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Author Topic: Citalopram, and very scared.  (Read 29113 times)


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Citalopram, and very scared.
« on: June 20, 2013, 11:45:49 AM »

Been to my GP this morning and came back with these. She gave me 10mg.

I really want something to help but I am terrified they will make me sick.

Help ladies.



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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2013, 12:04:46 PM »

Honeyb it's rotten that you went to get help with anxiety, and now feel scared of the tablets.
Have you tried them before, do you know they don't agree with you?
It might be worth giving them a go, you can always stop if you start to feel bad.

I have never tried Citalopram so can't offer any definite advice.
Sure somebody will be along soon
All I can do is send hugs

 :hug: :hug: :hug:



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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2013, 01:28:49 PM »

hi honeybun,  your not alone i have had citalopram in the cupboard for weeks i know i need something but i too am scared to take them how silly i tell myself iam 56 get on with it but then i talk myself out of it  my daughter in law had them last year and said the first 2 weeks were hell but then they helped  :-\  what shall we do eh   ;D


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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2013, 01:54:21 PM »

Hi honeybun

I've taken citalopram for anxiety but at the time was in a bit of a state and needed something that would work immediately which i found these didn't. My gp then put me on mirtazapine which started to calm me down straight away. A family member is also taking citalopram and she is feeling much better although it took quite a few weeks and is on 30mg.

You can only give them a try and see how it goes. I understand your reluctance, its adding more medication into the mix and not knowing what the effects will be.

From my own experience hrt  has only helped to a certain degree and i needed something to help control the overwhelming anxiety i was experiencing immediately. I take both now, still have ups n downs and its 2 years down the line, but much better than i was, couldn't manage at all without.  I'm nearly 51 and intend to try coming off both when my periods have stopped and the emotional and anxiety symptoms will hopefully have calmed down.

Hope this helps,  let me know how you get on.

Take care
Delilah x

Lucky Stone

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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2013, 01:57:53 PM »

Hello honeybun, I have been on sertraline for 3 weeks now and was scared to take the first half tablet (as recommended by my GP) but just came home and took it straight away before I could put myself off  :-X I have been lucky and not suffered any real side effects - when I upped from a half to a whole one I felt a bit spaced out for that day but it wore off. Three weeks in and I have to say I am feeling the benefits of them although I have had a couple of anxious days (but I am on other tablets at the moment as well for a skin condition and they are said to ramp up the anxiety), also we have been away and that was stressful for lots of reasons. But I do feel my mind is a little "quieter" than usual and I am not obsessing and worrying about things as much as I usually do. Citalopram is a similar drug - well, it's an SSRI like Sertraline so I would give them a go. I'm terrible with tablets and study the leaflet like mad, convinced I am going to get all the nasty side effects but usually the fears are groundless. You are feeling rough at the moment and these might help - grab that courage and take the first one. If it helps, wait until you are not on your own - maybe have OH around - that way if you do get a side effect there is someone there to offer help. That's what I usually do. Good luck x


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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2013, 02:00:53 PM »

Hi Honeybun

I felt like you before i started the citalopram but although i had some of the side effects they really did help me.  I began to feel better after a few weeks and continued to improve over a year and was able to stop them a few months ago.  For me at the time they were a life saver because i couldn't have gone on like I was.  Perhaps try them and see how you get on and if they don't suit you there are plenty of other's your GP could suggest.  I took mine about 7 in the evening so that i would sleep through the worst of the side effects and they also helped me sleep better.

Good luck.



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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2013, 02:30:18 PM »

What doseage are you on?  I find that if I take my at night, about an hour before bed to avoid heartburn, I am fine!   I take 5mg of Cipralex which is a similar preparation.  I have taken Citalopram in the early 2000s and was absolutely fine, as someone with Emitophobia I have to be careful !


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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2013, 02:49:52 PM »

It's a 10mg dose and like CLKD I am an emitophobe so that's my big problem.
I will take anything if I can be sure it won't make me sick.

I now have to explain to mum that I might be out of action for a short while until I settle on them. That will go down like a lead balloon.

Thanks for all the support. I will start tomorrow and take it with my evening meal so it's not on an empty stomach.
Guess that's my glass of wine at the weekend out the window.



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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2013, 03:09:05 PM »

hi honeybun,  if your going to start tonight would you please post and let us know how your feeling if you dont mind and maybe i will start mine  :)


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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2013, 04:54:51 PM »

The plan is to begin tomorrow night according to Honeybun's post.
I think you will be fine!  I don't feel any queasyness with the AD.  I have had some that made me really weird but that was in the 1990s and medication has improved a lot since then.

Tell your Mum that you are feeling unwell and your Dr has suggested that you rest for a week  - I don't think there is any reason to tell her why or you will get the 'you don't have any reason to be depressed/anxious/moody'  >:( - don't give her any information that she can feed off!  No doubt you will get the 'you've only just had a holiday' scenario but have an answer ready!

Or let your DH ring her  ;)



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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2013, 05:34:34 PM »

good luck with the tablets x

I know what you mean about being scared to take them. I have a whole box of pregabalin in the cupboard but am too nervous to take them as well.
I suppose the question is if you think you can cope without them? If you're not doing well and have a low quality of life, you could give them a try?


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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2013, 06:10:43 PM »

I've been on them for years, on 20mg atm.  They'll probably start to kick in a bit after a week but the best results take a month or two.  They may give you a try mouth but please persevere as this will go quite quickly.

Definitely dont tell your mum the real reason, as CLKD says.


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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2013, 06:29:18 PM »

Hope they help you HB! I know how you feel about not taking prescribed meds. My GP gave me strong anti-inflammatories for my back. I read the blurb and refused to take. He wasn't best pleased.


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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2013, 06:38:54 PM »

Hi Honeybun

I have taken them in the past, suffered from severe anxiety / depression after the breakdown of my marriage. I was given 10mg to start with, and as others have said, they take a few weeks to really kick in. I didn't really have any side effects that I remember, so I assume if I did then they couldn't have been severe or I would have remembered.

My dose was increased to 20mg as we, the doc and I, felt that I needed a little more help when divorce was pending. I did feel a bit spaced and hyper for a little while, this settled quickly and they became routine and I got used to them.

They were an absolute life saver for me, I couldn't have coped at all without them.  Once I started feeling that I could cope with the everyday without them I was weaned off, I have had them since when I was suffering from meno symptoms and I took them for a short time to get me through some tough times.

I really hope that you give them a try, they may be just what you need, I really do hope they help you. Not everyone is the same and can't tolerate the same medication. You can but try.

Wishing you all the very best, keep us posted.


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Re: Citalopram, and very scared.
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2013, 06:40:58 PM »

I will start tomorrow as I have had a diazepam today and don't want to mix things up.

I did tell mum I had been at the GP and that she said I may well feel rough for a few days.I really hope I don't but when I go to mum's tomorrow I will be taking her seven prepared.....and I will change her bed and do her washing. If she has to manage without me for a short while she will manage with a full freezer and a clean house and bed.

That is one of the main reasons for starting tomorrow.

For once I am going to put me first and mother will just have to get what I am able to give.

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