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Author Topic: Saying Hi once again :(  (Read 2296 times)


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Saying Hi once again :(
« on: June 04, 2013, 09:14:22 AM »

So I'm not new here, having in fact lurked on/off since 2007 or earlier, quite a few of you will remember my moanings  :-\ Anyway I'm back as it's all full on once again  >:(

My story started when I was 30 dx with cancer & had Hysterectomy, by 35 had gone into early Meno! I hit 40 & the symptoms were starting to subside & I felt alive'ish again... bang diagnosed with Breast cancer... doh, so off I went again  >:( Chemotherapy put me back into full Meno mode, luckily this subsided somewhat once chemo finished. Then very kindly the Oncs put me on Arimidex to stop recurrence of the ca & guess what? Yes, off I went again... every symptom possible, flushes occurring 1/4 hourly during the day & night sweats 1/2 hourly  :hotflash:, I couldn't move as my joints were so sore so eventually the tablets were stopped  :) After about 6 months I returned to a normal human being & was so happy  :banana:

So 'shuffle' forward to the last year or so (am now 48) and the flushes started again, but to be honest they were bearable at just 5 or 6 a day.... then suddenly about 6 months ago  'BANG' I am back to 30+ flushes a day, night sweats, anxiety, joint aches and so on.....  :bang:

I'm fed up to the teeth of the Meno now, only been practising at it for 13 years you'd think I'd be an expert at coping..... no way  :cuss:

Anyway the rest of my life is spent on our croft with our 40 working Sleddogs, 2 cats & 14 Herdwick sheep. I'm also a retired (not by choice tho.... blame the cancer) staff nurse/ward sister  :'(


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Re: Saying Hi once again :(
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2013, 10:14:48 AM »

You sound pretty darned amazing. You've beaten the cancer, more than once.  Meno symptoms are rubbish though!  They alone are enough to make you feel sorry for yourself, but you have bravely picked yourself up and made the best of things. You deserve a medal!  :medal:
I only joined this forum a few years ago and all the lovely ladies have been so supportive, as they have in the past with you. They will continue, I'm sure, to help you through this journey.