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Author Topic: Hysteroscopy  (Read 13278 times)


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2013, 02:15:26 PM »

Cazi are you home yet, how did things go. :-*


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2013, 05:03:10 PM »

Hi Joyce - that's the problem I have not ever been in labour , or pregnant ... Period pains I've not had for over 5 years so that is where my pain threshold is... ZERO, ZILCH. I just dont do pain very well. The dentist is my limit.  ;D ;D ;D & if he says Open Wide.....

OK Rosebush, I am back & it wasn't too bad, honest.
Yes I was "bricking" it but the girls at the hospital were great.

I told the lady gynae that ideally I would like the coil removed, a full investigation done & any biopsys taken as necessary. However, I did not want to go through too much pain, & if I shouted STOP, I bl**dy well meant it.
I had already told her about my previous experiences of having this type of procedures done, & she was fully supportive. She did say that if it got too much for me then she would refer me for a GA. However I must say I think this was more because of the coil removal rather than the hysterectomy, so I gritted my teeth & said "let's do it".

1 - I had the coil removed.. :bounce: not too bad in the end,, says she who was squuezing the nurses hand & talking about a load of drivel at the time.
2 - They took 2 photos.
3 - They found a 0.5cm polyp & 2 biopsys were taken.... now that was the worse bit as it did stung but it soon sub-sided.
4 - Wait for the results.

Now Rosebush - it wasn't the best experience of my life, but it certainly wasn't the worse, & that is what you have to focus on. Believe me I now feel so much more relaxed & happy now that it is over.
No more sleepless nights lying awake wondering, I have taken the big step & done the right thing.

Now Rosebush, you can follow my lead - we are all behind you & will be holding your hand.

Love Cazi xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2013, 05:16:26 PM »

Hi Cazikins. So pleased that you have had it done and that it was better than you thought! Well done. I had forgotten it was today - not so "well done" me - sorry.

Taz x  :foryou:


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2013, 11:02:33 PM »

Well done Cazi :bighug: I have another 2.5wks to wait, but feel better after reading your post, sooo pleased you coped with the coil removal as well. :foryou: What are you using instead of m.coil?  xxx



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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2013, 11:13:52 AM »

Hi Cazi
I bet you feel so much better now, and you should feel really proud of yourself, sometimes the expectation of things is so much worse than the actual event.

Joyce x


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2013, 04:44:16 PM »

Thanks Taz & Joyce, yes I do feal pretty chuffed & very brave meno chick... :valkyrie:

Well done Cazi :bighug: I have another 2.5wks to wait, but feel better after reading your post, sooo pleased you coped with the coil removal as well. :foryou: What are you using instead of m.coil?  xxx

Now you know Rosebush what it's like (& you know I told it like it actually was), you will be fine. It's the not knowing how we will cope that gets me, our imagination runs riot.

I have had a bit of spotting today but no more than a panty liner can deal with, & no pain.

"What am I using instead of mirena coil?". Do you mean HRT or contraceptive wise RB?

Cazi xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2013, 05:39:03 PM »

HRT Cazi ..just remembered I was told they would pump air into the cervix to enlarge it , did they use this during your procedure?  x


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2013, 07:41:28 PM »

I have made an appointment with my GP to review my HRT a week on Monday.
I was on mirena coil for prog' & 1mg climavel for estr'.
The Gynae told me yesterday that it is ok to carry on using climavel on its own for 1 month only, but after that I must either stop using HRT or go onto a combined (hopefully a continuous type as I don't want to have peiods again).

If they did pump air into my cervix Rosebush I was not told or even aware of it.

Love Cazi xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2013, 02:47:27 PM »

Cazi, hope you don't mind me asking, but was the procedure done with just legs dropped to the side  are were stirrups used ??? x


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2013, 03:39:14 PM »

I don't mind you asking Rosebush at all. It is the little bits of extra info that can put us at ease.

Neither as it happens  :o :o

I sat on this chair (a bit like a dentists chair), I was then asked to bring my knees up & place my heels in a support - not a stirrup, more like a sandle/shoe type contraption if that makes sense. When I was comfortable the chair was pushed back & I laid back, not flat but a bit like on a settee/armchair lounger. It was very comfy & if I wanted to I could see the lady gynae's face, doing what she had to do (I chose not to), I could also watch on the screen the findings of the camera lense (again I chose not to).

Honestly Rosebush it all went so well & was over quicker than I expected.

But I must stress that having a good nurse holding your hand & chatting to you about work, holidays, the weather, your favourite food, your favourite drink, your family, went a hell of a long way to keeping my mind off what was going on between my legs.

Cazi xx
 :cat48: :cat48:


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2013, 06:35:25 PM »

Thanks Cazi  :-* I still have on my leg/ foot cast, which will be changed to a full cast on Monday, its really hard to bend legs at the knee as the cast ends there... last vaginal scan, was just legs dropped to the side, but I did read you need to keep very still, so stirrups or a fixture of some kind was used, I am already getting very bad hip/groin pain due to constantly having to keep my foot raised long from lying back to finish did it take? 

Have you still got any cramp or back pain? xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2013, 04:46:13 PM »

I would give the hospital a ring Rosebush about your cast as I can't really help with that, but I'm sure they will be able to accomodate you in some way.

The time it took from lying back to sitting up was probably about 15 minutes or so, & 5 mins was probably getting in & removing the coil then going back in again.

You will be ok Rosebush so long as you say to yourself..
 "I am in control & this is my choice. Nothing will harm me as these people know what they are doing"

I know it sounds bl**dy daft but it worked for me because it was true.


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2013, 01:30:40 PM »

Thanks Cazi  :) I am going to ask if they can possible use a small speculum, this was used for vaginal scan, and although really uncomfortable it was bearable, not sure if cervix needs to be more open though for Hysto/Biopsy but maybe the pumping of air will be enough, my smear tests always feel like they are trying to get a square into a round hole  :o so pleased yours is all done, roll on July 1st, my apt is 2pm..xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #28 on: June 21, 2013, 11:03:06 AM »

Good luck for the 1st July Rosebush, we'll all be thinking of you & holding your hand.
Have you phoned them up yet to ask any questions? I would def do so just so that you can get your head round it all before the day.

My bleeding has stopped now, I only had a bit of light spotting for the first few days & all gone now.

Cazi xx


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #29 on: June 30, 2013, 12:06:33 PM »

Good luck for tomorrow Rosebush, let us know how it all goes.

My biopsy was all clear & normal.  :)

I've got my new HRT Femoston Conti, I must admit I couldn't believe how awful I was without it for 2 weeks, miserable as sin, crying at the drop of a hat etc, snapping at OH. It has settled down a bit now thank goodness.

Cazi xx
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