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Author Topic: Another Blip!!!  (Read 13959 times)


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2013, 01:56:08 PM »

Hi Dyan, and to all of you for your lovely replies to my posts- just wanted to give you a quick update- am now off the hrt completely as it hardly did a thing for the anxiety and depression and also caused  a lot of heavy bleeding, so GP has  advised me to taper off my Prozac and try a new antidepressant- I suggested the mirtrazapine  to him and he seemed to think it would be ok,  am scared to death of withdrawals from the Prozac ( have to taper off it over a month then start new one)- but having said that, it doesn,t ever seem to have done anything to help my symptoms anyway-  also worried about the mirtrazapine-have heard it can cause drowsiness and weight gain- I know that you are on it Dyan and was really looking for  a bit of reassurance- did you find it really effective for the adrenalin rushes, especially on waking , and the flat feelings and dread?  This anxiety really scares the wits out of me and the thought of it getting worse is  worrying me- my husband is very supportive but says that I think about the negative side of things too much- true I know , but  I can't help it. I know I must sound really pathetic, but any advice  about what to do would be very much appreciated- sorry for rambling on about myself and big meno hugs to you all :) :)


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #31 on: May 24, 2013, 03:23:09 PM »

Hi mags,
Only just seen your post.
Firstly, you do not sound is understandable to be anxious.
From the first night I took Mirtazapine it took away that dreaded anxiety you wake up with but it left me feeling like I was still half asleep and took me a few hours to come round.
This lasted a few days and I noticed that I was feeling calm but disconnected from real life.
After the first week I began to feel better,although I wasn't  with it.
I felt I was in a bubble.
The second week I was feeling better still.
I was waking better without that half asleep feeling and feeling more positive.
The third week I was almost there. That bubble just had to pop :o
I saw my GP then and she was pleased at how quickly the medication had started to work.
A couple of days later I was really good and the old me had come back ;D
I've now finished 4 weeks on 15mg and I feel brilliant!
My GP has kept me on that dose for another 4 weeks and I am on repeat prescription and she's leaving it to me to let her know how I'm doing.

The Mirtazapine made me drowsy initially and I was finding that I was needing a nap in the afternoons.
The mornings are good. No anxiety from day one,feelings of calm.
None of that dreaded fear in just a few days.
As to the weight gain,I had put on a few pounds anyway,before the mirtazapine,so I put myself back on weight watcher points to get those off and I have.
I'm just being a bit careful really but having the odd treat. ::)

Your GP is right on tapering you off the Prozac before you start on Mirtazapine.
As long as you do that then you shouldn't have a problem and when you start to take Mirtazapine it will probably help to keep you calm whilst the Prozac gets out of your system,if you know what I mean.

Keep in touch mags.
It will be nice to know how you are getting on.
You can PM me anytime you like if you prefer.

Lots love
Dyan X :)


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #32 on: May 24, 2013, 06:41:30 PM »

Dear Dyan, thank you sooooooo much for being so understanding and replying to my post-  it really has put my mind at rest and made me feel a lot better about everything,  the Mirtazapine sounds as though it has worked really well for you, so here's hoping! I will maybe pm you sometime when I can work out how to do it- meno brain !! Hoping that you continue to feel better and thankyou again for being so helpful- Lots of Love to you too-Magsxx :)


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2013, 08:14:47 AM »

You're very welcome mags :)


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2013, 09:24:35 AM »

Hi Dyan , and thanks for your reply- I am taking femoston conti, started in Dec last year on o.5MGS and upped it to 1mg two months  ago, but am still havng the anxiety/depression/ dreads  and horrible flat feelings along with heavy bleeds, however it does seem to have stopped the insomnia and hot flushes- just wish I could get this whole meno horror sorted as it has gone on for so long- 10yrs  I think- my worst symptom has certainly been the anxiety and depression which totally floors me at times! I have been on Prozac for 5yrs but it doesn't seem to be helping much with the anxiety and depression. Have been referred to a psychiatrist by my gp to assess me and my medication so will have a look at your thread on Mirtazipin-  it must be good if it works so quickly. Yes I too find that I just know when I'm not feeling right as I just seem to lose interest in everything and can't seem to feel any joy whatsoever in life- it is truly awful and so wrong that so many of us have to suffer like this with little support from gp s etc- I have worked my way through many useless ones- one (Male of course) told me that it wasa all too easy for us women to blame everything on the menopause-very understanding-NOT!!
Sorry it's a bit of a rambling post and lots of hugs - Mags :) :).

im on sandrena and have been on oestrogel..sandrena has less of a carrying ingrediant than oestrogel so you dont need as much gel to get the same amuont of oestrogen...a plus if like me you need a lot of oestrogel. I use 3 sachets (1mg) a day.. my friend is on 4 sachets a day and gets levels of about 1100 plus maca you can also use the same place for your will build up your own little matrix patch there, i use my left outer arm. ive not been able to find any info as to whether its a synthetic or bio identical form oe oestrogen either!

thanks for the info :)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 02:53:06 PM by sandra5212 »
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