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Author Topic: Having a period, I should know better.  (Read 8177 times)


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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2013, 01:37:30 PM »

Hi Cazikins

So very sorry to hear about your Dad and no wonder you feel stressed.

Re the bleeding -  not sure where you were with meno when you started the Mirena, but of course with this and because you are taking oestrogen too, you can't tell whether you are post-meno or not because Mirena can stop periods completely. Also it does run out after a while - 4 years for endometrial protection - so if you've had it in that long that could cause bleeding (due to overstimulation of the womb lining).

If you were still post-meno you wouldn't need to worry at all - but as you probably don't know, and you have a Mirena in - then all the more reason to get checked out as the others have said.

Hope your doc visit was OK and you get properly checked out soon

Take care

Hurdity x


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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2013, 03:16:22 PM »

Oooh cup cakes - thanks HoneyB.

OK, lady doc made me do a urine sample (she seemed to think it was coming from there, I assured her it wasn't & I was right)  ;D
She then gave me an internal to check that she could feel the threads of the mirena coil - all ok.  :)
She then inserted some kind of small instrument in so that she could have a proper look & she said she could see blood clots  ???.
She then said she wanted to make a phonecall to a gynea (sp) the local hospital to get advice.

Should I be fast tracked for a quick referral.
Could it be the mirena coming to the end of it's 4 year hormone licence?.

This mirena was fitted in November 2009, so yes it is due to be changed or removed. The gynea reckoned it was more then likely to be the coil running out of progesterone that is causing the bleeding, So I am being referred (not fast tracked) for a hysteroscopy & to remove the old coil & if I want one fit a new one in. They will have a good old look around to check everytjing looks ok & healthy.

Now all this will be while I am wide awake   :o :o. alright I know I will be given a local anaesthetic but I am terrified. The last 2 coils I had were fitted under a GA, mainly because the first one was done at the same time as a D & C, the second time was 4 years ago when the doc at the hospital tried to do it during the first consultation, when he realised I was in so much pain that we refused to do it without a GA.

mmmm me thinks this could be a trying time ....

I have been thinking of not having another coil fitted & to go on continuous HRT, & this is still my number one choice.

Crikey I thought I was done & dusted with all this, it all started in the winter of 2006 (seems a lifetime ago). Thank goodness for this forum.

Cazi xx


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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2013, 06:47:53 PM »

Well initial checks seem to say it's all mirena related.

If it's so difficult to fit one then why don't you try HRT for a while and see how it goes. If it is not a success then you can always change your mind.

You have such a lot going on and this can't be helping but try not to worry too much.



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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2013, 07:16:37 PM »

The main thing is not to panic, you have a lot going on at the moment.
HRT is much easier to stop / change than a coil.
You can always stop if you don't like it.


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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2013, 10:21:39 PM »

I am leaning towards the combined HRT route. I'd love to come off it altogether but scared of what will happen, I'd probably be a wreck.
I shall have to give it a lot of thought over the next few weeks.
Must stay calm & not panic - just get through next week Cazi then take it from there.
Cazi xx


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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2013, 08:23:30 AM »

Hi Cazikins

I have not been on much recently and so just read your thread.  I am sorry to hear about your Dad.  grief, stress and upset - compounded with worry.

Just to add to the mirena and progesterone subject.  When you are stressed, your adrenals are under pressure.  If they are low functioning, then progesterone is used to supplement.  So if your mirena was already low and then you had the stressful period with adrenals under pressure, your progesterone may well have dropped even lower and hey presto the bleed.

I can feel your resistance to the checkups, new mirena etc.   I can truly understand that.

Just a thought - it they are taking it out, can they put the other one in at the same time - with or without anaesthetic?

I do have to have mine done in hospital (retroverted womb and no natural childbirth).  it is a bit painful but fortunately I don't need the GA.   

It is not what you need right now Cazikins when you are feeling vulnerable and emotional.

Sending you a big hug  :hug:



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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2013, 07:45:28 PM »

Sorry to hear about your dad, typical that this should happen now too.  Take care. x


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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2013, 09:33:26 PM »

Thanks Firewalker & Lily. :-* :-*

It certainly sounds like the mirena has run out of steam a bit early - typical...

They have suggested that if I want another mirena fitted then they would do it at the same time, which makes sense to me - I mean if my legs are akimbo then best do it all at once. But like I said I don't think I want another one fitted because otherwise I will be in this exact same position in 4 years time, facing the same decision.

I think I have a problem with the removal/fitting because I have never given birth (or been pregnant). The last gynae stopped the procedure immediatley when I told him that (& yes my legs were akimbo at the time)  ;D

Cazi xx



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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2013, 09:26:03 AM »

Hi Cazi

Two thoughts came to mind....... 4 years is a long time away - and you can decide then.   If the system you have is working, is there a reason you want to change it when you might then be struggling to work with other forms of progesterone  in the pills or patches?  Mirena is much lower dose and local.

I am similar - never given birth through the birth canal (although was pregnant) and my womb is retroverted so it is a challenge to 'pull it down' enough to get the mirena in.   That said, I am lucky they have managed it twice with no local or GA (I think it depends on the gynae for me).   Third time I was having D&C and they put it in.

I guess you could have it taken out and just 'see what happens' and go back for one in a year's time if you feel it would be better.

Perhaps listen to your heart if you can.  Be still, breathe and relax for a while and let the answer come to you.   Go with what feels right instinctively.   You can always change it later.  It will be right for now.

Or try tossing a coin, heads you leave it out.  Tails you keep it in.   When you see the coin side, you have to follow that decision.................. in the first nano-second, what did you feel about that result?

Good luck with your decision Cazi. 



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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2013, 12:20:54 PM »

Thanks Firewalker.
No I can't risk it all on the toss of a coin - that would then be down to pure chance...

I have to have a hysteroscopy a week Wednesday, I think I have decided to have the old one taken out, go on a combined HRT & see how it goes, as I do not want to face all this again when I am 59.

One very good thing has come out of this unexpected bleed though.
 Hubby & I had rumpty tumpty this morning, now that hasn't happened in a long time.

Just realised that last sentence doesn't make much sense....
Is it possible that having that bleed has somehow either lubricated, or broken down some barrier that was seriously preventing us from having sex? well I am really wondering if it could be. I mean it has been ages since we have been able to do it like that.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 02:25:37 PM by Cazikins »


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Re: Having a period, I should know better.
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2013, 07:58:14 PM »

I have posted the following on Rosebushs thread entitled Hysteroscopy, but thought it might be useful here also as it does contain info on the removal of the mirena coil as well.

I told the lady gynae that ideally I would like the coil removed, a full investigation done & any biopsys taken as necessary. However, I did not want to go through too much pain, & if I shouted STOP, I bl**dy well meant it.
I had already told her about my previous experiences of having this type of procedures done, & she was fully supportive. She did say that if it got too much for me then she would refer me for a GA. However I must say I think this was more because of the coil removal rather than the hysterectomy hysteroscopy, so I gritted my teeth & said "let's do it".

1 - I had the coil removed.. not too bad in the end,, says she who was squuezing the nurses hand & talking about a load of drivel at the time.
2 - They took 2 photos.
3 - They found a 0.5cm polyp & 2 biopsys were taken.... now that was the worse bit as it did stung but it soon sub-sided.
4 - Wait for the results.
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