my heart MORE than I could ever find words to describe. I knew that if I did not go speak to someone immediately I was going to find myself in a worse situation possibly including suicide. All I could think of was there is no more to live for, I love my spouse deeply and to be honest, I cannot see me living without my spouse. What would be the point!

I did go talk to a therapist and cried until I thought I was going to die, which in my mind would have been a better thing to have happen than what I was facing. In a single instance while talking to my therapist I decided that I was so much bigger then this.. I am a survivor, I would fight the fight!! I got home and that whole entire evening I read story after story of women who have encountered the same situation due to menopause. I was appalled to read all these stories of beautiful marriages and relationships going to waste because of menopause and the lack of proper medical attention that should be applied to help us. I got angry, and the more I got angry the more I wanted to "GET EVEN" with menopause.

It's been less than a week since I got the news of my relationship being over and I have made several strides for myself. This is NOT easy, this IS scary!! I have the handle of a shield in my hand going to battle working towards creating a whole shield and then perhaps even a sword. Right now, today, the handle is going to have to work. I just want to take a quick moment out of my story to say to you all who may read this, if you EVER want to get back at menopause for creating havoc in your life, read these gross emotional stories of women who have lost great loves in their lives, as well as friendships because of the emotional changes due to menopause... it IS real!!

I learned that some people are not affected from menopause as some other women are, some go through it with a hot flash here and there, and sometimes perhaps a little disruption in their day. Some of us go on full tilt and lose everything we have ever known to be okay within ourselves. If you don't think that happens, read, read, read all the stories out there on the net.

After I was able to find that "proper" anger inside of me... I took action!!!!!! I started looking for a community that I could relate to ( forums such as this site) I started looking for information about menopause with previous cancer patients, I started a research that would make researches on a daily basis jealous. I complied information that we have not been told ALL the truth about hormone replacements in the medical society and that we have had to go through these stages unnecessarily so. ( insert more anger here)!!

This brings me up to date, as of today...In my preparedness to go into battle, I knew I would have to do more than just have some knowledge about menopause. I would have to work on other areas of myself too... First being my spiritual side.. I had to get myself back on that path again no matter what!
I started to search for a spiritual center in my area ( rural area that is lacking in resources that a larger city would have) and find a place I could identify with others and build off of them for awhile until I was able to give back. Right now, it's about ME! Later I will be able to give back in ways perhaps I was not even able to give before menopause came about in my life.

Yesterday, I went to the spiritual center, so, it wasn't what I had expected.. so much for expectations, but I was not willing to lay down the handle of my shield yet. I still have a strong grip on this handle and will use it. I knew of a lady I had met a few years ago that was informed of spiritual centers and or other people around the area that would be able to direct me to my next phase. It was a stretch to seek her out, but I had to try. I went to the Sunday farmers market thinking I might run into her there. Again, it was a stretch, however, my mission was much greater than being defeated in my battle. I am happy to announce I DID find her and was able to get directed where to go next. I was beaming inside, I had made a HUGE stride and conquered that moment over menopause.

On the way out from leaving the Sunday Farmers Market, I saw a group of beautiful sunflowers just smiling at me as though they were saying, you did it girl, you made it! I walked over to them to smell them and touch them, I had a need. I asked the lady how much are they, she said.. 10.00 dollars. I had EXACTLY a 10.00 dollar bill on me and I bought those lovely little bundles of joy. As I was walking back to my car, this lady out of nowhere looked at me and said.. you deserve those today. I stopped, looked at her and smiled and replied with, " you are so right, I DO deserve these today"! I felt joy in my heart once again, I remembered that old friend joyful heart and it felt good to feel it once more!!

I do wish to add, I have also made an appointment with a woman Naturopath to help me find a way to regulate my hormones. I am checking into bioindentical hormones, I have been reading up on them for 2 days straight now, and from I am reading, pro's and con's I am not seeing where I could not take these. I am also now walking everyday, taking vitamins and B12 to help me until I can do something different. I only know what to do at the moment until I know differently. :)

This is my story to date, it's long, it's hard, it's scary as heck..I still have moments of emotional distraught, however, I refuse mentally and emotionally to allow menopause to rule my life any longer. I do wish to say and I hope this does not fall on deaf ears.. More than anything, my marriage, my friendships, my family, I HAVE TO DO THIS FOR ME FIRST, EVERYTHING ELSE IS SECONDARY!!!!

Please feel free to share your comments with me, I would be thrilled to have people who know and understand what I have and presently going through discuss it all with me.

