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Author Topic: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?  (Read 27533 times)


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2013, 06:33:16 PM »

Hello. I looked into endometrial ablation but turned out not to be a candidate for it. (The arrangement of my fibroids or something). The Mirena's been in place for over two years so if I was going to have symptoms from it, I think I'd have had them early on. It took ages to settle down and afterwards I still spent months with blood pouring out of me. The last time I was at the Meno Clinic I asked if the progesterone element of the coil might be running low and if I needed some kind of supplementation to balance things out.


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2013, 06:36:40 PM »

Oh, and thank you all once again for all the excellent support and advice. xxx


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2013, 10:02:00 AM »

Hi Monsterfromid

I know there is no easy answer to this, but the variety of posts and advice may lead you to a 'light bulb moment'.

Lots of fibroids are also common with high oestrogen levels.

I understand the logic of what Hurdity is saying about progesterone, however, oestrogen dominance does not mean you do not have no progesterone;  it simply means that the balance of your oestrogen and progesterone are not in the right proportions.   Normally, both drop in the menopause process.  If your oestrogen levels are already higher and both start to drop, your progesterone levels drop too low but your oestrogen levels do not drop to a correspondingly lower level.   So low progesterone becomes the issue at that point.

You can change diet, lifestyle etc. to reduce your oestrogen levels to a degree and/or you can boost your progesterone in various ways.

(I speak from experience with this.  I also had fibroids and indeed it caused me to miscarry and then prevented me becoming pregnant in my 20s.  Until the huge one was removed - then I became pregnant immediately).

I tried HRT and seemed to become worse and the bleeding re-started.  It was the low progesterone levels that were the problem. When I removed the oestrogen, added the mirena and supplemented with progesterone based tinctures, the problems went away.   Now my system is more balanced (oestrogen and progesterone in correct balance), I can supplemement with both oestrogen and progeterone based herbal supplements.

I should also say I suffered from fibromyalgia which many of you know is a complex syndrome caused by a variety of factors.   Mine went when I balanced out the progesterone.   I learned later that fibromyalgia can be triggered by progesterone deficiency.

I have not read the book recommended in here, but will probably do so at some point.

I agree with Hurdity that the progesterone in the Mirena is synthetic and it does not suit everyone and it can cause side effects.   Perhaps her suggestion of the bio-identical options would suit you?

However, if your mirena is low after 3-4 years for HRT, it may be that you need a new one.  Sorry - I cannot remember if your symptoms started just after you added the mirena a few years ago?   Did you do anything else at the time?

I am not defining that it is low progesterone, and it may not be, however I believe it is information to be aware of - along with all the rest.  If you google oestrogen dominance there are many articles (over and above those who sell products).   Can you get your hormone levels tested?  I do know that doctors are reluctant depending on what stage of menopause you are at.

Could it be your thyroid?   Thyroid low function also mimics some other hormonal signs?

And if it is not hormonal - there is such a thing as cyclical depression, which recurs around the same time every so often.  I had it around every three years from 15 to 24/5 and was on ADs for six months each time.   In the end I was determined to overcome it.  Knowing it was valid helped I thnk.
I now also wonder if it was linked to my hormones?   

Sorry - throwing all this at you.  But we don't know enough of your whole life/body situation to understand fully what may be contributing to your situation.

It sounds as if you know your body well and I think you should stick to what feels right for you.
I am sure with the range of answers here, it will




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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2013, 12:45:41 PM »

Thanks for the reply. Progesterone tinctures you say? I've never heard of that. I've heard of creams and even tried one (Serenity) for a while. Where do you get these tinctures? I certainly will speak to someone at the Meno Clinic about the progesterone/estrogen balance. I tried to before at my last apt a few months ago but was told in no uncertain terms "It's estrogen you need!" Oh, and my thyroid was fine at last test which was very recent.


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2013, 12:48:18 PM »

I'm afraid I know nothing about bipolar disorder either so can't offer any real help or advice.  Just want to let you know I'm thinking of you and I hope things get sorted out for you soon, it must be awful.


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2013, 01:12:19 PM »

Hi again monsterfromid

You are probably a little confused by now, but it is really quite simple - re the oestrogen and progesterone balance issue.

Rest assured that you do need oestrogen and that after menopause, without supplementation you will eventually remain in an oestrogen deficient state for ever, with many potential negative health implications.

Unless you go completely mad and take or apply well over the prescribed dosage of oestrogen (oestradiol), you will not have too much per se. Only very rarely do women using gel (often after hysterectomy or early menopause) achieve what is known as "supraphysiological" levels of oestradiol ie much higher than ever occur naturally.

In terms of balance - Firewalker is right - and as I mentioned earlier, the more oestrogen you have, the more progestogen you need - but this is simply to protect the womb lining from building up. Oestrogen dominance I feel is an unhelpful concept, not generally used by the scientific world because it implies that only the relative level of oestrogen and progesterone is important - which is true in terms of the womb lining, but elsewhere in the body as I said above - the absolute level of oestrogen is important to your general well-being.

Synthetic progestogens do not have the same effect as bio-identical progesterone, except on the womb-lining and I understand that the synthetic types have more adverse effects - they stimulate other receptors in the body.

After menopause there is no indication for having progesterone only and certainly not a synthetic progestogen which could do more harm than good. There would be no need to have a Mirena after menopause if you do not take oestrogen and results have shown that this can cause excessive thinning of the uterus lining and sometimes ulceration and bleeding.

During the menstrual cycle the relative hormone levels cycle between "oestrogen dominance" during the first half of the cycle, when most women feel at their best, to "progesterone dominance" during the second half of the cycle when most women suffer from pms symptoms to some degree.

