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Author Topic: hello world, newby here!  (Read 2407 times)


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hello world, newby here!
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:25:15 AM »

hello all
I have been reading this fantastic site for a few months and have taken the plunge and joined.  This is my first forum---its not often I get to do new things anymore, so this is a treat!! :D

I am 53 and started evorel sequi patches just over 2months ago. Had the usual joyous symptoms of meno--the awful sweats, mood swings etc, plus joint pain which I really did not expect. Had last period about 6 months ago so finaly gave in and went to GP who was VERYreluctant to let me start HRT.   Am finding the progesterone very difficult, mainly because of low mood, but what is worrying me is that I have hardly any bleed at all, just a few smears, not even lasting for a morning. I have seen lots of posts from women that bleed too much, but not much for the opposite problem!! I will put up with the problems (or rather, my poorfamily will) because I worry that after my fight to get HRT in the first place my GP will just tell me to stop, but should I worry about not bleeding?
Many thanks to any who read and answer.


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Re: hello world, newby here!
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2013, 12:23:05 PM »

Hi Rufus and  :welcomemm:

I've been on HRT for just over 2 years now and have to say that although I'm supposed to get a bleed each month they can be a bit hit and miss some months.  I would let your GP know when you next see him just so that he can keep an eye on it - I had a scan earlier this year after telling my nurse all about it but everything came back fine.


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Re: hello world, newby here!
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2013, 01:35:05 PM »

Hi and welcome to the forum.

A small proportion of women have no bleed at all even on a sequi regime so it's not really unusual.
The progesterone that you are adding for the second half of your HRT is infamous for causing the low mood that you describe.
You could go back to your GP and ask to stay on the Evoril patches if you feel they suit and add in a friendlier progesterone. There are quite a lot of us using utrogestan which is the nearest you will get to your own hormones.

Have a look at the green menu on the left for the different preparations. It can take a few different HRTs before you get one that suits you. The general rule is to give each one three months to see if you settle.



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Re: hello world, newby here!
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2013, 01:54:31 PM »

hello again, and thanks for the quick and helpful replies. I am loving the first 2 weeks of the evorel---so think I will go and ask for the utrogestan.  I have read a bit about it and am confused on the dosage and time you tske it each month. Some women seem to take it for only 12 days permonth and others 25 days out of 28. Does anyone know why there is such a difference? I would like to have as much info as possible before I go back.  My GPwas most definitly not a fanof hrt in any form and said I could ony be on it for 2 years---at the moment I feel that I would snap her ankles if she tried to stop it.

Also,thanks for the reassurance re not having a bleed. I quite like that side effect, having spent all of my life since 12 yrs having a dire time each month.

I think in my next life I will be a tree!


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Re: hello world, newby here!
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2013, 03:54:51 PM »


a tree sounds good


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Re: hello world, newby here!
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2013, 07:11:26 PM »

I would imagine your GP would want you to be on a bleed HRT. This means you will use utrogestan 200 for the second part of the month. When you stop you will the have a period. I use utrogestan 100 for 25 days as I don't want a period. I also use Evoril 50 continually.

I use mine vaginally to avoid digestive problems but if you decide to go the oral route then it has to be taken at bedtime on an empty stomach. It can cause sleepiness which is a real bonus for some.

Hope this helps.



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Re: hello world, newby here!
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2013, 10:07:51 PM »

Hi there rufus

Welcome from me too - and just to add that I started HRT the same time as you ( only some years ago now) - I was 53, almost 54 and hadn't had a period for 6 months. I went straight onto the patches, hated the progestogen norethisterone which gave me headaches so changed to Estradot and separate bio-identical progesterone - firstly Cyclogest and then Utrogestan as honeybun. After a while I didn't get a bleed either. This usually means you haven't built up any lining to shed as your oestrogen levels will have declined so much.

Six and half years later age 60 I am still on it.

Absolute rubbish that you can only be on it for 2 years.

At least 60 if not longer - this is still a moot point and open to discussion with individual GPs - but they cannot refuse to give it to you provided you accept and understand the risks past 60.

Good luck with the doc. If they haven't heard of it, if you want utrogestan sometimes you have to ask for "micronised progesterone" and then you are given the utro - as the branded name.

Hurdity x


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Re: hello world, newby here!
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2013, 11:43:26 AM »

hello chaps

thanks for the helpful replies. I am working myself up to going back to the gp, not really very good with confrontation!
Will ask for the utrogestan and ask to stay on the evorel patches as they seem good for me.
Hearing how everybody else has managed is VERY helpful, so thanks again.

On a seperate topic-----is there a weight loss thread on here? Or any ladies that discuss weight loss and hrt?? Asking because I am VERY overwieght and started trying to diet when started on the hrt. Was 15st 7lbs and now 14st 7lbs. Finding it very very difficult. Any help much appreciated and hints from anyone else in the same position gratefully recieved.
