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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: dr made a mistake ?  (Read 49466 times)


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dr made a mistake ?
« on: June 27, 2013, 07:59:00 PM »

totally gutted today went to see doc weeks ago about this terrible pain in my lower back and groin explained that its been going on for months also pain in right shoulder sent me for xrays an ive been waiting for today to come to see the orthopedic doc at hospital for some answers only to find when i got there he only deals with arm and shoulder nothing to do with back or hips etc  so now i dont know whats gone on as i dont have any other appointments rang the sugery and i can go see a doc tomorrow (not mine) to find out why i havent been refered for my back and hips  at the hospital today i have blood tests for rhuematoid arthritis which they said my doc should have done my doc was talking to me about hip replacement and all sorts when i went so i know i havent dreamt it i think he forgot to refer me for my hips and back and just did the shoulder one  soo fed up know as was hoping to book a weeks holiday and now probably got to wait for more appointments  sorry for going on just fed up x kerrie


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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2013, 08:11:40 PM »

What a shame, you must be really down about this. It just makes you feel like a number instead of a person.
Did the consultant you saw say anything about your shoulder at all.

Hope you get an answer when you visit your GP tomorrow. Book your holiday. You normally get plenty of notice and if the dates clash you can always change the appointment.
We all need a break away.



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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2013, 08:23:53 PM »

honey bun yes i felt a bit stupid to be fair i did think maybe i had forgotten  to do the choose and book for the other consultant but ive had the paperwork out and no it was just 1 i had to do so iam not that crazy  ;D  the consultant said that he thinks i have torn a tendon which they could operate on  ??? i was expecting frozen shoulder or arthritis but i have to go for an ultra sound on monday and then see him again dont fancy an operation its my hips that are causing the most  pain i cant walk properly  but will see him in 6 weeks and take it from there x  kerrie


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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2013, 08:27:07 PM »

I don't think it's been your fault at all.

Is it possible that you would need to see two different specialists and your appointment/referral to see someone about your hip pain is in the pipeline.

Just a thought.



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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2013, 08:42:34 PM »

i dont think so i only had the 1 appointment to book  you do it youself at our doctors they give you a ref no and you ring yourself and book  and when i saw the consultant today he told me that these days consultants deal with only specific areas such as arms back hips knees feet etc so he explained it may be one consultant for my back and another for my hips  :-\  heaven knows i hope i get some clarity tomorrow at gp i dont expect she will admit that my gp didnt do the referral for the other consultants but we will see x  kerrie


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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2013, 08:50:22 PM »

I've done choose and book so I know what you mean.  Doesnt sound like it was your mistake at all.  Hope dr can sort it for you ASAP.  Not good being left in pain like that.



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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2013, 09:35:35 PM »

iam annoyed to be fair i think i will have to go through the whole procedure of choose and book and the waiting time again and in the meantime iam trying to manage on paracetamol for the pain as i cant walk for more than 15 mins   o well see hat tomorrow brings i cant do much about it  :)


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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2013, 09:06:01 AM »

Totally unbelievable about Orthopaedic Consultants only dealing in areas of the body, last time I looked all the bones  and joints are interconnected! and what about referred pain.

So sorry you have to go through this kerrieann, I know how you are feeling, I am still waiting to see Consultant and what you have said has not given me much confidence, I went to see an Osteopath on Tuesday and he would not give treatment until I had seen a Consultant to find out what was causing my problem, he told me to take ibuprofen for five days to bring down inflammation and charged me £30 to tell me this.

I really hope you get an appointment soon x



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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2013, 09:33:44 AM »

off to see the gp at 1.30 see will let you know what she says x kerrie


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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2013, 03:29:52 PM »

hi all been to see lady gp regards the mix up and what she is telling me is that my xrays showed no hip problems but a problem with degeneration at the bottom of my back and she tells me that is why my gp didnt refer me only for the shoulder problem, she also asked about blood tests i told her i had them yesterday at hospital so know i have to ring the consultants secretary and ask her to fax the results through to my gp  i dont even know where his secretary is based  :-\  the gp has now booked me for physio and awaits the blood test results she has given me painkillers 15/500 co codamol.   It wasnt till i got out that i realized the day i saw my gp he told me to get a form for choose and book to see the consultant re my hip/back pain and shoulder however the xray results didnt come through for a week so he couldnt have looked at them and decided i didnt need to see a consultant as the lady gp told me today.  so now i have to do with painkillers and see what good physio does has anyone any experience of physio for back problems ?


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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2013, 03:55:02 PM »

Kerieann I am seeing a Physio in fact I saw her this afternoon, they are not so hands on as they use to be but will give you a sheet with exercises to do at home, I also had ultrasound treatment for about five mins. I must confess that it has not made much difference.

My physio has referred me to a Consultant and she said today that she will chase this up.

She told me again today that my problem is mechanical and in my sacrolilliac joints more so on the left. My Xrays came back as satisfactory and no change since I last had one in 2007, though Xrays don't show up tissue problems.

She also said Consultant might consider injection, I don't know if this would be considered for you. Most people have some degeneration in lower back and don't have pain others do.

Sounds to me that you have not had the best of treatment and there has been a lack of communication and some back peddling I would go back and see your own GP.



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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2013, 03:59:50 PM »

Sounds like lack of communication, however, for an Orthopaedic Consultant to see 'only' one part of the skeleton amazes me  :o and if the records/appt. dept. had read the referral letter correctly, they should have contacted you to let you know!  If you got as far as this particular Consultant why couldn't he have referred you to the correct Dept.?  :-\

As mentioned, how about referred pain ......... everything should inter-connect after all!

Physio should help.  Exercises, lifting correctly can help enormously - as can footwear  ;)


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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2013, 05:26:56 PM »

yes i think its all about lack of communication i havent really got the energy to go back and take it up with the gp as they will probably cover for one another anyway so i will see how the physio goes   gp told me today to carry on with walking and just to take pain killers and i wont be causing any damage so they know best  :-\  she said it sounds like nerve pain coming from the bottom of my back really dont know now feel iam no further forward   kerrie


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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2013, 05:32:01 PM »

Walking can ease painful joints and muscles.  If you take pain relief before attempting anything strenous, i.e. lifting, it will kick in before you require it. 

See what the physio suggests  ;)


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Re: dr made a mistake ?
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2013, 05:37:27 PM »

thanks clkd  i suppose i was expecting to know what was causing the problem and then set about trying to put it right i didnt really want to mask things with pain relief but like you say i will see what the physio thinks  at least i know one thing was right and that was the chiropractor said there was no problem with my hips and that it was my back   kerrie
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