In love of other women out there,




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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2013, 07:34:13 PM »

have a ((hug)) annie . you sound like you need it . like you say , some women , do suffer , more than others , its  a long journey , which you start off . wondering , how you are going to, deal with it , the changes are , a shock at first , take each day , at a time . im sorry your husband , wasnt strong enough too , cope . but lets face it . he wasnt going through , it you were  :'( its early days , i do hope he , takes time too , think , how you must be feeling . men i dont think , have a clue , do they , what us ladies go through  ::)have you tried , evening primrose , i take them , i feel , they work for me .the other ladies , no doubt , will be along in , a little while , with some advice and support ,keep your chin up my friend x


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2013, 09:45:21 PM »

My heart goes out to you. My marriage almost broke down due to issues caused by meno symptoms. Lucky for us after treatment we stayed together.
I hope you find peace and that one day you and your husband will reunite


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 12:40:08 AM »

Oh Annie, I have been sitting looking at this forum and feeling numb. Then I read your letter and it has made me say "yes" to the spiritual side of me. I have just spent a night with cystitis and feel washed out. My husband doesn't understand as I have been on HRT and seemed fine, if you don't count the gall bladder problems that almost killed me and no one thought of putting two and two together and realizing it was HRT that probably did it. I now have vaginal atrophy but can't take the extra estragon and so on it goes. My husband and I are miles apart and I don't think it will end well. However, I won't let this beat me as your story has reminded me that I've been through a lot of things and come out the other side. I know spirit is there for me as it always has in the past. Thank you, Annie for being my angel today. 


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2013, 03:39:43 AM »

have a ((hug)) annie . you sound like you need it . like you say , some women , do suffer , more than others , its  a long journey , which you start off . wondering , how you are going to, deal with it , the changes are , a shock at first , take each day , at a time . im sorry your husband , wasnt strong enough too , cope . but lets face it . he wasnt going through , it you were  :'( its early days , i do hope he , takes time too , think , how you must be feeling . men i dont think , have a clue , do they , what us ladies go through  ::)have you tried , evening primrose , i take them , i feel , they work for me .the other ladies , no doubt , will be along in , a little while , with some advice and support ,keep your chin up my friend x

Thank you so very much for a warm hug, we don't realize how important those are until they are missing from our daily life. I have not tried evening primrose as I am hoping the Naturopath I am going to see will help me before I resort to herbs and whatnot without knowing how much or what I am taking. ( cross your fingers) :) My chin is up, held up by hope, hope is what helps me each moment right now, minute to minute sometimes! Thank you for responding and more than that, reading, my rather long winded post, it sure helps to know no matter where on the globe we all might be, we are not alone :)


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2013, 03:42:23 AM »

My heart goes out to you. My marriage almost broke down due to issues caused by meno symptoms. Lucky for us after treatment we stayed together.
I hope you find peace and that one day you and your husband will reunite

I cannot begin to tell you how HAPPY I am that you were able to keep your marriage alive and well. I only hope one day to say, this whole "breakup" was just a bad dream and I woke up from a nightmare and everything is okay! Hope is all I have besides my battle against menopause having any more control over me! :) xx


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2013, 03:55:31 AM »

Oh Annie, I have been sitting looking at this forum and feeling numb. Then I read your letter and it has made me say "yes" to the spiritual side of me. I have just spent a night with cystitis and feel washed out. My husband doesn't understand as I have been on HRT and seemed fine, if you don't count the gall bladder problems that almost killed me and no one thought of putting two and two together and realizing it was HRT that probably did it. I now have vaginal atrophy but can't take the extra estragon and so on it goes. My husband and I are miles apart and I don't think it will end well. However, I won't let this beat me as your story has reminded me that I've been through a lot of things and come out the other side. I know spirit is there for me as it always has in the past. Thank you, Annie for being my angel today.

"YES" is the best answer any one of us could possibly give ourselves when it comes to something that could be much better for us than what we presently go through. I am so very sorry to hear about not only the emotional anguish you are facing, also the physical side of it. Sounds like you could use a good friend and a great shoulder. Me too,  Rose!! I'm there with you, if anyone understands, I can honestly say.. I completely, 200% understand. I would like to remind you of something a person I know in my life reminded me of... We have made it this far, through many hoops, many ups and downs, we have survived situations that most people would look at and run to the hills to hide. WE, ROSE, ARE SURVIVORS! :) I have been trying to really focus on the things in my life that have made me happy, that have made me smile, those precious moments in my life that really stood out over any and all of the less happy moments. It's hard to do that when you feel like you are at a loss. It's not easy, however, it IS doable.

