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Author Topic: I think I am turning into Miss Evil!  (Read 4851 times)

Debbie D

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I think I am turning into Miss Evil!
« on: May 26, 2013, 07:15:45 PM »

I think I am approaching the menopause, been getting heavier and heavier periods for months.  I am 47. 

What I did not account for, and 'think' is to do with the menopause, are the bad moods!  Wow I am always angry - which is really not like me.  Don't get me wrong, I am not calm and happy 100 % of the time, who is?  However I am a natural optimist and am usually good tempered, or manage to hide any irritations. 

Last few weeks I seem to be in a constant bad temper!  I lose patience with people, inanimate objects and even myself.  Not turned to violence yet thank god  but my poor best pal is bearing the brunt of it and though he is a patient bloke he is starting to avoid me!!

Is this happening to anyone else?  I remember when my mum went through this it was two years of HELL - I do NOT want to turn into my mother lol.

Any thoughts, help, advise would be very gratefully received.



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Re: I think I am turning into Miss Evil!
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2013, 07:40:25 PM »

YEP, YEP and .......... explain to those around you that usually, your sudden change of temperament isn't - although it COULD BE - their fault  ;) and it is recommended that families have a buzz word so that the lady knows that they know her mood has altered.

I can throw plates for England when roused and it doesn't take much, particularly when I'm driving!


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Re: I think I am turning into Miss Evil!
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2013, 09:43:15 PM »

So if we see a lady driving down the road throwing plates out of the window it would be you CLKD.      :D

I am so much calmer mood wise since I went on HRT. I was very unpredictable before that as my family will happily remind me.

It takes a lot before I loose my temper now.

The anxiety I have does not make me moody at all.....a bit withdrawn at times though.



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Re: I think I am turning into Miss Evil!
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2013, 08:43:08 AM »

About a year ago I was a bit like that, I put a post up here, as I was getting to be quite nasty. Something I remember my mum being like when I was younger and I found it quite hard to take. It has calmed down a bit since then, and I know that coming up to a period or if I have had too much wine, my temper will be shorter. I'm more aware of it, so can try to control it. If I don't, I really really apologise afterwards.

I know we don't want to hurt our nearest and dearest, but at least they forgive. A few months ago I was at a meeting - and I hate meetings of any kind, even when I was younger and keen to make an impression - and oh my, my nasty side was tryingto get out! I had two very animated discissions with 2 people, 1 I only met that day! You know when your talking and you know you shouldn't, but you cant stop! I only work on a freelance, as and when basis, and am struggling with it. I have 100% admiration for you ladies, who work full time, in any job!



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Re: I think I am turning into Miss Evil!
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2013, 10:20:50 AM »

I remember all this so well, I had to keep sitting outside when at work otherwise I wld just collapse cos of the sweats and felt so drained. Also my blood was on constant boil like I was a volcano errupting all the time, I would shout and yell and scream at work collegues calling them awful names and swear loads. Luckily my manager at the time was ok, think he was scared of me. If I had the horrible manager we hav now I would of been sacked. These went on for 3 yrs along with no periods they just stopped but doc always said that blood results were normal. Dont be fooled by this as levels were reducing even though still with the "normal" bracket. If I had been put on hrt earlier I wouldnt have the agoraphobia I suffer with now which restricts me to the distance I can travel. Go get a blood test and compare the levels yourself, hrt is better than having to put up with the symptons of the meno.

Debbie D

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Re: I think I am turning into Miss Evil!
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2013, 11:26:26 PM »

I keep hearing about the dreaded hot sweats, over the last year or so I have turned the heating off n the bedroom and placed the bed near the window as I often wake up hot, I am not a heat lover anyway and prefer winter!

When would I get the sweats, would that be whilst aproaching the meno or after, they sound the most horrendous of all the symptoms.

I am going to get an appointment with my doc this week for a blood test and some more info. 

I was told today I might need to give up my glass or two of wine - bugger that lol


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Re: I think I am turning into Miss Evil!
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2013, 04:00:48 PM »

I've been getting the flushes & night sweats on/off for 13 years now, I'm just 48 :-\

You can't be Miss Evil sorry, my OH says I took that name many years ago  :)

As for wine, I refused to give up my one or two glasses a week & I have to admit that's all it takes to put me into a continual hot flush lasting an hour or so  :hotflash:. Hope you don't have that problem.

Good luck with your blood test & Drs appt  :bighug:


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Re: I think I am turning into Miss Evil!
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2013, 08:20:49 PM »

Oh my gosh...i didn't know that was part of it too?? Thought I was just a horrible horrible person  :-\

and I can not believe that WINE causes hot flushes??????  OMG ...well thats well and truly peed on my chips!!


D x


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Re: I think I am turning into Miss Evil!
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2013, 11:58:27 AM »

 :tulips: ..... it's called 'the change' - so we need to make changes to accommodate ourselves.  Have a 'buzz' word that your partner/kids can shout as they run out of the room, that way you know that they are aware of your mood changes.  Make sure that they know it is hormonal but that they can help by:

There are certain ingredients in wine that are 'poisonous' or un-natural to the body.  Red wine is a well known aggravator  ::)


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Re: I think I am turning into Miss Evil!
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2013, 04:10:20 PM »

Debbie D - re alcohol. I still do have wine - but only early in the evening and with food and I'm fine with that. Otherwise I get migraines ( I have HRT for the flushes).

Also I tend to have more G&T's (slimline of course) than wine now as it doesn't seem to have the same poisons. Beer is fine but fills me up too much!

As long as it's well below the limit you will minimise risk factor for cancers etc. I try and limit it to weekends now, but do lapse a bit!

Hurdity  x