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Author Topic: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advive appreciated  (Read 4542 times)


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I'm 47 years old and have been taking HRT (Elleste Duet) for 3 months now.

The symptoms of perimenopause started probably about 9/12 months ago if I look back – night sweats, mood swings, fatigue, slightly more irregular cycle for someone that has been very regularly 26 days for many years and insomnia.

I went to the Doctor who was very helpful in as much as she agreed that I would probably benefit from HRT and prescribed the above.

Initially all of my symptoms seemed to miraculously disappear although I had horrendous swollen breasts for 2/3 of each month for the first 2 months. That has eased off now but I do feel almost permanently “bloated” – not huge but bloated. I have put on 7/8 pounds in the 3 months and am battling to stop any more going on. I have noticed that whilst my mood swings are nowhere near what they were there are still variations throughout the month and I still get really tired around the time I would / am ovulating.

On the plus side – still no night sweats and I am sleeping better than I have in years.

On to the weight issue – this is bothering me. I have always done some exercise each week and have been reasonably lucky in that for the last few years as long as I eat healthily I can eat mostly what I want. I don't buy processed foods, I cook from scratch where possibly, eat lots of lean meat and veg etc. but if I wanted the occasional curry or pizza or cake I could eat them without concern. My weight fluctuated by 4/5 pounds around the time I was due on but other than pretty static. It is still fluctuating but on top of the weight I have gained.

Now I am really fighting to not gain any more weight. I have cut out pasta, bread and potatoes and cut my sugar in tea by half (I don't add sugar to anything else). I only eat brown rice as a recognised carb. I still eat veg (carbs) and salad type foods like tomatoes, cucumber, avocado etc. I eat mainly chicken and pork and fish. I eat muesli and yoghurt for breakfast (can't drink milk as it makes me sick), small amount of brown rice for lunch with tomatoes / cucumber, cottage cheese and either ham or chicken or some other such protein, maybe eggs. Evenings meat or fish and veg in various forms – sometimes a little more brown rice.

I rarely drink alcohol and have had an occasional ice cream but other than that I have cut out just about everything bad and that's just half of it….

I now exercise 6 out of 7 days, some days more than once. I have started doing one of the Jillian Michael's DVD's – they are not for the feint hearted and include strength, CV and abs work. I also have a training session with a PT once a week, go to the gym maybe one more time a week for weights and CV and I do a body pump class once a week.

Can someone please tell me what to do next – I don't want to sound as though I am hysterical but 7 lbs over 3 months could = 2 stone over a year and at 47 I am not prepared to accept that. I don't want to get that heavy. I of course understand that muscle weighs more than fat but given the changes in diet and the increased exercise I should be seeing a difference – muscle also burns energy far quicker than fat.

My Doctor has said that HRT does not make you put on weight (I beg to differ) but I am starting to think that it may inhibit your metabolism – any thoughts anyone?



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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advive appreciated
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 02:09:18 PM »

MIss Kitty at 47 you still have your own fluctuating hormones as well as the added HRT, the HRT is not strong enough to over ride your erratic cycle, that is why you feel bloated and are putting on weight.

HRT is not an exact science and the one size fits all approach can cause the body to just overload, my own personal thought are that its best to start HRT once the hormones have settled down and take them for their on going benefits and not symptoms of perimenopause.

The other answer is hysterectomy, a bit drastic unless medically a necessity.

Other ladies may suggest differed views.


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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advive appreciated
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2013, 07:46:18 AM »

Hi Silverlady,

Thanks for writing back - what you say makes sense and I have booked an appt at the Docs to discuss. I am tempted to just stop but given I only have another week to wait for the appt it seems silly to knee jerk at this stage.

The night sweats and the insomnia were pretty horrid - at least I sleep now which makes a difference but I can't keep working out at this level - the 2nd phase on my tabs is due in 5 days - they have progesterone in them and I know I will bloat even more with water retention and all the exercise in the world won't stop the 3/4 ilbs I'll put on because of it.

I have always looked after myself and had a healthy diet but this is getting ridiculous :)



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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advive appreciated
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2013, 10:08:38 AM »

Hi - I've just experienced the very same thing.  I've been on HRT for 3 months (I'm 45).  I've put on almost half a stone.  Well, I came off it just over a week ago and I've almost lost all the weight.  It's just gone!!!  I'm only 8 and a half stone, so half a stone looks a lot on me as I'm only 5 foot 4 inches.

I have to say I've felt fine being off the HRT.  Just been to my GP this morning and she agrees the weight gain can be a problem.

My mood has actually been better this past week since I've stopped the patches and I've been sleeping very well, so I'm keeping positive.

PM me if you want to chat more.


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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advive appreciated
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2013, 11:08:44 AM »

Liz - would love to chat more - how do you PM on here as I can't seem to find it... where are you based in the Country?



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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advive appreciated
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2013, 12:22:31 PM »

Hi - You can PM by going to the top left hand side of the page under "My Messages".  I'm based in Kent.


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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advive appreciated
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2013, 12:47:06 PM »

I think that you have to have made a certain number of posts before you can use the pm facility. I can't remember how many though.



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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advive appreciated
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2013, 02:40:59 PM »

Hi K
I've never taken HRT - but  gained weight since beginning peri menopause. Diet wise, I've had to cut my calorie intake in half, even though I've been religiously working out for years. I'd suggest you try cutting back on meat, unless it's organic - as regular meat inc chicken contains hormones, and other drugs. Have you tried a raw diet? you can do a 10 day cleanse, which I've found naturally led me to include a lot more raw fruit and veg in my diet. I dropped the weight slowly, and never felt hungry, as there's only so much f&v you can eat.


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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advive appreciated
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2013, 04:51:08 PM »

Suggest you try the fast diet by Michael Mosley , buy book in Tesco for £2.99 . lost the weight I wanted to on it and do 1 maintenance day a week, it works and no point in killing yourself with excercise , it also has other health benefits, is easy to do and u dont need to buy anything special although we did use a lot of M & S calorie counted meals to start with.

We did 700 cals a day instead of 500 /600 , husband lost a stone and lowered his BP dramatically. Worth a look ::)