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Author Topic: Another Blip!!!  (Read 13960 times)


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2013, 09:32:39 AM »

Hi Dyan, just read your post and can really identify with how you are feeling- especially the anxiety and feeling scared of going anywhere- I have been menopausal for years now and have had these feelings on and off apart from when I went 18 months with no periods and felt great, then the bleeding started up again and I was back to square one again!  After trying countless remedies- acupuncture, herbs, reiki, ad'S etc, have finally given in and gone onto hrt- am still having blips and after upping the dose have had constant heavy bleeds which seem to be wiping me out and giving me even more anxiety etc- hoping to see gp next week to get myself sorted. Really hope you pick up soon and lots of hugs to you :) :)


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2013, 01:07:45 PM »

Hi mags,
Thanks for your post.
 :bighug: to you too.
It is awful this meno lark >:(
Anxiety is my worst symptom.
I don't know if you have been on my 'Mirtazapine" thread?
My GP gave me this AD 15mg 10 days ago now and I feeling that it is working already.
The first night I took it I woke with hardly any anxiety.
It did leave me feeling zonked for most of the morning so I took it a little earlier the next night and it was better.
I am now waking a bit more brighter and as the day goes on I am gradually getting back to being 'Me' although I still feel a bit numb sometimes.

What hrt are you taking mags?
I'm on 3mg sandrena gel each morning.
I thought my GP would have put me up again like before when I've had blips but she said I was on a high dose and she wanted to sort out the anxiety.
I must admit I was a bit annoyed that she didn't say 'up the gel',because it has worked before,but the Mirtazapine seems to be doing the job.
I just feel I need to burst out of this bubble I'm in to feel completely back to normal- whatever that is?  ;D

I don't know about you, but I definitely know when I'm not right and how I should be.

I don't know how you feel about ADs but they have brought a lot of relief for anxiety for a lot of women on here.

I'm just looking forward for them to get me back to me.

Love Dyan X


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2013, 05:34:45 PM »

Hi Dyan , and thanks for your reply- I am taking femoston conti, started in Dec last year on o.5MGS and upped it to 1mg two months  ago, but am still havng the anxiety/depression/ dreads  and horrible flat feelings along with heavy bleeds, however it does seem to have stopped the insomnia and hot flushes- just wish I could get this whole meno horror sorted as it has gone on for so long- 10yrs  I think- my worst symptom has certainly been the anxiety and depression which totally floors me at times! I have been on Prozac for 5yrs but it doesn't seem to be helping much with the anxiety and depression. Have been referred to a psychiatrist by my gp to assess me and my medication so will have a look at your thread on Mirtazipin-  it must be good if it works so quickly. Yes I too find that I just know when I'm not feeling right as I just seem to lose interest in everything and can't seem to feel any joy whatsoever in life- it is truly awful and so wrong that so many of us have to suffer like this with little support from gp s etc- I have worked my way through many useless ones- one (Male of course) told me that it wasa all too easy for us women to blame everything on the menopause-very understanding-NOT!!
Sorry it's a bit of a rambling post and lots of hugs - Mags :) :).


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2013, 09:12:51 PM »

Hello again mags,
HRT has helped me a lot with meno symptoms i.e hot flushes,night sweats etc and it does with anxiety and depression but I do still have blips now & again.
I also take Prozac,have done for 8 years now 80mg daily.
I was prescribed this when I was diagnosed with OCD,an illness I had been suffering with from as far back as I can remember.
I was always treated with ADs each time because I had depression & anxiety but what the NHS couldn't see was that they were caused by OCD.
I had to go private 8 years ago when I had a breakdown.
It was the best thing I ever did going into hospital.There I was prescribed the right treatment at the right dose.
I know exactly what you mean about the dreads and feelings of flatness.
I feel very flat myself at the moment.
The Mirtazapine has really helped with the anxiety and I know that the depression with lift and my feelings will come back.
Normally ADs take weeks to make you start to feel better but I read on the Internet that Mirtazapine is one of the ADs that start to work the quickest.
I was actually on this when I was admitted to hospital but at a much higher dose.
I gradually came off it within a year and have stayed on the Prozac which is the one to control my OCD.
My HRT nurse told me that I'm more prone to getting anxiety in meno because of my medical history.

I do hope you can get some help from your GP next week.
I really feel for you.
Thinking of you.
Bye for now
Dyan X


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2013, 01:14:32 PM »

Hi Dyan, and thanks for your lovely post- it's so good to know that I'm not the only one having all these weird feelings! What I really wanted to ask was, do you take Mirtazapine as well as the Prozac? if so I might just mention it to the psychiatrist - if it takes away the morning anxiety- waking in terror etc, then it must be good. I am terrified of coming off the Prozac as I felt terrible the last time I tried to cut down- even though it didn't seem to be helping much. I do hope that you start to feel less flat soon- I know just how it feels- I think that people who have never been through it just don't understand how terrible it makes you feel- when I have it really bad I can barely function and just want to hide myself away from everyone and feel that I just don't want to be here. Am seeing my gp this aft as I  feel I can't hang on until next week!

