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Author Topic: Magnesium  (Read 25355 times)


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2013, 07:26:50 PM »

Hi I thank you for the big Cwtch being Welsh my self ,  not sure if it is the magnesium  but I have stopped it anyway and thought  I will try the spray, this Menopause is crap, women have a lot of shit to put up with havn't we  ;D :) :)


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2013, 07:28:50 PM »

We certainly do cariad xxx


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2013, 09:20:35 PM »

try not to worry about your symptoms and i know how hard that is,  as i am the worlds worst stresser and my other half always asks me what i will achieve by worrying, and he's right but do try to relax it will help  :)  hope you're feeling better soon x  kerrie


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2013, 11:58:25 PM »

Hi Moonbeam

I also use Magnesium Spray (Better You) which suits me.  I do not use it every day.  I also use magnesium flakes in my bath.   Silverlady said you can mix it into body lotion if it stings a bit.  You can also dilute it a little at the beginning with mineral water. 

You can actually make your own by using magnesium flakes and mineral water.  Although it is called an oil, it is a mix of magnesium and water.   

I also use the Better You Vitamin B12 mouth Spray and the same make of Vitamin D3.

I am sorry that you are trying so hard to feel better and you are not having the result you are looking for. 

You can get your magnesium levels checked at the doctor.  Also your vitamin D levels.




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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2013, 05:36:31 PM »

Hi I have bought some Mag spray and hope that helps, taking some domperidone again to help with the nausea and I am going to GP on Monday and see if she can help, not sure if my oral HRT is not working properly or its just my stomach is playing up, going to ask about the patches again, and going to ask about some Vagiferm as well, going to keep off any vitamins and hope it will help  :) :)


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2013, 08:47:34 PM »

Take a list ?


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #36 on: July 13, 2013, 09:01:54 PM »

Hi I have already written one but thanks for the advice   :)


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2013, 07:19:11 PM »


I have also had similar problems to you with the acid reflux and also with magnesium making IBS worse.

I have also had the endoscopy and it came back clear been on omeprazole for about four years sometimes seemed to work mostly didn't  but now I have got so bad with it they think I have a stomach ulcer and have to have the camera down again. The good news is they have given me Nexium (finally asked before but they would not change think it is more expensive) and there has been a slight improvement from last week and I started it on Thursday.  I also had a  hysterectomy then had to go back for ovaries to come out due to endo and have done menopause cold turkey as I found I was worse on HRT and could only take the HRT with progestogen in.  I am still flushing for Britain 6 years later do not know if it will ever stop but just wanted to say you are not alone with this I understand totally what you are dealing with.. and I hope you can get some Nexium and that it will help you. My sister in law swears by it she says it is the best PPI.
Best wishes

« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 09:28:18 PM by Forgetful »


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2013, 09:29:08 PM »

Hi today they gave me some Lansoprazole and I am more blood test done on Wednesday to check for other stuff, I am not seeing GP again till 27th August as she is on her holidays  from next week, if these new pills dont do it I will ask for the ones you have , thanks for your response means alot x  :) :) :) :)


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2013, 09:27:14 PM »

Hello again Moonbeam

I know what a horrible condition it is.  I had weeks on the omeprazole where it did not seem too bad and then it would flare up and be really awful again. I have a friend I went to school with who has it as well..she is also on omeprazole and they sometimes work and sometimes don't  ??? We go for a coffee every week but now its got that we have to have de caff instead of the real deal and we can't always have the cake due to the fat in the butter icing so end up having rock cakes which usually are alright.  I used to like a mild curry sometimes but cannot touch anything like that now but can sometimes get away with chinese if it is not too spicy.  As for alcohol I can't even go there although I have got away with a shandy on occasion.  I hope the Lanazprazole work for you. How much are you on?  I am taking 40mg of Nexium all at once before the evening meal.. I was taking 20 mg of omeprazole in the morning and 20 mg in the evening before.  I hope you feel better soon .

Best wishes

« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 09:28:54 PM by Forgetful »


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #40 on: July 24, 2013, 09:37:33 PM »

Hi I was given 30mg of lansoprazole but I did notice when started on the Omprazole I was getting a very bad head but didnt think of it thought maybe it was the weather :P but then I took a lansoprazole and had the same real real bad head,  so today I never took one and I have been ok so I think its those pills, my Gp is ringing on Friday to see if I can get a different one, you said you are on Nexium are they good as I need something as my poor stomach is crap today , thanks for you reply xx


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #41 on: July 25, 2013, 09:44:15 PM »


Well I think so far the Nexium has made my stomach a lot better than it was this time last week which was the worst it has ever been.. the doc thought I may have an ulcer. I think its still early days yet as it needs time to heal. It is more expensive than the other ones. Do you sleep flat at night? I have books and a pillow under the mattress and two pillows on top of that. You are meant to sleep on your left side if you have reflux but although I try to sometimes I end up turning over.  There is an operation you can have to stop it but I don't fancy that.  Do not know why some people get it more than others but I know it runs in our family. My little grandaughter aged 8 is already on omeprazole and gaviscon as her cardiac spincter never closed and my Auntie has not even got one. :o I never had problems until I was forty four thats when it started and it got worse after I had the hyst and the ovaries out.  Hope you get some relief soon. 

Best wishes



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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #42 on: July 26, 2013, 11:24:21 PM »

Hi well so far the lansoprazole is doing ok,going to give it a whirl till I see my Gp and go from there, thanks for your kind response  xx

patrica scammell

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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #43 on: July 29, 2013, 08:55:41 PM »

to moonbeam what hrt are you taking the right one makes you feel like a new woman you have to go thru a few like myself to find the one to suit yourself..I take magnesium mine is Oxytarm with added vit c, I take two every night increased from 1..its a hydroxide formula which cleanses the colon naturally like a laxative,allso it stops bloating and clears your skin..lots of makes don't dissolve in in your stomach or have a reaction..on the hrt again try Climesse 2mg of estradiol and 0.7mgs of norethisterone..Makes me feel me again..brilliant.. paty


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Re: Magnesium
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2013, 08:56:58 AM »

Hello Moonbeam glad the Lanzaprazole is working ;D my stomach pain is a lot better though I still have a lot of heartburn and indigestion but I think it takes a while to heal if it has been really bad.. my doc told me if its an ulcer it takes two months and from other posts on gerd elsewhere if it is all inflamed in there it takes a while to settle down after going on the pills. I am taking gaviscon after meals as well which is what the specialist in charge of my grandaughter has her do she is on four times a day gaviscon and omeprazole. Does not seem to bother her thankfully and she is always eating loads. Personally I think the indigestion thing is worse than the hot flushes and I think it starts up for a lot of people at this time due to poor muscle control with no estrogen. I can only take HRT with progestogen cos of my endo and that makes it worse  and makes me grumpy as well (like I'm not grumpy enough already :o) so thats why after trying HRT for six months after the surgical meno I decided to go cold turkey without HRT. At least its cooler now I could not handle that heat at all.

Hope you continue to improve.

Forgetful x
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