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Author Topic: Hello ...Thank god i've found you!!  (Read 2432 times)


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Hello ...Thank god i've found you!!
« on: June 03, 2013, 06:14:20 PM »

Hello, I am so pleased to have found you!!

I don't know what's happening to me but i assume it's the dreaded M. I've had a read on the forums and recognise some signs but then again maybe not.

My periods have always been erratic, missed months, long periods, short periods, no periods, painful periods PMS periods, painfree name it i've probably had it. However, the last few years they've been great, 28 days on the dot, always politely waiting until i get out of bed, no pain, a good first day followed by a heavy 2nd then the gradual end by day 5.

Towards the end of last year they started being longer and heavier and a little more random again until christmas, which was quite heavy. I missed January's then without warning in Feb and whilst I was in a really male dominated meeting, (but thats another issue) aunty flo arrived with an absolute vengeance. That period lasted almost 3 weeks...then march came and I had a really light period, April was the shedevil again just over 2 weeks and spells of not being able to even leave the house. May was mostly spotting with 2 separate  heavy bleeds lasing 2 days each, followed by spotting. then this one is, again, a nightmare, which is one day of spotting followed by flooding followed by spotting ...etc, I'm currently on day 6 so we'll see what happens  ???

Whilst reading the signs and symptoms of the big M I am horrified to see what's to come, I feel slightly annoyed that I've had countless years of monthly torture followed by all of this! No one told me about the anxiety, the lack of energy, the erratic or extreme sex drive, the achy joints, palpatations, horrible skin and oh my!  I dread hot flushes starting and did I mention anxiety?? I have never experienced anything like it!  It wakes me at night, it can hit me in the middle of a meeting, driving the car, shopping, walking the dogs and I can barely control it, it's just awful!

So I guess I'm asking for advice regarding my this 'normal'? Are the anxiety/panic attacks going to be there forever? what can I do? Now I know the most sensible option is go to the GP...but remember those anxiety attacks, well white coat syndrome and those do not mix well, I tried to go to the GP last month but I thought I was going to die just sat in the car park!

Ohh and about me, I'm almost the big 5 -0 (can't say that word either  ;D ) I have had 8 children, my youngest clutch being twins of 10 and a 9 yr old, I have a very stressful and busy job, did i mention my job was stressful? so I'm overweight, over wrought and over 40 ... :'(

Help  ::)



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Re: Hello ...Thank god i've found you!!
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2013, 06:35:18 PM »

Hi I've just joined myself, so pleased I found this forum.  I just wanted to say read all the relevant posts on here as I am about to do and hopefully like me you will to find the help/advice you require.  :)