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Author Topic: Thyroid TSH  (Read 15665 times)


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Thyroid TSH
« on: May 15, 2013, 04:11:59 PM »

I had a blood test to check my thyroid my GP said that my TSH is slightly raised, ideally it should be under 2, although each laboratory has a different scale or range. I am currently on 0.05mg Eltroxin daily he has now said that I should just double up on the Eltroxin twice a week, this should help, for those thyroid experts, does this sound like enough Eltroxin to bring my levels down a bit? Prob why my hair is shedding!


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2013, 06:46:37 PM »

Hi Cassie my TSH was raised and i was put onto thyroxine 50mg per day a few
years ago. I am now up to 125mg daily on thyroxine.

I don't understand your dosage or if Eltroxin is similar to the thyroxine.


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2013, 06:59:33 PM »

Hi thanx Jgr, yes Eltroxine is the same thing I would imagine, so I am currently on 0.5mg daily.  Dr said its not necessary to up it to 1mg daily I could just take 1mg twice a week and stay on the 0.5mg for the rest of the week. My TSH reading is 3.87, what was yours?



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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2013, 12:09:58 PM »

Im very prone to those '"racy" feelings at the best of times, so I just hope that I dont get them on the new dosage, nothing worse than feeling like you have had a double strong espresso and are bouncing off the ceiling. Speaking of which, is it not a good thing to down ones morning Eltroxin with a cuppa, I think that I read that caffeine interferes with the absorption?
I am finding the 200mg of Utrogestan is giving me insomnia, its supposed to make one sleep, so clearly my body reacts in the opposite manner, sigh!


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2013, 05:05:45 PM »

I have an underactive thyroid too and I am at my best with a TSH just below 2 - TUK say that to feel at your best then you need a TSH at 2 or below and your T4 to be up in the top quarter of the range.  It is very tricky to get it just 'so' as we are all so different.  Also best to take your Levo completely away from anything else and to give at least an hour before drinking tea/coffee etc and at least 2 hours before eating anything.  I take my Levo round about 4 in the morning when I get up for a wee - this works well for me as by the time I need to get up I have good energy levels.  I am not sure about the Eltroxine meds and their dosage size - I am on 125mcg of Levothyroxine.

Hope this has helped a little



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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2013, 07:37:00 PM »

Hi Cassie,

I, like you, experienced the opposite of sleep on utrogestan- It made me hyper!
I am also n thyroxine and like Hannah said, best taken in the morning.
Racy feeling should settle within 2 weeks if the dose of thyroxine is correct.
If it continues the dose needs to be adjusted.
No iron, no herbal preparations to be taken at the same time as thyroxine as interferes with absorption.
Tabs to be taken with a Full glass of water on an empty stomach.
I have adjusted my own some time ago and all my readings are fine.



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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2013, 07:52:33 PM »

The real rule on thyroid is do the same thing every day, one half hour before meals is sufficient.  Don't take calcium within four hours BUT if you get racy you can pop half a Tums Antacid or some other calcium to neutralize.

My tsh was, read carefully: 0.08 and pulse 170 AND doctors did not notice and I was scheduled for surgery.  Each doctor said it was the other doctors responsibility to check.  I cancelled the surgery, which would have blinded me.

Estrogen has effect on thyroid, can't check now.  But find a routine that works and don't change habits.  That's what got me into trouble, I had been taking thyroid with my calcium for years and then I stopped calcium.  Yipes.


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2013, 10:07:20 PM »

I've only just, after almost 2 decades on thyroxine, discovered that you arent meant to take it with other meds.  So for the past month I have been taking it first thing in the morning, as I understood it had to be taken at least half an hour before meals on a empty stomach.  I  now have to remember to take my citalopram at lunchtime as I used to take that first thing too.

I have to space out my other stuff as and when - all supplements.

Never been told to take it at night.  That wouldnt work as stomach wouldnt be empty!


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2013, 09:47:20 PM »


I've been feeling exhausted and off since beginning of bank holiday , it took months to start feeling ok after being diagnosed with under active thyroid I was on 50mg thyroxin, I seem to be getting same symptoms again, including tingly lips, can your thyroid keep changing? my tsh was 2.5 or was 0.2 can't remember which, it had risen to 9.2.  I'm going to book app for blood test ASAP I'm pretty sure it's not my MS as it feels different,the exhaustion I mean.

Any advise would be greatly received.


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2013, 10:26:31 PM »

Yes it can, especially in the early days when your dosage may have to be tweaked a few times.  That's why you have 6 monthly blood tests to start with then once it is stable yearly blood tests.


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2013, 10:36:37 PM »

Hi Smokey,

Yes, thyroid readings can change that's the reason drs have to check bloods to see if the dose needs to be adjusted.

9.2 sounds like a v low side of normal range and it may be a good idea to take a trip back to gp to ask for an increase or another blood test. Normally they would push an extra 25mcg without a blood test to see if symptoms improve.

Cassie, increase to double twice a week will give you a weekly average of approx 32mcg of thyroxine or o.o6 eltroxine. If your symptoms do not start improving within 2 weeks, personally I would take double dose for 3 days out of 7 to increase it a little more.
Hair shedding would be one of thyroids side effects but it will take a little while before that settles...once you get the dose right it will sort itself out.

Suz x


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2013, 09:20:13 AM »

Well I stopped taking my Eltroxin with my morning tea as I used to, now take it at night, def been attributing to me not feeling sleepy, I sleep but not well and feel like I  have had too much caffeine, so I am going to revert to taking the tabs in the morning again, without my tea. Will see how the bloods look next test, I dont know that I could take too many, they def affect me and make me feel jumpy.
Thx lovely ladies, you are always so helpful!


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2013, 11:15:35 AM »

That's  Cassie, i was about to start taking mine at night this very day as I didnt take it this morning as I had a blood test for tsh etc.  I've only just got my sleep back to normal and I dont want to mess it up again.

I found taking mine without the tea in the morning and not mixing it with my citalopram made a difference to my energy levels.

Dont you have to take thyroxine on an empty stomach?  I dont go to bed with an empty stomach!!


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2013, 03:13:48 PM »

Hi ladies thanks for your info ive not had my blood tested for 8 months so have booked appointment, but can't get it done til next Wednesday, hope I can get the results back by Friday as I'm off to Kos on Saterday so would like it sorted before I go.

Milliemoo are you meant to miss your thyroxin dose if your due a blood test then? Does that not give a false reading?

I've just had 3 good weeks of feeling really well,I thought it was too good to be true!


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Re: Thyroid TSH
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2013, 07:29:43 PM »

Hi Smokey, i read it somewhere recently.  It was either on here or on a Thyroid Forum.  Apparently the levels in yr system peak 4 hrs after you take your dose so that would give a false reading too. 
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