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Author Topic: Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!  (Read 4884 times)


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Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!
« on: April 09, 2013, 06:30:01 PM »

I posted this on another part of the Forum initially, so apologies if you've read it before.

I turned 50 last September. I have two children (11 and 17). My periods starting going haywire in August 2009, gradually getting lighter and further apart. I haven't had a proper period now for a year, if not longer. Since Christmas I've had terrible night sweats and many hot flushes during the day. The night sweats came as quite a shock and made me feel quite ill at first. I've now got used to them, but still hate them! A friend recommended soya isoflavone supplements and I try to remember to take one a day. I think it is helping. I don't want to go down the HRT route, partly because I reacted so badly to The Pill (and tried many different sorts) and partly because my aunt died of breast cancer and was convinced HRT was the cause. I love running and try to go twice a week. I think exercise helps my symptoms, but I get this debilitating lack of motivation and lethargy, which isn't conducive to getting off my backside and doing something! I get more tired than usual and this may be because my sleep is interrupted most nights. I want to get through the menopause as naturally as possible, but it is hard. I suddenly feel old. I've always looked younger than my years, but I think I suddenly look my age!! I'm rapidly going grey, for a start!! Oh, and I suffer with terrible spots! Worse than when I was a teenager. I'm quite vain, so I struggle with this. I hate going to the doctors for anything and haven't been to see my GP for the best part of 12 months (and that was for something very minor). I missed my smear test last year, too. I booked an appointment to see my favourite doctor for tomorrow about my menopausal symptoms, then panicked and cancelled it this morning!! I wish local hospitals or clinics did a drop-in clinic for menopausal women... something casual, relaxed and where we could share our experiences. I've had a bad day today and spent most of it sitting on my backside in the living room, watching TV and playing about on my laptop!! I feel disgusted with myself. I've always been such a get-up-and-go type person!


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Re: Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2013, 07:29:41 PM »

Hi Yellowjo

The lack of energy and motivation is a pain when wanting to exercise, but the weird thing is that exercise does give you more energy. I have MS which makes me k------d lots of the time, this combined with meno is not a good combination. But, the more exercise I do, the more energy I get. Obvously taking care not to do too much - difficult to gauge.

I had always said I wouldn't use HRT, was going to do it naturally, however life is too short, I  had all sorts of problems. Eventually started Evorel conti patches and felt so much better. Started getting comments like you look so well. However given your reaction to the Pill it may not be for you. Was HRT definitely implicated in your aunts breast cancer?

Just get as much information as you can, this forum is a good place for a casual relaxed sharing of experiences. Don't feel disgusted with yourself!


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Re: Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 08:06:59 PM »

Hi yellowjo and welcome

I'm the same age as you and night sweats and hot flushes are becoming more frequent for me and have been making me feel a bit nauseous.  I can also sympathise about the spots - snap!  I've not gone to dr for hrt yet, waiting to see if I can manage on my own - think I will try the soya isoflavones.  You should really book for your smear though as you could kill two birds with one stone and talk about menopause whilst there.  I'm due my next smear this time next year, so if I manage until then my 'chat' may wait.  Don't feel disgusted with yourself, we can only take a day at a time and do what we can when we can.

Suzi Q

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Re: Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2013, 07:49:06 AM »

OK first off if your last smear was on and not too long ago as in me from 89 till 2012 yes I know very bad bad me
For now forget it you dont need more fear but if youve any troubles down there not normal then you must go asap
Next your not lazy your not stupid your not ugly spots or no spots your you just going through a shite time OK!

I never took HRT medical reasons I could never take the pill BUT my GP put me on Mini pill &Ovestin hrt cream(fanny)
It sorted me out really well yes I still had flushes but not nearly as many yes I still felt rough but it was managble
Spots must be the hormones have a read on the side panells or google Meno and skin
Some natural stuffs good but it doesnt seem to help for log sorry xxx
Somes bad no take it

When you feel less scared or when you feel up to it go see your GP you dont have to have internals just tell them how you feel OK xxxx


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Re: Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2013, 08:23:15 AM »

Thank you for your helpful replies! I am feeling a bit better. I made a real effort to go out running 4 days last week and it really helped. Just about to go off running again now. I found the Witch Stick Concealer has really helped my spots, too!


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Re: Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 09:12:09 AM »



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Re: Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2013, 10:03:33 AM »

Hello ladies, I've just joined today and should really be in the new members section but can't find out how to send a new post, can someone reply to this and tell me how it's done? Sorry to highjack this thread but when I read the heading it described me so well. Many thanks for your help. K.


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Re: Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2013, 10:12:13 AM »

Welcome to the forum ladies.   Kathleen, just go on the new members section and click on 'new topic' (it's in blue), and away you go.


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Re: Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2013, 11:23:32 AM »

Thank you littleminnie, I think I'm getting the hang of it! K.


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Re: Hi! I'm New and Suffering!!!
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2013, 07:02:37 PM »

Yellojo, how are the hot flushes now? I use sage tincture, and I've found it very effective. I get it from a herbalists, and take it in water. It tastes a bit odd but not too bad. x