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Author Topic: New member - guidance needed!  (Read 3654 times)


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New member - guidance needed!
« on: April 30, 2013, 01:05:39 PM »

Hi all,

my name's Caroline, Im 38 live with my DH and my 2 DD 5 and 3.5 yrs old. Today is my 3 week anniversary of my total abdominal hysterectomy with ovary removal!   :) :) :)
Prior to my op I had PMDD for 3.5 years and the straw that broke the camel's back was my two DD's watching me put three holes in the wall down to uncontrollable rage & frustration & despair. It was then that I decided that enough was enough and I could no longer put myself, children or husband through any more.
Prior to my op I was on 2mg (2 sachets) of Sandrena a day which was working well for me. Post op, well I increased it to 3 yesterday and we're watching and waiting. My mood has been a little low and I have been teary, I know I know....3 weeks post op!
Despite the physical restrictions of tiredness, inability to do anything for any length of time and no major housework  ;) my mind feels razor sharp, im a bit frustrated by not being able to do more.
However Im attempting to go easy on myself.
What Id like to know is, is it too early for testo?
Should I be taking any supplements, increasing anything in particular in my diet?
Id done lots of research into PMDD but must admit meno is still new to me.
Will the gel sort out the hot flushes and night sweats? Really would like some energy back.

Im looking for some good reading matter, know of any?? Im keen to go down the route of HRT as its working for me, so at this stage doing it naturally is not an area that im willing to explore.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your worldly pearls of wisdom x



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Re: New member - guidance needed!
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 02:35:35 PM »

Hi there & welcome.

I had hysterectomy in my mid 30's. My kids were a bit older though at 12 & 7.  I'd had near constant bleeding and continual pain which made me very grumpy and short tempered with hubby & kids.  My ovaries were left in place, but removed some 10 years later.

I have been on oestrogen only for quite some time and did try to come off it a few years ago, but I felt like £&%@  Knackered all the time, flushes and sweats day & night. As for teary, slightest thing out of the ordinary had me blubbing.

Give yourself some time, as you're only 3 weeks post op.

I was on tablets originally, then switched to oestrogel which I was on for the longest. Now on estradot 25 patches, which I prefer. 

To answer your question about the gel. Should work if you are on the right dose for you. Sometimes needs a bit of tweaking  and it does take a few weeks to kick in fully.

As for testo,  I don't know. I've never had it and nor has it been suggested.

Suzi Q

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Re: New member - guidance needed!
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2013, 11:23:34 AM »

I went meno at 36
Dont know anythng about the pills and potions you need
BUT you must rest you must take time to rest let your mind and body heal OK XXXXXXX :-*


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Re: New member - guidance needed!
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2013, 06:37:38 PM »

Hi cruisemum
 :welcomemm: from me too!

At your age it could be deleterious for your health to try to "do it naturally" and important to stay on oestrogen at a decent level for as long as possible to protect your bones and other aspects of your health.

I can't help with the testo exept I imagine your levels will have dropped dramatically following your operation, so I would have thought the sooner the better.

Are you under a gynae re your aftercare and HRT as you are so young? Usually testo is prescribed by specialists although in your case (ie total hyster) the GP may do so.

There is a lot of information on this site including a short piece on testosterone which I expect you've read

And on HRT and hysterectomy

Yes the gel should sort out the flushes and night sweats provided you are applying it correctly - this will probably be more crticial than before your op as you will have very little of your own oestrogen left and will be relying on the gel.

There is a lot of other very useful information if you read the links in the menu.

In your case sometimes blood tests are used to see how much is actually getting into your system although they are still unreliable and one test on its own would not give much information. Also the tricky thing is that many women like you - who are young - naturally want and should have a higher level of oestrogen than we who are well post-meno and pushing 60 (!) - but in the natural cycle the very high levels only reach their peak around the time of ovulation and cycle between this and a much lower level. Care needs to be taken not to go too high as then you get levels higher than occur naturally - and then the effectiveness of the oestrogen can be reduced. I gather it is critical to find your "sweet spot" - the dose that works for you, and of course you need to keep at the same dose for a few weeks before deciding whether it is effective and reducing or decreasing.

I only know this through reading the literature and experiences of other women on here. I am sure there will be someone along who uses gel and is similar to you, who will be able to help you better than I can!

Good luck

Hurdity x