Thanks again for your kind words and helpful advice- magsxx

 :bighug: :bighug:


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2013, 01:52:28 PM »

Do you perhaps need to up the dose of the Prozac?  For 3-4 months?  Or are you taking the optimum doseage?  Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2013, 02:44:00 PM »

Hi Mags,
Yes I do take Prozac as well as the Mirtazapine.
The Prozac I have been taking now for 8 years for my OCD and the Mirtazapine for just 11 days for the anxiety.
I take 80mg Prozac in the morning and the recent 15mg Mirtazapine at night.

I know exactly that feeling mags of wanting to hide yourself away.
When I'm bad I just like to be 'at home' in my 'comfort zone' doing nothing much,telly on,cuppa and something nice to eat.
I usually let myself go a bit when I'm bad.I think what the h*** and just eat whatever I fancy.

People who have never experience anxiety and depression just haven't a clue about how we feel even though some people have said to me," I know how you feel.I felt depressed/down/low/fed up yesterday" >:(

It is difficult for our other halves too if they haven't experienced it.
My hubby is very understanding but at the same time says he feels helpless and doesn't know what to do for me.
I tell him,just being here,lots of cuddles ::) and cup of teas ;D helps a lot!

Please let me know how you get on with GP this afternoon.

 :bighug:love Dyan X


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2013, 03:10:24 PM »

My daughter has OCD and is having a lot of trouble getting  specialised NHS help for it.

She is on 20mg prozac and 40mg prozac on alternate days.  She tried 40mg each day but it made her feel dizzy and dreamy (her words) so she didnt want to continue with it.


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2013, 05:35:20 PM »

Hi, it.s me again! thanks to you all for your very helpful replies- went to see GP this aft and he was really helpful, has suggested stopping the hrt for now  to see if the bleeding stops, and if it doesn't, will have to get things investigated- he did seem to be under the impression though that it was probably the hrt- am bit worried about withdrawal symptoms, even though I've only been on it for a few months.

Many Thanks again for your support and hope we all improve soonxx


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2013, 08:28:28 AM »

Hi Dyan

I know the anxiety feeling I have had this most of my life but seems to get worse with meno, I suffer with Agoraphobia which is much worse when my meno symptoms are bad... its so awful...hope this message finds you feeling a little beter xxxx

Michele xx


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2013, 01:10:14 PM »

ahhhhhh, I really do hope you both feel better soon :hug:.

I too have suffered with anxiety on and off for years  :(
I too have thought processes that I recognise when I am going 'down'.

I've recently realised my anxiety has been linked to hormones, 10 year ago my hubby had a vasectomy so I stopped taking the pill (had been mostly Ok on the pill as I recall - never had mood swings or PMS)
After I stopped taking the pill my PMS started with a vengeance - along with anxiety in 2nd half of cycle  :(  I also had PND after my babies - again hormonal, obviously. It would appear I am intolerant to progesterone because I have had the very same symptoms which are very recognisable feelings to me, whilst I've been on HRT in the progesterone phase.

For me my symptoms are mainly paranoia (mild - but still enough to bring me down) I think no-one likes me and I am boring, not good enough etc etc. :(

and I can associate with the actual crying out because of memories and feelings of guilt too!  :-\
I've done that - usually after something from years ago just pops into my mind and it all becomes too much  :'(

I also get so I don't want to go out of the house :(
We moved to a house in the country, and my kids go to school by taxi. I don't know many people and the more time goes on I really cannot be bothered to try change anything!!  :-\

Sorry, I've rambled on but I wanted to sympathise!
on the other hand I do like a good giggle and I don't want to be DEFINED by my fluctuating hormones! I'm still young a heart, enjoy a night out, have lots of fun with my hubby and kids travelling and holidays etc!! So it's not all gloom!!  ;D ;D

If anyone wants to PM me I'd be happy to chat, or on here.
You're NOT alone!  :hug:


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2013, 01:54:12 PM »

Hi carol44- thanks for your post and words of support.
I've had anxiety on & off all my life due to the OCD I have and meno does make it worse for me too when symptoms are bad.
 :bighug: for you.
Love Dyan x

Hi Clovie,
Thanks for your post too.
It is so nice to know that we are not alone in all this.
 :bighug: for you too.
Love Dyan x


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2013, 02:18:11 PM »

"and I can associate with the actual crying out because of memories and feelings of guilt too! 
I've done that - usually after something from years ago just pops into my mind and it all becomes too much  ........ "  yep  :-\

At least if I don't make any more local 'friends' I won't have to keep justifying myself  ;)


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2013, 12:51:09 PM »

I too have been muddling along feeling okayish, then have been floored by two things, one having a tilt table test to see if I have something called POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia), which basically means that blood pools in my feet rather than being pumped around my body efficiently when I stand up. I lasted 3 minutes in the tilt table before passing out, so I am waiting to see a cardiologist, which has left me with mixed feelings, glad that I've finally  got a diagnosis after years of not knowing but also feeling low about the way it seems to be impacting on my life. Secondly, I also feel that when my POtS is worse, so are my meno symptoms. My GP has upped my hrt patch today to 100 evorel sequi, so will see if things improve at all.


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Re: Another Blip!!!
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2013, 07:32:21 AM »

 :bighug: for you lizzog.
Never heard of POTS.
Hope things go ok for you lizzog.
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