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Author Topic: Hi everyone  (Read 1890 times)


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Hi everyone
« on: September 13, 2013, 01:05:46 PM »


Another newbie here, although I have been lurking around the site for a while reading all your posts (and commenting on one or two!).  I'm also fairly new to the menopause.  I suffered with endometriosis, fibroids and menorraghia for 20 years, and had 2 laparoscopies and an edometrial ablation before finally having a hysterectomy in 2011 (TAHBSO) aged 41.

I was told I'd have to take HRT for 10 years because I was young to have my ovaries removed.  Sadly my gynaecologist prescribed the wrong HRT and I was put on an estrogen based pill instead of the continuous progesterone one which would have kept the endometriosis at bay.  This wasn't discovered for a year, by which time the endo had had growth spurt thanks to all the lovely estrogen it was being fed, and had spread to my bladder, causing me more problems than I ever had before the hysterectomy  :(  We tried the correct HRT but by then I was having so many endo issues my GP decided to give me a break from everything for a while and took me off it. 

Without any hormones the endo has now settled down and I get very little pain which is great, but now the menopause symptoms have started.  I have most of the "normal" symptoms, hot flushes, night sweats, lack of sleep, memory issues, mood swings, vaginal dryness & no libido whatsoever, plus I've started getting headaches.  My doctor put me on Dixalix for the flushes but I had a horrible response to the side affects so that was a no go.

Since then my GP has pretty much given up on me (he's a middle aged man & I get the feeling he thinks I'm making a fuss), and I'm not taking anything other than Vit C/D supplements, although I am paying for accupuncture to see if it helps the hot flushes, and I'd love to hear if anyone else has tried it. 

Having read your posts for a few days, and seeing what support so many of you are getting from your doctors surgeries, I was decided to try my surgery again, and find someone I could talk to.  They have no-one that specialises in the menopause but I am seeing a new female doctor tonight, and I'm taking my list of "issues", plus a request for a referral to a menopause clinic, thanks to Hurdity for suggesting that to me :-)

Wish me luck...


My GP told me he was happy for me not to take the HRT because my endometriosis calmed down when I came off it.  Even though when I had the surgery I was told I'd have to take it because of the risk of osteoporsis because I was only 41.  When the hot flushes got really bad I tried my GP again, he gave me Dixarit which is a blood pressure drug supposed to help hot flushes.  I had a bad experience with the side affects, light headed, dry mouth, and once time so dizzy I fell over!  So I stopped taking them but my GP couldn't offer me anything else. 
So now I have all the menopause symptoms, the worst being the VA and the lack of sleep & headaches.

I'm currently trying accupuncture out of desperation, but i keep reading that it's efficacy is not proven, has anyone else tried it?

After reading about all the help you ladies are getting from your GPs/nurses I've tried my surgery again and asked if they have any kind of menopause service so I can get some more advice,  but they don't, and apparently they don't even have anyone that can advise specifically on the menopause, so tonight I am seeing a young female GP (my GP is a middle aged man).  I'm taking a list of all my issues in the hope that she'll actually try to do something to help, as my own GP doesn't really seem to be interested :-(


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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2013, 05:04:09 PM »

Hi and welcome
Good luck with the next appointment.

You seem to have had a lot of problems for your age, and you probably should be on HRT.
I don't know about the evidence linking HRT to worsening endometriosis? Have you or you GP looked into it? Would it be worth you seeing a gynaecologist if there is no HRT clinic near you?

Good luck.


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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2013, 05:08:54 PM »

Thanks Carrie.  The appt was a bit of a waste, the doctor I saw was young & knew little about the menopause.  She's referred me to her colleague who apparently is an expect - shame they didn't book me in with her when i asked to see an expert, grr!

The issue with endo & HRT is the type of HRT, if it contains estrogen that's when you can have issues, I think there are types that can work, and that's what I'm trying to find out.
