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Author Topic: worse symptoms after menopause  (Read 24825 times)


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worse symptoms after menopause
« on: April 23, 2013, 06:56:13 AM »

If Menopause is classed as the last period, has anyone found that their symptoms occur or worsen after this stage?

My last period was 3 years ago, I had all sorts of lead up problems, heavy bleeding, flushes mood swings, etc, went on HRT before periods finished, was on it for 5 years, and then taken off.

I'm now finding it hard to cope, the night sweats are ridiculous, insomnia,anxiety, panicky feelings during the day, and hot flushes. I am 56 and am assuming this is normal???

Seriously thinking of HRT again, but is it too late?


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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 08:07:52 AM »

My symptoms were a lot worse after my periods stopped. I had all the symptoms you've got now plus low mood, nausea and flushes during the day every 20 minutes. It was horrendous. I went to the doctors about 8 times in 2 months. Prior to that I hadn't been to the doctors for 17 years.
Been on Everol Conti for almost 2 years now. Back to my normal self.
So, I'd go back to the doctors.


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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2013, 08:21:37 AM »

Thank you,

I hate feeling like this, I can't seem to rationalize it,

 wondering if something is wrong with my heart cos of the racing beats in the night,

 and then the almost hopeless gloomy feeling to the brink of tears during the day,

 and then there is the "I don't think I can breathe properly" feeling.

Must be seriously ill.

need to go food shopping but last time I went I felt very odd and had to abandon the trolley and get out!

Do yo recognize any of this!



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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2013, 09:11:09 AM »

Hello Milly, yes I recognise all that you've said. I am 56 and haven't had a period for two and a half years and the last 6 months have been the most challenging so far. My anxiety is through the roof, I am very irrational and fearful and can't seem to cope with even the thought of doing anything out of the ordinary. At the weekend I lost my appetite and honestly wondered if I was going mad. If I knew that this was the very worst it could get and that shortly I would begin to recover I might be able to hang tough and not take HRT, it's the not knowing that's frightening me.
I am currently taking ADs and Beta Blockers and will be seeing my GP soon to discuss HRT and will post an update on the forum. In the meantime take care and hugs from a fellow sufferer... you are not alone.


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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2013, 09:41:43 AM »

Hello Milly - I haven't got anything really to add but I am exactly the same as you and I have had all the symptoms in one go with increased morbid thoughts and anxiety and lack of get up and go, but at least you go and see your Dr - I cant (gutless wonder) so a really big hug to you, you're brave.


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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2013, 12:06:35 PM »

I didn't have the breathing problem but I felt like had a lump in my throat and couldn't swallow.  Order your food online until you start feeling better.
Did you feel better when you went on HRT last time?


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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2013, 12:22:36 PM »

I think the breathing thing may be due to excess gas under my diaphragm, probably cos I am taking in excessive air due to anxiety...god what a circle this is.

Re HRT, yes, for quite a while I felt good, but then the periods were very heavy, and I started to get migraine auras...but presumably this time I would be able to have non bleed variety?

fed up, really am :(



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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2013, 12:54:39 PM »

Yes you would need a non bleed HRT. There is a list on the green menu on the left. I use patches instead of the tablet form of HRT.


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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2013, 12:58:43 PM »

Hi milly. I have posted about this before, and agree with everything the other ladies have said. I was mooching along pretty ok'ish during my late 40's, still having regular periods, then into my early 50's these became irregular, eventually stopping when I was 52. When I was 18 months post periods, I was hit with the physical "sledgehammer" that was post menopause, and every symptom known to womankind hit me over the period of one week, I had all 37 symptoms, (or is it more?) plus bonus ones! I have struggled with clinicians, who have only ever really wanted to rule out "what it isn't! I have come off HRT, as I found it didn't help. I have had an MRI recently which showed I had two bulging discs, probably due to hormone effects, and just take amitriptyline now to help with dull pain, which may or not be the cause of my IBS, another well known symptom!

So anyone that tells you that 2 years after your periods stop, you are done and dusted, should throw away the textbook!!!



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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2013, 01:15:16 PM »

I had my last period in 2002 and thought that was it.  Apart from the occasional itchy insteps and bra line HUH until last Tuesday (see bladder problems thread)  >:(


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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2013, 02:21:54 PM »

Hi Milly - I was wondering the same thing!
My last period was over a year ago, I'm now having constant flushes, night sweats, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, feelings of impending doom... oh lord listen to me moaning :(  I have not tried HRT, although sometimes I have wondered if I should.  I have tried various things from the health food shop, all to no avail.
I also have palpitations, and sometimes it feels that my heart will actually either stop or I'll have a heart attack - AND IT'S BLOODY SCARY. 
However, we should be able to do this - we've been through puberty, and most of us through pregnancy - so I am trying to do it 'cold turkey'  ;D partly as I'm told that HRT only delays the inevitable and you'll still have to go through all these symptoms at some point - I'd rather do it now I think rather than adding to whatever else I get when I'm older. 
I hope you feel better knowing that you're not alone, sorry I don't seem to be much help other than sending a hug and telling you it's not just you. 
Love + a hug, Spadger x


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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2013, 02:28:03 PM »

Spadger - couldn't have put it better myself, I have heard that's what HRT does - delay the inevitable and I too don't want that and from now on shall say I am 56 3/4 years YOUNG!  (Helps for a bit).
Big Hug to you as well  :hug:


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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2013, 02:34:43 PM »

GrumpyandIknowit - you are not 'old'; we are beautiful, experienced, worldly wise, wonderful women, multi talented and...WE CAN DO THIS. 
love Spadger x
(p.s. hugs & a round of applause to us all)


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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2013, 03:27:17 PM »


 When I was 18 months post periods, I was hit with the physical "sledgehammer" that was post menopause, and every symptom known to womankind hit me over the period of one week, I had all 37 symptoms, (or is it more?) plus bonus ones!

Oh I'm sorry but this made me laugh out loud...a miracle today let me tell you.

I feel so much better knowing you have all suffered as well... terrible thing to say I know!

I have decided to stop reading newspapers and mags cos I immediately make a bee line for the medical sections and then relate to every horrific ailment going.. even read today about a woman who felt weak, that's all, and she was riddled with cancer, and of course I feel weak.

phoned the surgery, next available app is 10th May, so good job I have you doctors on here to consult!! ::)




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Re: worse symptoms after menopause
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2013, 12:48:51 PM »

Oh shoot :o   --  I've had a terrible perimenopause  (9 long years with this) and no period for nearly 6 months.  The only thing that's kept me going is the thought that when I reach menopause, everything will settle down and I'll be on my way.  If this is how it is then I'm definitely going the HRT route because I couldn't stand this for anymore number of years.  :sigh:  Is their a time limit for HRT?   
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