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Author Topic: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg  (Read 14739 times)


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Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« on: June 17, 2013, 10:52:05 AM »

Hi.  After being on FemSeven Sequi for 2 months, I went to see my Dr this morning.  I've been having terrible mood swings, anxiety during the Progesterone phase of the FemSeven Sequi patches.  On the Oestrogen phase I felt really good, but as soon as the PRogesterone kicked in, down I went.....

Anyway, the Dr was really good.  I mentioned this Forum and she knew about it.  She has changed my HRT to Estradot 50 patches plus Utrogestan 200mg for days 15-26 of my cycle, as she thinks the Progesterone will suit me better.

I am 45 years old, peri-menopausal.  Is anyone on this regime and does it sound good? 
Many thanks.


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 04:24:52 PM »

Yes me!

The only difference is that I have lengthened my cycle to 2 months because I am post-menopausal so have very little other oestrogen of my own.

I still use Utrogestan 200 mg on the longer cycle (rather than the higher dose that you would expect) - because I use it vaginally and so more gets to the uterus so a lower dose is needed.

I have been using Estradot on and off for almost the whole of 6 years (had a brief spell with Evorel but prog didn't agree with me) - and I think these patches are brilliant - mainly because they are so small and I find they stick well.

Good luck with your new regime - I really hope it works for you, and do keep us posted with how you get on - there are several other Utro users on here!

Hurdity x


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 05:47:44 PM »

Thanks, Hurdity.  I'm really hoping this regime works well as this weekend was a nightmare!  I felt really anxious and tearful, even more so than I did before I started the HRT two months ago!

I see you use the Utrogestan vaginally.... I did ask my Dr about that but she told me to take it orally.  Is it common to take it vaginally?

Am I right in thinking the Utrogestan is more "natural" than the Progesterone in the Femseven Sequi, which was Levenorgestorol, I think.  I got really bad spots on the FemSeven, so I'm hoping the different Progesterone won't cause that.

The Estradot sound better for sticking - I thought the FemSeven were a right pain - they curled up and would come unstuck around the edges after a couple of days.  Think the Estradot are changed twice a week, instead of once like the FemSeven, aren't they?  :)


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 06:24:02 PM »

Hi Stellajane.  The main issues for me are anxiety and irritability at the moment, which has been worsened by the FemSeven.  How do you use it vaginally?  (Sorry for my ignorance as my GP wouldn't acknowledge that I could use it like that, just orally).  Do you just pop it in?  ???    How do you find it with regard to your mood?


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2013, 08:33:30 PM »

Thanks very much.  I think I'll try it orally first and see how it goes.  If I feel things could be improved, I try it vaginally. Still got one week of FemSeven to use first, then I'll have a bleed so I can start the new routine then.


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2013, 02:24:35 PM »

Hi again Liz

Yes progesterone in Utrogestan is  "natural" in the sense that it is bio-identical to our own progesterone - but it is synthesised in the lab from plant origins.

Re the spots and different types of progestogen. Here is the info on this site about different types:

Progestogens which can be used cyclically are of 3 main types:

    Testosterone derived - Norgestrel, Norethisterone acetate and Levonorgestrel.
    Less testosterone related - Medroxyprogesterone acetate(MPA).
    Least testosterone related - Dydrogesterone and Micronised progesterone (Utrogestan).

Side effects are often experienced during the progestogen phase of treatment and can be reduced by using a product containing a different type or route of progestogen

I think the testosterone derived ones are known as androgenic and can cause more spots and hair loss (haven't looked this up recently), so hopefully the Utrogestan will not give you the spots.

Re vaginal use - there are various threads in Utorgestan, and vaginal use - if you do a general search they should come up. Lots has been posted about different women's experiences.  It is not licensed for vaginal use in this country although can be given off licence by GPs/gynaes. It is used vaginally in France and other European countries. There has been research showing it is effective and safe to use in this way. However many women in an active relationship would not want to use it like this on a continuous basis ( as it is recommended to do post-meno) for obvious reasons! I think most of us who use it vaginally are on a cycle ( even if post-meno) .

Yes as stellajane says - just poke it up there! As I mentioned you would need a lower dose when used vaginally but your doc is unlikely to allow this and even the French instructions give the same dose orally as vaginally.

Hope this helps

Hurdity  x



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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2013, 03:24:21 PM »

Thank you Hurdity.  A helpful response, as ever.  I think I'll try the Utrogestan orally first and see how I go.  If it doesn't give me the moods that the Progesterone in the Femseven did, I'll be happy!  I'm still on the Prog patch atm and they really are not suiting me, but think I'm right in saying I need to see the phase out until my bleed, which should be next week anyway.   :)

I'm really glad my Doc prescribed me the Utro - some ladies seem to have trouble getting it.


