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Author Topic: urinary Infections  (Read 6955 times)


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urinary Infections
« on: August 03, 2013, 08:32:32 PM »

Hi all again, been given antibiotics for a urinary infection, didnt feel ill but the other morning had a pee and their was alot of blood on the tissue, so I went to GP and he said I have an infection, now 3 days on antibiotics I have thrush, asked if it could be related to vaginal atrophy and all he said you have been google searching again and thats it, he sent me home , convinced i have some atrophy but these Gps dont listen, was on Omperazole for a few days but GP put me on Lanszoprazole been on them for about 3 weeks and I am suffering with headaches, they are just horrid, stiff neck and pain going up my neck, not sure if it is the stomach pills or hormones cause I used to suffer bad when I was due for my period but as I had a total H. I didnt think I would still get them, anyone out there can help, I am sorry if I am a constant pain in the rear but all I want in my life is to feel good and I have no one else to talk too  :) :'(


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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2013, 11:12:23 PM »

Really sorry moonbeam, that you are feeling so bad. It sucks when you have an infection, need antibiotics and that causes more problems. I always ask for thrush cream at same time if given antibiotics as I know that's a given that I'll get thrush. I went to see a male doc and he sent me for loads of tests and got nowhere. Went to a female doc and she recognised the symptoms of vaginal atrophy at once. I can't take oestrogen but many women on this site have. Go back and insist that you have vaginal atrophy and don't suffer in silence. Just a question for any others who may read this. Has anyone tried Replens and what did they think? Also, how do you start a new thread? Hope you feel better soon xxxx


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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2013, 11:41:13 PM »

Your headaches sound as if they are related to your stiff neck. Neck problems cause bad headaches due to the tension in the muscles. A short course of physio will help no end!




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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2013, 08:00:30 AM »

Oh you poor thing.
Did the doctor do a dipstick test before he put you on the antibiotics?

In my limited, but rotten exoerience, they need to first rule out/rule in normal uti by dipsticking  (you can buy your own off the internet) , or sending sample to the hospital.

The way they diagnose vaginal atrophy is esentially by a quick pelvic exam and to see the level of mucosa (secretions) around your parts.
If you suspect its va please please get them to do this

I am heartily sick of doctors who make smart comments re google etc...its your body, its you who has to suffer, and they are supposed to listen and treat you....not patronizeyou.

I myself have had problems with a couple of docs at my surgery and i was beginning to think it was me until i went on the nhs choices website and saw they were red flagged and one star.

Please persist and i wishyou allyhe very best of luck


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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2013, 08:14:53 AM »

Did you tell your GP about the bleeding you were having after sex? You thought you had a urinary infection then and I wonder if you had antibiotics that time too? It's important that you were examined because of the unexplained bleeding - this would need investigating.



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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2013, 10:02:19 AM »

GPs must send the urine sample to a Hospital Lab in order to give the correct ABs.  OK to give a broad spectrum the first time but with repeated suspected infections a sample should go away.

Do you have a Practice Nurse?  If so go and discuss VA with her.  My repeated 'infections' turned out to be atrophy  :-\ (see my thread here somewhere) and my GP was completely on the ball with regards treatment.


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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2013, 10:21:25 AM »

Hello moonbeam. Sorry to hear you are suffering. I'm afraid I can't adivise on the VA stuff as I don't have any experience of that ( so far that is ) but I do recognise your frustation at never feeling good, I often think just one day of feeling normal would help, at least then you would know it was possible!
Take care.


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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2013, 02:34:55 PM »

Hi the doctor did dip my pee and thats when he said I have an infection, I am seeing a lady GP on the 28th August so by then the pills will have finished and if things are still sore then I will have to get her to do an exam and as for the headaches I have suffered on and off for years and one GP said go and have a massage, I do get my hubby to massage it but it doesnt help, I am a very stressed person which doesnt help plus I have 4 kids, 3 are daughters and one son who has ADHD and a 3yr grandson, my stomach is playing up big time and not sure what to do  :(


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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2013, 03:14:47 PM »

Moonbeam - did the GP examine you re the bleeding after sex which you mentioned in a previous post? It is very important that this is checked out.

Taz x


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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2013, 04:25:16 PM »

No he didnt do a exam just dipped my pee x


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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2013, 04:55:39 PM »

It's really not good that it has not been investigated. It's very important. Did you mention it at your appointment. Unless I write things down I forget half the things I meant to say.

Can you not get an emergency appointment before the end of August. If I phone my surgery early then you get an on the day appointment. I really would not wait so long.



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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2013, 05:02:57 PM »

I am confused as to whether you have had an episode of bleeding when you passed urine and also one after you had sex? Sorry to be in a muddle - it's not clear from your posts as to whether this has happened twice. Obviously a UTI can show up as blood in the urine but doesn't cause bleeding after sex.

Sometimes GPs can forget to follow something up so if you mentioned both the UTI and the after sex bleeding at the same time he/she might have forgotten one of them.



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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2013, 07:47:45 PM »

What support does your son have?

If you are stressed then you will feel worse.  Make a list of your symptoms to take along to your next appt. and go through them with the GP.


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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2013, 08:56:42 PM »

Hi i went to GP cause when I went for a pee this week I wiped and there was alot of blood,  dipped my pee and said there is signs of an infection and sent me home with pills.  I have over the months problems sort of burning feelings like I want to pee but dont pee, it also burns when I have sex and painful and only once after I bled after.   On the 15th of JUly I had the GP send my pee  away and it was fine and all she then said was I had thrush and gave me canasteen and told me to come back in a month and we see how it is then but this other GP this week said I had an infection hense the antibiotics, really dont have much faith in GPs, been on the pills for days and I feel no different, I not sure if it could be VA but it would be nice to know one way or other....


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Re: urinary Infections
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2013, 09:16:57 PM »

I would be getting an appointment asap, don't wait.
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