The above I understand as the accepted scientific view.

Have you thought of having the fibroids removed - as they were there before you started HRT and the Mirena is not controlling the bleeding, it does sound as though you do need something done here. If you were able to have them removed safely then you wouldn't need such high progestogen possibly and could try the bio-identical as I suggested?

This is what is say in this site about fibroids:

Fibroids are benign smooth muscle tumours of the uterine (womb) wall and are dependant on estrogen. They tend to shrink after the menopause but shrinkage may not occur, or they may even increase in size with HRT use. Increase is thought to occur in 25% of HRT users and mainly occurs in the first six months of therapy. There is some evidence that transdermal (patch or gel) but not tablet HRT nor tibolone may promote fibroid growth. [ref 24] Fibroid size can be monitored by regular examinations and sometimes by ultrasound scans. There is some evidence that the use of the progestogen releasing intra-uterine system, Mirena may cause fibroids to reduce in size. Mirena is often used in the perimenopause by women who have heavy periods and/or require contraception and can provide the progestogen part of their HRT.

Sorry - none of this addresses your depression but I just wanted to clarify re the hormones. Hopefuly if you can sort out your gynaecological issues which may well be aggravating your situation and affecting your well-being, then get the hormones sorted out, you maye then know what's causing what, and hopefully find a way to feel better!!

Wishing you well

Hurdity x



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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2013, 06:19:50 PM »

The book I mentioned is not all about hormones. Its 2 people stories regarding battling depression/anxiety as naturally as is humanly possible and 1 of them was deficient in progesterone. Your meno clinic will help guide you with hrt and others here have given good sound advice xx :)


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2013, 08:35:26 AM »

Unfortunately my only other step other than the Mirena coil is hysterectomy. We looked into all the available treatments and surgeries. The thought of having a hysterectomy terrifies me as I've heard so many horror stories about the after effects, not least going into immediate surgical menopause and a worsening of my psychiatric symptoms. If I'm like this with my womb intact, (I'm now receiving daily visits from a Psychiatric Emergency Team as I'd started having suicidal thoughts. Plus side, I've now got a new doctor who agrees I'm not bipolar and has made changes to my medication regimen) what would I be like without it?


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2013, 12:46:02 PM »

What a worrying time for you monsterfromid.

I am so pleased that you realise something is amiss to cause it and your doctor is supporting you in trying to find a solution.

Everyone is different, as we know monsterfromid.  However, for the horror stories you have heard, I have 3 colleagues who have had hysterectomies in the past year or 2.   They wondered why they had never done it ages ago.   One is in her late 30s.  One is 41 and the other has just turned 50.
All had horrendous periods and mood swings to the moon, back to centre earth and back.
None have regretted taking the step.    We also have one person who had a forced hysterectomy at 16.  She has been on oestrogen implant since and changed to oestrogel 18 months ago - and loves it.  She does not need to take progesterone to oppose it since she has no womb.

I could not even consider advising you to have one - I am simply letting you know of very positive stories which may offset your own stories.   Others on here will be able to give you different expriences and I believe there is a website called hyster-sisters which my colleagues used for advice and information - should you decide to weigh up the pros and cons of a hysterectomy

I hope you have an easier journey and your new meds make a difference.




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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2013, 01:21:12 PM »

Do you have any family/friends help? You sound as though you are having a tough time and my heart goes out to you. You may have developed low grade depression and your hormones are just accelerating the anxiety. Many people develop suicidal thoughts whilst suffering depression and it usually means you have just about had enough, your body/mind cocoons and protects itself in strange ways. You do need support and your team are there for you and so is this forum where you can gleen as much info as you need. Keeping as busy as possible, eating/drinking and sleeping/relaxation are beneficial. If you cant be bothered to cook then eating fruit or easy stuff but you must try and eat/drink. Some people feel worse on AD'S for the 1st week or so and so if you are on a new AD it may not help initially and your doctor needs to know as they can help you so please please do not suffer alone. Taking 1 day at a time really does work and dont expect too much too soon. xxx


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2013, 08:52:30 PM »

Lovely post EveryonesMum x


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #26 on: May 25, 2013, 02:56:53 PM »

Just wanted to say once again, thank you so much for all the advice and support. You're a lovely bunch.  xxx


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2013, 07:28:51 AM »

Hang in there hunny things will get easier xx  :)


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2013, 08:54:22 AM »

Just wanted to let everyone know that with the arrival of a new doctor, my bipolar status has been reversed. The dosage of Lithium has been reduced and will be phased out after 6months. I'm now back on Prozac a medication I'd used very successfully for recurrent depression for many years and the suicidal thoughts, shaking and fog of depression are beginning to clear. Thank you all so much for the kind words and support.  x


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Re: Bipolar disorder or perimenopausal symptoms?
« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2013, 09:24:27 AM »

Have sent you a personal message. But in case you don't get it yet, your symptoms do not sound like my Dad SUFFERED with - manic depression.

He would be very HIGH for months - hardly sleeping, always on the go, very creative, worked late into the night. Then he would hit a low - where he cried constantly, could hardly move, worried, continually apologised.  After months of treatment he would then go HIGH.  Occasionally he would be stable.  He was treated with Lithium in his latter years which were monitored with regular blood tests.  Does your 'Doctor' do the blood test?

Where is your Family Doctor in all this?  I woudl be changing both in your situation. 

For me depression when severe grounds me.  I can't move from the house.  I worry constantly.  Only a low does of ADs keeps me upright.  The anxiety keeps me housebound when it takes over.  The GP eventually gave me a beta-blocka which has been a Life saver.  My anxiety is in the gut area, which causes intense nausea so I am unable to eat; leave the house; speak on the 'phone; talk to people.

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