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Author Topic: HRT  (Read 25814 times)


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« Reply #45 on: July 21, 2013, 10:27:48 PM »

I think that even with the gel you would have to persevere. It is known that most types of HRT take around three months to settle down. How long had you been trying the patches for?



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« Reply #46 on: July 21, 2013, 11:05:01 PM »

Hi Moonbeam, Hurdity is right in saying that you need to sort out stomach problem from Hrt. As I've said before, I have inflamed stomach but I also tolerate HRt orally. I already use patches for pain relief so don't need another one. Can't remember if you said that you'd tried tablet Hrt and if you did, what happened? I also seem to get every side effect under the sun but not on Kilogest.


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« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2013, 08:02:43 AM »

Hi do you think I should continue on with the oral HRT and leave be and just continue with the stomach pills and hope that things will get better which is all I want is to have a normal life again :)


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« Reply #48 on: July 22, 2013, 08:28:30 AM »

Moonbeam - in common with the advice given on this site (as well as the forum) - stop the oral HRT if you have stomach problems.

Re the dip - you are more likely to get daily fluctuations and a dip with oral HRT than patches.

Patches are designed so that after sticking them on, the hormone levels rise to a peak in about 12 hours and then very gradually decline. The instruction to change twice a week takes all this into account and is given to maximise the dosage. It does not suddenly dip after 3 days - unless the patch comes unstuck. I've looked this up in the scientific papers.

With gel you may well get a daily fluctuation because it is given daily although I understand there is some hormone build up under the skins which helps to minimise this.

If the dose is too low then you may need to increase it.

I understand headaches are more likely on oral HRT than patches but you will need to discuss this with a specialist (not the GP who says pills are OK with a bad stomach). How long did you keep on with the patches after you recently re-started them. Side effects such as headache and nausea from oestrogen should subside.

Ask for a referral to a specialist meno clinic.

What is your diet like - is there anything else you are taking (meds) or eating that could affect your stomach?

Hurdity x


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« Reply #49 on: July 22, 2013, 09:19:24 AM »

Hi I took the patch off yesterday afternoon and havent had a very bad headache since, I couldnt tolerate cigarette patches I had to take them off and when i tried the patches (5omg)   first time around by the 3 day my symptoms were coming back and my GP said they dont come in higher dose, and said the pills wouldnt affect my stomach, thats why I went back on the pills ,really dont know what to do, whether to try a different patch or the gel, :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\


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« Reply #50 on: July 22, 2013, 03:36:56 PM »

Hi just an update, went to GP this afternoon and she has given me Lansopazole,  taken a swob thinks I have thrush :o :o :o :o and gave me cream and stuff, once the tests from the swob is back we can go from their regarding Vaginal Attrophy, got to have bloods done and said she also believes that the oral HRT will have NO effect on the stomach but I have to wait to see about the bloods about changing the HRT ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


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« Reply #51 on: July 23, 2013, 08:49:27 AM »

Please can anyone help, went back to GP yesterday she said I will have to continue with the oral HRT untill we sort my stomach issues out, so last night I took a pill and GOD this morning I have a horrible bad head , it feels like it is going to explode and dont know what to do ............


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« Reply #52 on: July 23, 2013, 09:17:12 AM »

I think it has all been said already moonbeam.

Some times you have to ride these things out, do as the doctor suggests then try the next thing the doc offers.
If it is any help there are many of us on here who have been through exactly the same as you, it isn't an easy ride that's for sure.


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« Reply #53 on: July 23, 2013, 09:31:40 AM »

Hi I am but the headache it horrible, not sure if it is the weather as we are due for a cracking storm as it is so muggy here, I used to get bad headaches like this around the time of my period but I thought now I have had it all out it wouldn't happen, I hate complaining all the time  :(


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« Reply #54 on: July 23, 2013, 09:44:29 AM »

moonbeam - I am sorry to say that I think your GP is not a specialist when it comes to HRT.

You do not have to take the oral HRT.

You don't have to do what the GP says.

It is your body.

I don't know why do you continue to do so when you have stomach problems? As Cazikins says it has already been said many times on here by lots of us.

I appreciate it will come as a shock that you cannot put your faith in your GP and they are not infallible but this has happened many times to women on here - GP's are generalists, not specialists and they are sometimes wrong when it comes to menopause.

You have come on here asking for advice but then disregarding it.

Even if you are not convinced that the oral HRT is causing problems - the fact that it recommends on here by Dr Currie, and elsewhere that transdermal (patch or gel) HRT is better for anyone with stomach problems should convince you that it's not worth the risk.

The headaches you are getting are a different issue. It sounds like the sudden increase in oestrogen is causing you side effects. This is a common problem and again transdermal HRT is recommended for anyone with migraine type headaches. If they continue you need to get them checked out.

Someone else on here had problems with oestrogen and maybe headaches and started off with a very low dose and gradually increased until she could tolerate a higher dose quite happily. Maybe you could try this. Cut the 50 mcg patches in half and try half a patch (or even less) for a week or two and then gradually increase. The woman on here used to even cut a bit off the half patch and increase ever so slightly.

We know the doc was wrong because they said that there is not a higher dose but there is remember:

IT mustbe difficult in your position especially after your operation and I repeat - ask to be referred to a meno-specialists - look on the map here and see if there is one near you

It sounds like your doctor is not helping you.

I don't think I can help you any more as I've said everything I can think of with your problems and i hope you get them sorted out soon - but please listen to our advice if you are asking for it.

Hurdity x


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« Reply #55 on: July 23, 2013, 09:52:38 AM »

I did ask the DR for something other than the pills but she told me no lets do the blood test first continue with the stomach pills and in a month we will look at your HRT, I dont have a Meno clinic around here so I dont know who or what else to do, I am stuck, I am 46 yrs old and never been ill much until  now, I am not a moaner normally but I just cant deal with all this, just want to well again  >:(


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« Reply #56 on: July 23, 2013, 10:22:59 AM »

Not sure what else I can suggest moonbeam

Have you had a look at

I know you have posted on hystersisters, but this one is UK based.


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« Reply #57 on: July 23, 2013, 10:32:53 AM »

Nor do I, if I just stop the HRT all that men symptoms are going to come back, stuck and GP are not helping, stuck between a rock and a hard place >:( >:( >:(


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« Reply #58 on: July 23, 2013, 10:49:37 AM »

Try cutting pill in half or cut patch in half moonbeam.


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« Reply #59 on: July 23, 2013, 10:50:47 AM »

Can you go to a different GP in the practice? Most practices usually permit this. Try to find a time when your present GP is not there or even if she is just go to someone else.

Write down what you want and why before hand. Then insist. There is no medical reason for you to keep on with the oral HRT while you are waiting for your stomach problems to resolve with the stomach pills. Start with a low dose. It may take a while for your side effects to settle but maybe you won't get such bad headaches?

Maybe at the same time ask about the headaches to check there is nothing wrong?

It is your choice.

I did this. My GP told me to come off HRT because I had some unexplained bleeding but I had a consultation with Dr Currie who said I didn't have to (unfortunately this facility has been suspended for the mo' - I expect she's on holiday). I went back to a different GP and said I didn't want to stop but still wanted my problem investigated and so I am still on it.

I chickened out of going back to the same doc and saying I had had a second opinion.

Re the HRT - just to re-iterate - this is your choice, and changing from pills back to patches cannot do you any ill!

Hurdity x
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