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Author Topic: Prempak-C low dose HRT  (Read 12899 times)


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Prempak-C low dose HRT
« on: June 18, 2013, 07:42:25 AM »

Hi all,
Was wondering if anybody else is taking Prempak-C 0.625mg HRT and their experiences? I have only taken for four days was taking Preminque for two months but found still hot at nights so doc has given me this slightly higher dose HRT and I know its only four days but feel so fatigued and feel like I sleep more than I was before at night but still more tired throughout the day  :(
Also I havent had a period for two years this September so I wondered why doc has given me one listed for peri, didnt realise this until I returned from docs and looked it up on your list, dont want bleeding back can anyone who has used it tell me if they get bleeding?
Could anyone tell me what the prices are on the HRT list? I paid £7.85 for mine and that was doubled because I was told two ingredients  :-\
Menopause is costing me a fortune when I think about all the money previously I have spent on herbals ! Moan over, would love to hear if anyone can shine light of any of the above.


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Re: Prempak-C low dose HRT
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2013, 11:35:18 AM »

Perhaps the doc has made a mistake. Phone the surgery and ask the question. There is a low dose and a medium dose Premique so a choice there.



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Re: Prempak-C low dose HRT
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2013, 12:28:51 PM »

Hi sohot

I took prempak-c for a short while, its definitely for those who are peri-menopause. Have a look at the hrt preps in the left hand column, you'll see the different types there.

I'd get back onto your gp if i were you and ask why these were prescribed.

Take care
Delilah x


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Re: Prempak-C low dose HRT
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2013, 08:21:30 PM »

Thanks for your replies. Delilah, how did you find prempak? I assume you no longer take it! ? I will end up going back to docs especially if the bleeding starts again although doc has told me to take one pack after the other with no breaks,  but every time they change it cost more money, can't really afford it to be honest :-\


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Re: Prempak-C low dose HRT
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2013, 10:40:42 PM »

Yes the Prempak is designed to give a bleed.

If the doc has made a mistake then surely you would not have to pay again?

Re payment - yes you do have to pay double for HRT which contains oestrogen and progesterone (I think for conti as well?) and I presume you did with the Premique too?

Usually doc prescribe HRT for a month's trial don't they - to see if you are OK - but I take your point about the cost. I presume with the Premique you were given at least 3 months worth under one prescription so at least that's only between about £5 - £6 a month? I would ask for 3 months worth in the new prescription if you think you will be OK on it.

Hurdity x


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Re: Prempak-C low dose HRT
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2013, 11:08:10 AM »

Yes Hurdity, with the Premique I was given 3 months supply, took 2 months of it and had to go back to doc so I requested something a little bit more because I was still getting disturbed nights and was given 3 months of the Prempak. Sometimes you do wonder if the doctors know what they are doing don't you!? Yes I had to pay double perscription charges for both these HRT preparations because the chemist had them on their list  :-\ Maybe it would be worth going back to doc but I had better see if I bleed first, on the leaflet it says some people will and thats normal and some people won't and thats normal.... double dutch if you ask me ;D
Thank you for your advice. Do you take HRT? Anyone who can recommend a low dose HRT that they have found good would be appreciated. I really should be taking a continuous one because it will be two years this sept since I had period and longer than that if you include the 14mths I had a merina coil with no bleeding. Any advice most welcome. This site is so good, so much information and people ready to offer advice and help.


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Re: Prempak-C low dose HRT
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2013, 01:50:42 PM »

Hi sohot

I only took prempak for about 2 months at the start of my meno problems. At that time i was feeling so bad i expected instant results and when i didn't get them went straight back to gp and asked to try something else. I realised after much reading on here that i was going to have to persevere which isn't easy when you are so desperate. My gp prescribed mirtazapine anti-
depressant to calm down my anxiety and at the same time i changed to femoston 2/10 hrt. I still have ups n downs but i'm much better than at the start.

I've never had to think about the cost of prescriptions living here in wales but can appreciate it must be expensive to keep changing prescriptions apart from wanting to find something thats gonna work for you.

Sorry i cant advise, our bodies all react so differently dont they and we're all at different stages in this. Its definitely not an easy stage of life for many of us. I hope you find something that works for you soon.

Take care
Delilah x



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Re: Prempak-C low dose HRT
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2013, 04:43:30 PM »

Thanks Delilah,
Because I was looking at the list and the one you are taking stood out as the obvious one the doctor should have prescribed for me because it is continuous which is what I need, having not had a period for nearly two years and it is just a little bit more than the Premique I was taking before. After much reading on web I should definately not be on this sequential one he has given me especially as I have history of endometriosis and fibroids which we discussed  >:( I am going to ring him tomorrow and not taking any more of the Prempak ones they are making me feel quite ill at the moment and I shouldnt be bleeding again after all this time, I have only taken 5 so hopefully not too late  :-\


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Re: Prempak-C low dose HRT
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2013, 10:43:05 AM »

Hi again

I'm actually taking femoston 2/10 sequi as i'm nearly 51 and was still having periods when this all started for me at 49. There are two femoston contis which are lower doses than the sequi and these are probably the ones you mean.

Hope this helps in making your decision. Let us know how you get on with your gp and how things go.

Delilah x