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Author Topic: Where's home?  (Read 12526 times)


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Re: Where's home?
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2013, 09:25:38 AM »

Thanks Millie - That's what I want to do, all I have to do now is convince OH.
We've been looking for other houses around here for about 8 years, no joy yet.
It looks like having building work done on our current house is the only way forward.
OH has said he will muzzle me! Fair enough  ::)

Suzi Q

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Re: Where's home?
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2013, 11:06:30 AM »

Home is where your soul is ad mines in Wallasey Wirral
Its where my entire family are bedides son and boblbles
My biggest regret in life was coming to ozz Id never influence anyone to emigrate its a form of death
Youve no history knowne knows oyu oer knows your family
I live in a lovely area by the sea lovely home newley renovated extended hugs deck all covered with dinner lights like yiou see on Tele HUge Day beds 2 of them 12 seater wood tables with 12 arn chair chairs to sit on lovely spa
But kow what Id give it all up to live back in New Brighton wallsey in my 3 bed between the watrs semi on the front
Now sons married no way wed go back Plan was Id have Dads house so we could sopend fwew months here and there
Dads now decided to sel it and give the money to his lady fereind and some to our son me sod all as per usual
I have a lovley home I dnt have to work anymore I have nice freinds knowne really close though but close enough
I can lady wot lunches got to cinemas have weekends away Im very lucky I kow that
BUT this isnt my home its just sone where I live
In my bed nights I lye there and walk out of Duke Street in New Brighton and walk to Liscard
Ive been here over 30 years yet sdtill dont know names of road lived in Uk for 26 and still kow every road sad hey?


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Re: Where's home?
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2013, 11:56:27 AM »

I was born and brought up in stockport, I lived there for 32 years, all my family came from/lived there, I'd only ever gone to two schools etc, my late hubby had moved round all his life, so for him there wasn't really anywhere that he called home, we bought a house there (our 2nd) and that was "home" then we were offered an opportunity that we couldn't pass up on, to move to north wales and run our own buisness. We moved to a lovely area just above the welsh mountain zoo, the children were only young and seemed such a lovely place for them to grow up in etc, but it never ever felt like home to me, I could look round and see how beautiful it was etc, but I missed Stockport so much. I made the most of things though, and tried to look at the positives, I got a job that i loved in the local primary school, just 3 hours a day. then my husband died and I was faced with a choice, by now the children were older (22 and 18) and wouldn't be around for much longer. I decided to give myself a coyuple of years and then I'd make a descision, in the meantime I met someone who lived in another part of the country, and the up shot was I moved sold up left my job etc, and I've never regretted it for a moment, even though it's not Stockport, it feels more like home than Wales ever did in the 16 years I was there.
So even though a place may look like everything you've ever wanted etc, it's about far more than that, can't really explain it.

joyce x


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Re: Where's home?
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2013, 05:15:16 PM »

I have travelled the world all my life starting from when I was a baby, no where is home and probably don't belong anywhere ( I am use to being told "you don't come from around here", my family is scattered and we don't see each other all that often though we keep in touch, through facebook, phone, Skype.

I have missed out on a lot that others may share but I have gained a lot too, I have a broad view of things and have a good sense of self.

So for me home is where I am. Though Italy is in my heart.

I do long for a home by the sea with a good broadband connection though  :D


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Re: Where's home?
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2013, 05:27:12 PM »

Your posts joyce and silverlady about home being more than a place, and talk about the heart and the home, reminds me of that well known saying - and also of a place I visited several times probably 35 years ago - a little pub in a lovely place called Appletreewick in the Yorkshire Dales.

The landlord had rather an interesting turn of phrase at closing time -  instead of last orders or whatever - he would raise his voice,  let out a shout and say "Hooome is where the bleeding heart is....!". That was the cue to drink up and go!

A bit off topic but the saying does ring true and the posts made me remember that.

Hurdity  x


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Re: Where's home?
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2013, 06:45:59 PM »

My home is not really my house but the area where I live. It's the sea and the view and the smell of the sea on a breezy morning.

After a long hard winter I am always reminded why I love living here. Just the way the light hits the water or the sound of the waves.

I would fade away if I was anywhere else.

This coast line is my home. The house is where I live.



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Re: Where's home?
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2013, 07:36:34 AM »

These posts are lovely.  Joyce so strange that your new home feels more like home than Wales.  I wonder why that is. 

Not sure where home is for me anymore.  I like my house, as I said,but not the area.  It isnt friendly at all, not like the village I  moved from.  Mind you, went back there last night for a meet up with old neighbours and it's not the same there either. 

HB I love your description of how you feel about your home :)
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