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Author Topic: Mood Swings...  (Read 3001 times)


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Mood Swings...
« on: July 31, 2013, 06:26:35 PM »

Hi guys,

I havent had a period now for a year. To be honest with you I guess I have been lucky in such that I havent really suffered alot...I do have occasional sweats, mostly at night time. A few months ago I was getting them during the day, but all of a sudden the day sweats have stopped  :o, and now I get them during the night, but not really bad. The problem im having is mood swings and im wondering if I should go to the doctor or not, Ive had depression in the past and have done self harming (Which I still do occasionally)...Please dont think I have a bad life because I havent I have teenage children and a good husband, but for some reason I can never feel really happy or if I do, within hours I can feel really down.

Im also not like this everyday, just somedays, I am taken aback how I can be laughing my head off one minute being silly with my daughter and the next minute feel like I dont want to be here and go in under a black cloud.

My husband sometimes makes me feel very frustrated. He is a good man but he has always been very disconnected with me even when I had depression years ago. He doesnt even know im going through menopause..When he upsets me I often feel very down, but then the next minute ill be fine..I really dont know what is going on with me..Could I be bipolar or is it the menopause and all the hormones etc.,..Ive got 3 kids and two cats and a good hubby..why should I suddenly feel like life isnt worth living than the next minute feel fine...sorry for going on please give me any thoughts you have..Do any of you guys feel the same as me sometimes.



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Re: Mood Swings...
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 06:57:52 PM »

Hello Kyria.
I can certainly understand your post about mood swings, I have something similar although I can feel fine for  a couple of hours and then terrible for a couple of hours. I'm usually a bit better (though not always) by the evening. Dr Miriam Stoppard says that mood swings from elation to despondency are common and that seems to describe your experience, also many women on the site will understand how you feel and hopefully someone will be along soon to give you some advice.
The fact that you haven't had a period for a year may be significant as your hormones will have changed quite a lot by now. I can also understand that your past experience of depression may be adding to your anxiety. You are not alone on that count either.
I think a lot of men find it difficult to sympathise with us at this time in our lives, my husband tries but I don't think he really understands how extreme  these feelings can be and because they can't make it all better, they end up doing nothing at all.
I would suggest you visit your GP to talk about how you feel, you are certainly not alone in this and there is treatment available.
Take care.


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Re: Mood Swings...
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2013, 07:12:00 PM »

When you had depression in the past did you get treatment?

I think it's all too easy to blame meno for every thing and no doubt it does impact on mood but not to this level.

You need to speak to your GP about your depression and self harming. There is lots of support out there but the first step is your GP.

Keep posting there is always someone around for a chat but go get some help. You deserve a better quality of life than this.



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Re: Mood Swings...
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2013, 12:45:45 PM »

Hi IKyria, just to let you know that you are not alone in the way you feel- I have been feeling anxious and depressed with crazy mood swings for several years since starting meno- I feel so up and down-suicidal one minute , then euphoric the next, that I simply can't  plan anything, and you would not believe the number of events and holidays I have had to cancel due to the awful anxiety. I would suggest that you go and see your GP-   he or she will be able to give you advice and maybe prescribe something to help you. It is certainly hormonal with me as I had postnatal depression after two of my babies and felt very low and panicky then, as I do with meno. Yours does sound hormonal, and as for the depression you had before, I do believe that meno seems to exaggerate anything like that- I always had anxiety and low self esteem and it has been  much worse since meno. Am currently on new AD after trying countless other things, including HRT, which gave me very heavy bleeds and worsening depression. Hoping that you can get some help soon- big Hugs :) :)