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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advice appreciated  (Read 3706 times)


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I'm 47 years old and have been taking HRT (Elleste Duet) for 3 months now.

The symptoms of perimenopause started probably about 9/12 months ago if I look back – night sweats, mood swings, fatigue, slightly more irregular cycle for someone that has been very regularly 26 days for many years and insomnia.

I went to the Doctor who was very helpful in as much as she agreed that I would probably benefit from HRT and prescribed the above.

Initially all of my symptoms seemed to miraculously disappear although I had horrendous swollen breasts for 2/3 of each month for the first 2 months. That has eased off now but I do feel almost permanently “bloated” – not huge but bloated. I have put on 7/8 pounds in the 3 months and am battling to stop any more going on. I have noticed that whilst my mood swings are nowhere near what they were there are still variations throughout the month and I still get really tired around the time I would / am ovulating.

On the plus side – still no night sweats and I am sleeping better than I have in years.

On to the weight issue – this is bothering me. I have always done some exercise each week and have been reasonably lucky in that for the last few years as long as I eat healthily I can eat mostly what I want. I don't buy processed foods, I cook from scratch where possibly, eat lots of lean meat and veg etc. but if I wanted the occasional curry or pizza or cake I could eat them without concern. My weight fluctuated by 4/5 pounds around the time I was due on but other than pretty static. It is still fluctuating but on top of the weight I have gained.

Now I am really fighting to not gain any more weight. I have cut out pasta, bread and potatoes and cut my sugar in tea by half (I don't add sugar to anything else). I only eat brown rice as a recognised carb. I still eat veg (carbs) and salad type foods like tomatoes, cucumber, avocado etc. I eat mainly chicken and pork and fish. I eat muesli and yoghurt for breakfast (can't drink milk as it makes me sick), small amount of brown rice for lunch with tomatoes / cucumber, cottage cheese and either ham or chicken or some other such protein, maybe eggs. Evenings meat or fish and veg in various forms – sometimes a little more brown rice.

I rarely drink alcohol and have had an occasional ice cream but other than that I have cut out just about everything bad and that's just half of it….

I now exercise 6 out of 7 days, some days more than once. I have started doing one of the Jillian Michael's DVD's – they are not for the feint hearted and include strength, CV and abs work. I also have a training session with a PT once a week, go to the gym maybe one more time a week for weights and CV and I do a body pump class once a week.

Can someone please tell me what to do next – I don't want to sound as though I am hysterical but 7 lbs over 3 months could = 2 stone over a year and at 47 I am not prepared to accept that. I don't want to get that heavy. I of course understand that muscle weighs more than fat but given the changes in diet and the increased exercise I should be seeing a difference – muscle also burns energy far quicker than fat.

My Doctor has said that HRT does not make you put on weight (I beg to differ) but I am starting to think that it may inhibit your metabolism – any thoughts anyone?


English Rose

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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advice appreciated
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 11:01:49 PM »

Hello MissKitty
I think what you've said about muscle weighing more than fat may well be a  factor with all the exercise you are doing. Your diet sounds healthy enough. Your Personal Trainer may be able to help/advise with exercise that doesn't make you gain muscle. Often, gyms have those special weighing machines too that tell you what percentage of body fat you are carrying.
It might be worth asking yourself: Can you still fit in your clothes?  Do you still look the same or visibly bigger?  I think these factors are a better guide than the scales at times. Also, with increasing age in general we tend to carry a bit more weight and it is harder to lose.
I've actually lost a few pounds since being on HRT, but I was overweight anyway, and I'm still not the weight I was in my 20s and 30s....probably never will be again.
May be worth chatting to your GP about a change in type of HRT if you feel it doesn't suit you, i.e. it gives you bloating and sore breasts (as not all HRT types do this in my experience), and / or you think it may be aiding the weight gain?
All the best, ER x


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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advice appreciated
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2013, 07:42:42 AM »

Hi English Rose,

Thanks for replying - at least I don't feel like I am alone  :D

I have booked an appt at the Docs as I just can't keep up this level of effort for no reward. I am approaching the 2nd part of my tablets - they have progesterone in them and I know I always gain more fluid then - so I am sure to put on another 3/4 ilbs over the next 2 weeks even if I work as hard as I am working now.

Muscle does weight more than fat but it also burns more energy so at some point the additional muscle in my body should burn off fat as the amount I am eating isn't enough to sustain this level of exercise - well not enough in a non HRT person.

I definitely feel as though I have put on half a stone and my clothes are tighter.

Will try and find a body fat indicator - that's a good call - at least I can monitor if my body fat is reducing.

My weight has been stable for such a long time it does seem such a coincidence that it all started happening 3 months ago.

I think I might just do what another lady on here has done and just stop taking them and see if I can find something else.



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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advice appreciated
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2013, 10:10:36 AM »

Hi - I think you may be referring to me....... I think I'm the lady who has just stopped because of weight gain.  I have to say, the weight has just fallen off over the past week.  My clothes are loose again and I haven't tried to diet so I can categorically say that HRT caused the weight gain in me.  Other ladies may not have this problem, obviously.


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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advice appreciated
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2013, 11:07:39 AM »


Yes, it was you.... I read your post with interest and I am definiately considering coming off of the tablets but feel it wuld be sensible to talk to the Doc about alternative treatments perhaps.

I cannot tell you how soul destroying it is to do this much and see no weight benefit - yes I feel fitter and muscle tone has increased but I am almost certain the gains would have been much "bigger" has I not been on HRT - I wonder does it stop your body being able to build muscle as I would have expected better muscle tone.... but I suppose that's another question the medical profession will just skip over.

Glad it all worked out for you.. how are your other symptons now you are off?



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Re: Perimenopause, HRT and Weight Gain - My story - Advice appreciated
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2013, 12:25:49 PM »

I put on weight when I went on the Pill at age 19, so stands to reason that the same could happen with HRT.  Again, when I stopped the Pill I quickly shed the weight.

In fact, I have just now put on a pair of shorts that I couldn't get done up this time last week.  No changes to diet - just had an Apple Turnover! ;D 

I've been sleeping better, not had any "flushes" as such, but hard to tell as it's so hot anyway.  Mood is very good (better than I was on the Progesterone part of the HRT).  Keeping my fingers crossed it continues. 