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2013, 06:41:43 PM »

HI Liz
was just about to start a new topic when i came across yours...And My problem is the same thing has you mentioned. I have been on the FEM 7 Sequi now for over a year, and i have suffered ever since. Its like you have said! The first 2 patches are fine and then i hit a low with the phase 2 patch.
I'm so low today that its unbearable its even my birthday and i could not face anyone. I have reached a point where i have to do something about it. I Have mentioned this numerous times to the nurse at the clinic, and all she says!! is thats nonsense as you only have a very small amount of the progesterone in the second patches. Sorry for going on but i have had it with these patches. I truly need Something as i couldn't go back to feeling the way i did before the HRT
I just said to myself, its better to have 2 good weeks rather than none. So i put up with them, but i can't any longer.
So i will mention what you have changed to and see if she can do somthing for me.
Thank you for reading this xxx


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2013, 07:26:47 PM »

Hi damejean

First of all...


 and sorry to hear you are feeling rough on your special day.

If you go and ask for Utrogestan and they haven't heard of it you will have to ask for "micronised progesterone" - which is what it is, and Utrogestan is the brand name. When I first asked for it the GP had to look it up and couldn't find it - and my prescription actually says "micronised progesterone".

You shouldn't have any problem with the Estradot although one member recently encountered difficulty with her unfortunately badly informed GP, who said she couldn't have Estradot if she still had a womb, despite her asking for Utrogestan as well!!

No need to put up with feeling bad - I mean we should expect some pms symptomns if we continue with a cycle - after all it's what we've had for years - but it shouldn't give you worse pms than you used to have, and if you suffered very badly in the past - ideally your HRT regime should be designed so that you don't continue to suffer.

Hurdity x


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2013, 07:35:39 PM »

Hi damejean.  Sorry you are feeling so rough.  I have been using the Estradot for about 10 days now, but haven't started the Utrogestan yet.  This will be for 15 days from Wednesday.  I've been feeling fine on the Estradot, so am hoping for good things with the Utrogestan.  I'm going to try this routine for 3 months and see how I go.  Part of me wants to try without HRT altogether though.


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2013, 10:58:54 PM »

HI Liz
Would just like to thank you and Hurdity for the reply, Can you tell me if the ESTRADOT can be given to women who still have a womb also is it a smaller patch than the FEM7 sequi.
And may I ask! is the UTROGESTAN taken orally or is it inserted...
I hope it all works well for you.
Today i made a appointment to see the Nurse, I won't be Fobbed off this time. I have had an awful
weekend, I Literally Ripped Off the patch on saturday (pat-2) and Was due to Stick a new one on  today Monday. But before i would put a number 2 on again I put on A number 1,
and felt much better. But im just hoping i won't do harm to myself.
Thank you for reading this
xx :-*


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2013, 06:48:43 AM »

Hi damejean.  I still have my womb (I'm peri) and still having periods, hence having to use the Utrogestan.  Yes, the Estradot are much smaller than the FemSeven Sequi, so that's a plus point.

As for the Utrogestan, I haven't started mine yet as I'm due to take it on days 15-26 of my cycle, so will be starting it tomorrow night.  I'll let you know how I get on.

Good luck with your appointment and let us know how it goes.


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2013, 07:58:14 AM »

HI Liz
Thank you.. I will keep you up to date, and truly hope everything goes well for.


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2013, 12:13:58 PM »

When is your appointment, damejean? Hopefully not too far away.  I can relate totally to how you felt on the Progesterone patches - I couldn't believe how bad I felt.  Couldn't tolerate anyone or any noise..... I took mine off in disgust too.  I know we have to have the Progesterone though, because of our womb and still having periods.  Put it this way, if my new Estradot/Utrogestan routine doesn't help, I'm throwing in the towel.  I'd rather put up with hot flushes, etc, than feel as though my mind had been taken over, which is how I felt on the Prog phase of the FemSeven.

I plan to use my Utrogestan orally (as directed by my GP), but I know some ladies use it vaginally and it works for them. 


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Re: Estradot 50mcg and Utrogestan 200mg
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2013, 02:32:51 PM »

Hi Liz
Hope you're feeling fine today. My appointment is today.

So i'm hoping for some good results. I'm still very confused as opposed to what is going to suit me.

But its trial and error with the HRT, even though i havent tryed to many. Too scared To make changes as i can't bare the Lows as when they come its my worst nightmare 10 fold/.

Today I feel like i have been run over, what little energy i had As completely gone. I feel like you said...Throwing in the towel i'm totally drained with it all.

Sorry for my moan, I truly hope your having good results you will give me some hope.

Anyways!!! i shall keep you up to date later

Keeping My fingers crossed xx
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