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Author Topic: My bladder etc.. + VA treatment  (Read 125554 times)


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2013, 12:05:12 PM »


Suzi Q

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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2013, 01:44:40 PM »

Right Misses CLKD
If it was my decsion Id burn every blasted Ibu on the planet
I hate them think they are dangerous and should only be on Prescription

Now as for the worry about cancer etc with vagifem if you read all the scientific info even a dunderhead like me understands that using Vagifem is 100000000 times safe than HRT
In fact NOW TREY and TAZ if you will isnt it that a whole year of Vagifems equal in your blood stream to 2 HRT pills
Dont think 2 HRT pills in an entire years going to cause you much worry if any? If you get sides to it its asap
It doesnt creep up its with in 3/4 does like bad Headaches etc then you just stop
The Vagifem goes right in to the wall of your Vagina and works THERE putting the hormones THERE in to the fanny
It stops the peeing and boy does it ITS not asap but takes a month or so its gradual I was peeing up to 20 times a day my poor fanny was burnt to a crip my bartholon glands were swollen and on fire I felt in my lower abdo like cystis
All the blasted time and a feeling almost as if there was an absess and If I could get it drained It was horrible
 It stops sex hurting OH and boy is that fabooooooo no pain like glass or sandpaper everything that can plump up inside does it doesnt cahnge the look outside if youve had AV for a while so your bits have gone
It can help with small prolapses long as they havent dropped badly I never knew till I came on here 3 a half years ago The kneck of the bladder needed  to keep ot up and tight and I was a nurse??
But menos something you just dont see anythng of in nursing not really well I never did
So sod the Ibru make your tummy bad damage your kidneys Panadols arent that good I grant you
Cant you try and i know they have them MYsendonol they work for migraines bad backs the lot why not try them xxxx
Just common or garden sex like it was at 35 so


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2013, 01:51:10 PM »

Lucky you on the sex front.

I think that Paracetamol should be prescription only.  Several years ago a young girl (18?) died of an overdose, she had 'flu and took different medications.  Being befuddled with the 'flu she failed to read the package details  :'( ......... so many different preparations have it tucked away which is why I stick to Ibrufen.

Not quite as irritated today.  I'm OK so long as I don't stand up for very long so have watched TV  ;)

I'm going to keep a diary in case there is enough absorption to kick off breast disease.  The GP assures me that it shouldn't have an effect .... but I am starting from a 'base' line .........


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2013, 02:01:07 PM »

CLKD if you are using Ortho- Gynest pessaries then you are using Estriol not estrodiol

"Estriol is a much safer form of estrogen because it isn't metabolized into other hormones; it's a one-way street. It never loses its unique identity. Estriol does not have the potential to damage DNA and initiate cancer like its sister estrogens, estradiol and estrone"

Your GP is correct


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2013, 03:26:16 PM »

PHEW! thank you so much.  What happens after the 3 months is up I wonder  ???


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2013, 04:33:37 PM »

Apart from the difference that silverlady has pointed out, are there any other differences between Vagifem and ortho-gynest?



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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2013, 11:44:32 AM »

Symptoms much improved.


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2013, 12:17:25 PM »



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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2013, 12:45:34 PM »


Not passing as much urine
Still sore - treated outer lips with Savlon overnight plus pessary
Had intense highly located itchyness this morning so have spoken to a Pharmacist for advice
Less feelings of 'G' spot irritation

Suzi Q

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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2013, 01:48:02 PM »

Outer lips if I can offer a tip
Nilstatin thrush cream is brilliant it worked on my paper cuts better than Ovestin rubbed on them did
It also stopepd the itch really fast its allso an over the counter preparation
 its in a white pack size of tothpaste box a large one with the writing in purple
Check I always get mixed up with Nisltatin or NIlstat and Nystatin ones only on script thats why I described the box
Dont forget to drink Lemon Barley water it flushes that UBEND brilliantly
Huge Hugs Suz Q


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2013, 02:45:22 PM »

Glad you're feeling a bit better and that it soon clears up - sounds nasty.


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2013, 03:01:19 PM »

Vagifem is estradiol.  Estriol is a by product of estradiol and far weaker.  I do not think estriol is prescribed in US for anything as is considered so weak in its effect on estrogen receptors in the vag and bladder and urethra.  So it probably is the safest, but the least effective. 

If used correctly Vagifem and estradiol creams have very little absorption.  Used correctly means one to two weeks nightly to build up cells that prevent or reduce systemic absorption to nearly nothing.  Then it must be used two or three times a week per your doctor to maintain this wall of protective cells.  Once a year many doctors suggest another one week of nightly use.  Every time I do the nightly routine my prolapse lessens so much.

Dr. Currie commented on the safety of Vagifem once and I dare not quote her.   Studies have shown that Vagifem does not effect the uterine lining or increase any of the things mentioned on the black box warning that must go on ALL estrogen products in the US even though each product is totally different in side effects-- this is so stupid and misleading. 

The studies done about three years ago, not sure exactly when now, showed that Vagifem was absorbed at approximately a few milligrams a year.  Again, we all are different, have different histories and our bodies react differently to meds.  So nothing is exact or true for everyone.


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2013, 04:11:46 PM »

My GP talked about the vaginal mucosa building up .......... I feel better by the  hour  :o .......... and am loving this support on here from Ladies who have 'been there' or have knowledge .......  :thankyou:


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2013, 04:24:04 PM »

Thanks Trey.

CLKD, pleased for you :)


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Re: My bladder etc..
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2013, 04:39:48 PM »

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