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Author Topic: Vagifem 25 mcg discontinued???  (Read 18956 times)


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Re: Vagifem 25 mcg discontinued???
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2013, 12:51:23 PM »

HB are you saying that over the course of a week you use 25 plus 20?

I THINK I understand the logic but I kind of struggle with this sort of thing!!


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Re: Vagifem 25 mcg discontinued???
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2013, 03:20:07 PM »

Yes that's it.

It might be a big drop all of a sudden for some. Mand said she had quite a few 25mg left but her new prescription was for ten.

This drops the amount but only by a tiny amount and then she could reduce again from there rather than using all the 25s at once.

Just a thought and now I am getting myself tied in knots too.... ::)


Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem 25 mcg discontinued???
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2013, 08:44:15 AM »

Rather than putting two in at a time use 1x25 and then 1x10 and then 1x10 over a course of a week. Then it's only 5 less than before.

That way the reduction is slower and make the remaining stock of 25 last longer.


THATS what I tried to type bit easier with the splint today
But it was hard getting the Vagifem in it went in at an angle cos my right hands pretty iffy and i clicked with my left thumb OUCH
So Thursday takeing splint off to ut Vagifem in hehehehehe


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Re: Vagifem 25 mcg discontinued???
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2013, 07:18:11 AM »

Thanks Honeybun,

Never thought of using one 25mcg + 2 10mcg per week up to and including holiday, I was going to use all the remaining 25mcg ones up, leaving me none for holiday (sods law, but the 25mcg ones would have run out 3 days before my hols begin!).... I will give that a go, after all, as you say, thats only a reduction of 5mcg a week, and instead of putting two in at once I can put one in every other day, spacing the 3 out over a week......

Thanks ladies for all your suggestions, where would I be without you!


Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem 25 mcg discontinued???
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2013, 11:16:58 AM »

Great now who ever said that 2x10 over 7 days is the same as 50m over 7 days needs their head examining
If thats the case why 25m in first place the trial a couple of thousand women in USA determins a regime 4 the world
I dont think so its money money money the more we buy the more we pay
Even if we  manage to persuadethe  GP to double up the script using 40m a week instead of 50
which i think I probably could just cope with with the knowledge That an extra one could be used if I needed it
Theres 2 problems 1 MONEY the cost of buying 1 pkts to do less than the original by 175m
yet the price is almost the same as 15x 25m i a pkt just a wee bit cheaper for so much less medicine
Its all money money money in to shareholders pkts and company proffits we middle aged women are their cash cows
2 trying to persuade GPS especialy ones whos knowledge of menopause is about as much as mine in astrophysics
To give more I can see in roughly a year this site full of women in pain again painfull sex painfull dry vaginas everyday
All day aching soreness peeeing feeling like you want to curl up and die with the never ending ache in the vagina
Theres more eveidence that HRT pills cause far more harm distress weight gain headaches depression fear of cancer
Break through bleeding having to try HRT after HRT and some never working than using 2 Vagifem  a week
2x25 a week for a year the amount getting in to your /body is the equivalent of taking 2 HRT pills in a YEAR
I only have to read on here the problems etc of women taking HRT and the minute amunt women on Vagifem with sides
Knowones suggesting lowering dose of HRT by over half well not yet anyway maybe your turn next ladies on HRT pills
Baby boomers post baby boomers masses of us everyday growing more money to Pharm comps HRT pils turn will come
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