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Author Topic: Constant period!  (Read 4022 times)


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Constant period!
« on: August 07, 2013, 08:11:36 AM »

Getting fed up now, approaching 52nd birthday (gulp); periods been pretty erratic over past 3 years - 5 months missing, then 12 months regular as clockwork, then a couple of horrendous ones, then nothing again for 4 months, then back to normal, then lighter, then one absolutely awful one (trips to the loo every 45 mins at best!), then nothing again, then 2 weeks on (not heavy), 2 weeks off, then nothing for 2 months and now I'm into week no.3 of what can only be described as a very strange period - no stomach ache, very light at first (more brown stuff - sorry to be so graphic), but now red blood intermittently, in fact it's gathered pace a bit but can have some, then nothing for a few hours then again it starts. Doc says it's normal ..... nothing to worry about. But when will it ever end?! Plus I'm spending a fortune on sanitary-wear    :o


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Re: Constant period!
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2013, 09:09:46 AM »

Hi Verity,
   I really sympathise and I do know exactly what you are going through.  I too am still struggling with all this meno stuff and am still looking for effective help.  I have lost faith with my GP over this.  I am sure there are others here who are far more knowledgable but I do know I became very anaemic with all the bleeding and that made me feel worse as well.  I take Floradix as the iron is gentle on your stomach.  It's a humdinger of a ride that I know I was totally unprepared for!


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Re: Constant period!
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2013, 12:18:10 PM »

Hi verity

Why do drs say such unhelpful things.  I experienced very heavy periods for years and wasn just advised to lose weight! No mention of peri menopause. If you are still bleeding and it's making you feel unwell go back to gp ask for a referral.  During peri menopause periods are unpredictable but that is no reason to expect you to suffer.

Sweaty bet


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Re: Constant period!
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2013, 01:36:13 PM »

I would say it is just a normal part of peri to be honest. Three weeks, although a nuisance, isn't that long during this time. Keeping a diary over a few months can be useful so that you have concrete evidence to show the GP.



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Re: Constant period!
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2013, 04:13:46 PM »

Maybe you could request a scan of your womb. It's not that pleasant an experience, uncomfortable rather than painful. It all seems to be going on for too long to be "normal" and maybe it is normal but a check will confirm this surely


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Re: Constant period!
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2013, 04:18:29 PM »

To be fair three weeks is not that long in peri for a period to last so I wouldn't have thought that a scan would be necessary at this time.

During peri the hormones fluctuate wildly and are switched on and off at the wrong times. This leads to periods starting and then because the hormone disappears again they stop and then the hormone is activated again and the period restarts. Sometimes there is not enough hormone to get the period going properly so you get the spotting and brown rather than red blood.

I agree that the scan is nothing to be worried about and is no bother to have done but I can't see a reason for doing one at this stage. I'm not sure what others think?

Taz  :)


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Re: Constant period!
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2013, 08:58:55 AM »

Unfortunately the doctor is right this time. It's just what happens as your hormones fluctuate so much.

It's annoying and draining but it's peri and this is what happens. HRT could regulate things for you in that you would at least know when you were going to have a period.

I don't think your GP would consider a scan as there is really nothing unusual in this.



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Re: Constant period!
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2013, 10:03:02 AM »

Thanks all. Guess I know in my heart it's normal.. it's just inconvenient more than anything. Actually, I'm overdue a smear test (had a reminder) but every time I think I'm going to go, I seem to be having a period of sorts!
Spoke to doc re more sinister causes of lengthy bleeding but he seemed to think that was highly unlikely.
Blood pressure fine, feel well and to be honest, I'm really v.lucky because other than dry eyes & intermittent bletharitis, I really don't have too many other symptoms other than a bit of anxiety at night and feeling a little warm now and again. So I really musn't complain!
And of course, I always thought(when I was younger!) that by 50 all this would have stopped - silly me!!  ;)


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Re: Constant period!
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2013, 12:15:02 PM »

Just remember - the longer you keep your periods the better it is. A lot of symptoms don't begin until after periods have stopped!

Why not book the smear test and you can always cancel if you are bleeding when the time comes.

Taz x