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Author Topic: Menopause and anxiety  (Read 16088 times)


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Re: Menopause and anxiety
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2013, 07:35:16 PM »

Hi there - Ive not been disgnosed with GERD - only very occasionally get acid in my throat and that would be after over indulging at Xmas for example. What is the post nasal drip?? I also get an occasional sense of smelking something like a bonfire and nobody else can smell it.......


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Re: Menopause and anxiety
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2013, 09:50:38 PM »

I have found Paul David's book "At Last A Life" and website "anxietynomore" a massive help. Take a look. For me it's the only solution really. ::)

Lucky Stone

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Re: Menopause and anxiety
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2013, 10:38:50 AM »

Post nasal drip is where you have what feels like mucus running down the back of your throat which makes it feel all thick and you feel like you need to cough all the time or clear your throat. Since I'e been taking the lanzaprozole, this has pretty much disappeared with me - I think all my pipes were inflamed and maybe that has calmed them down. Mind you, I am "hoppy" today again - think it must be the sertraline settling into my system, I felt a bit spaced out yesterday (day one of whole tablet) - that has gone but now I am anxious. Hope this goes before the end of the week when we are going away  :-\


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Re: Menopause and anxiety
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2013, 03:15:24 PM »

I can feel my anxiety building and seem helpless to get it to stop today. I ended up taking a diazepam just to stop my racing mind.

We are also going away on Saturday and i wish I had decided to have a staycation. I am really wondering if it's worth the pure panic I am feeling. I just thought when I booked this in January that I would be fine by now. I do need a rest away from my mum and her care and I know if I stay at home she would not understand if I did not visit.
At this moment I would happily cancel. Instead of looking forward I am dreading the whole thing.
I want to run away......from me.

I was very down yesterday. My daughter wanted to go clothes shopping and had been trying to pin me down to a day. I made so many excuses and eventually her brother went with her.
I want to do these things with her, but I just can't.

This needs to stop. I wish I had gone to the GP weeks ago for help.

Sorry for the ramble....Just got myself in a bit of a state.


Lucky Stone

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Re: Menopause and anxiety
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2013, 08:41:52 PM »

You ramble on honeybun - nightmare eh? And why do we beat ourselves up with it all, that's what I would like to know? We go on Friday to an event that I have SO been looking forward to and now it's here I'm thinking oooh err, what if I don't like the people, what if they don't like me, what if it's all clastrophobic in there and I start feeling hot, what if everyone wants to eat out together what if what if what if ..... blah blah  :-X I did actually feel less anxious after lunch but I think it's all the above that's making it worse. It's just stupid, it's not like I haven't connected with a few folk as we are all on the social media thingy so it won't be total strangers and I'm sure they will be friendly. But even with that knowledge, I'm still getting the cold creepy up the back feeling every now and then.  :-\ Pathetic huh?


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Re: Menopause and anxiety
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2013, 09:25:31 AM »

It may seem pathetic to others, but to us it's very real.  I am just the same.......whereas once I was the life and soul of the party, now I just HATE going anywhere where I can't get up and go if I need to.  As I have been 'large' all my life, I wonder if this also stems from that issue.  People always think you are fat and jolly, but is it just a front to cover up?  I don't like being large, but can never lose weight no matter what I do.  I think the change and this hormonal nonsense just exacerbates it all.  I have more symptoms than a doctor's handbook, but what keeps me going is knowing that I had a problem like this when I was in my early 20's - nobody could say why.  Some counsellors said it stemmed from me losing my father when I was 12 - who knows........  Another doctor said it could be hormonal and when I had gone through the change I would probably feel much better - he was a great help -  NOT!!!  Anyway, after going on all sorts of medications, beta blockers, prozac, seroxat, diazepam, I ended up being kept on the propanalol hydrochloride (beta blockers) and still take one a day to this day.  I did get back to a 'normal' life albeit some 2/3 years later.  I then carried on as normal for years.  This latest episode came back after losing my father in law - I have a real problem with death and dwell too much on it, I know.  I can't think too deeply about it, as I just wonder what the point of life is at all.  Anyway, things got worse, the panic attacks and anxiety set in, and I was back to square one - just how I was back in my 20's.  So, I am hoping it is all hormonal and that once I metamorphosise and 'change' into this beautiful butterfly, that all the horrible nastiness of the symptoms will go away for good lol..............we will see.  No matter what symptoms, headaches, fearful problems, I get - I know I have had them all before, they went away, and I lived on................ let's hope that is the case now xx


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Re: Menopause and anxiety
« Reply #36 on: July 02, 2013, 06:17:31 PM »

I have just read all he posts girls and this just sounds like me too. :'(

Like others I had a breakdown in my early twenties and stopped eating altogether feeling that my throat had closed over. Needless to say my weight loss was horrific and people assumed I had anorexia. I have suffered on and off for the last 25 years but could manage to keep things under control until I hit perimeno some 5 years ago. Sad thing is that people assume I am the most confident of people but little do they know that underneath the facade I'm a wreck.

I now worry non stop about all the horrible symptoms of meno and that they could be something more sinister. GP has been very patient and has tried hypnotherapy, CBT etc..but these have only given me short term relief.

I've got beta blockers, diazepam and ADs but none great so far other than the odd diazepam taking the due off :'(

Fortunately I have a fantastic understanding OH and family who now just accept that I have good days and bad days.

My heart goes to out to everyone who experiences this horrible affliction but I'm hoping that as time goes by things can only get better for us all.

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