I don't know how my appointment with the Naturopath is going to turn out, time will tell... I would be more than happy to keep you informed that maybe, just maybe there can be some light in at the beginning/end of your tunnel too. :) Isn't it funny how we have found our way to sites like this looking for a string to hold on to that we may find comfort in others who understand, a sisterhood I suppose. Yet, in our search, here we are, supporting another and feeling rather okay inside about doing so because you REALLY want to! Rose, you already got your spiritual path underway ( big smiles to you)! I do too!! We are going to be okay, Rose! :) XX


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2013, 07:42:43 AM »

Annieh what a story, you have inspired me to get to grips with this thing.....the thing that most dr's ignore! even though my joints ache like hell I still push myself to ride my bike 15 miles everyday and yesterday went out twice so 30 miles!!!! I was chuffed with myself! I will get rid of this fat that has surrounded my hips/tummy and I will get in touch with the person I USED to be!
Thanks and hugs xxx


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2013, 10:43:48 AM »

Annie, that is quite a story.
I am so sorry that your marriage has suffered so much through this and hope that you find happiness and peace.I am so scared that I lose my partner to this, not sure how much more he can take, we are  hanging by a thread at the minute.

I am looking for the same, I don't want much, happy and healthy is what would make me complete.
Healthy at the moment, happy I am not.
I hope your relationship can heal, wishing you all the very best.


Suzi Q

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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2013, 01:27:23 PM »

The same thing happened to my cousin in 2004 married 25 years
He just said he couldnt live with ehr anhymore and left she suicided thnkfully it was just a cry
But it made no odds he left and he wasnt a bad man just a weak one
Me and Bobbles nearly went the same way  but I flew him first he came running back to me I was lucky
I never took HRT I couldnt like you BUT I cold take the MINI PILL that and Ovestin at the time worked wonders
PLus ant depressants
Im so sorry that your marriage is ended nothing anyone can say I too wanted to die when Geoffrwey said I dont like you I dont know even if I love you anymore but I dealt with it in rage anger told him to F o
What ever help you feel is good take it and dont blame yourself in anyway it is not your fault OK hugs Suzi Q


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2013, 01:47:28 PM »

I had to learn to listen to DH.  I have obsessive behaviour and have, many times, run close to the wind.  Now when he speaks I listen.  It has taken 32 years  ::).

Maybe your relationship was 'down' anyway, before you went into menopause?  But you were closing your eyes to any problems?  At least your husband made his point.  Firmly.  Sometimes men can't deal with women if they change: this is true with cancer sufferers too, some are non-supportive, some men get scared, some are unable to understand why a woman alters when she has been through trauma.

You may find that going the 'natural' way will be of no help at all.  Your body may require a pharmaceutical route ......... drugs that have been tried and tested and found to 'work', not for all of us but many ladies do get an easing of various symptoms by prescription medication.  The whole journey can be Trial and Error  :-\

Although we can love someone we do not have to like what they do or say ;-)


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2013, 08:36:43 PM »

Hi Annie, I live in Australia so my replies are later than others. Anyway, I thought about your original letter all day and was very comforted by it. I know it's heartbreaking for you to have someone you trusted, to walk away when you most need them but spirit works in wonderful ways, so something good will eventually happen. I am a spiritual counsellor along with being a 'normal' one so I look for signs that guide me and your letter inspired me not to lie down and take this. Have spent another terrible night with cystitis but I know that something will turn up. Please keep me informed about your naturopath or any other things that come to mind. YES we women on here are all survivors  :) and strong at that! Hope you have a great day and keep looking for the positive signs!


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2013, 09:34:00 PM »

I believe "everything happens for a reason" it may not be obvious at the time....but it will be at some point.

Suzi Q

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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2013, 12:03:07 AM »

SORRY ANNE I DONT life is just that life
we makew our own way though it
i dont beleive rapes murders baby killers none of that can possibly for a reason?
If it was whats the point of living?


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Re: Loss of my marriage due to Menopause
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2013, 01:45:17 AM »

Annieh what a story, you have inspired me to get to grips with this thing.....the thing that most dr's ignore! even though my joints ache like hell I still push myself to ride my bike 15 miles everyday and yesterday went out twice so 30 miles!!!! I was chuffed with myself! I will get rid of this fat that has surrounded my hips/tummy and I will get in touch with the person I USED to be!
Thanks and hugs xxx

I am so glad you have felt inspired!!! 30 mile bike ride in one day, that is really something to be smiling about! I think I would have passed out at the mere thought of 30 miles. lol OMG I know exactly what you mean about the midline bulge, I have a new added spare tire on my midline and it's not anything that was welcomed, that's for sure. ha!

For now, I am living each and every moment as it comes to me.. sometimes minute by minute. Some how, some way, I am in great hopes that through all this, I will become an even more light minded person than I was prior to perimenopause and menopause. If I just continue to realize this is not the final answer to ALL of my existence then I might just have a wonderful chance at it all. ( I have to remind myself of this constantly right now).

Kepp up the fantastic bike rides, I bet you see some real neat things on those rides :)
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