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Author Topic: Heart again!  (Read 12964 times)


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Heart again!
« on: April 04, 2013, 06:01:03 PM »

So I went back to docs today about my palpatations, they havent been too bad the last week tho, anyway he said could be Artirial Fibralation :'( dont know if thats dangerous? but have to have one of those holter things for 24hrs to moniter what it is doing :(

I asked about my last blood tests too and the meno one was at number 84, is that bad or good?, doc just said it was post meno sign, really confusing and slightly worried now :'(


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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2013, 06:16:41 PM »

Hi K9Love, i have been suffering for a while with palpatations and ectopic heartbeats. Had test done and recently had to wear the 24hr monitor. Just received a letter back from the Cardiac Consultant which said they had been able to pick up the ectopic beats and they showed nothing to worry about. he is however going to send me for an echo cardiograph just to make sure he has checked everything, but said he did not expect to find anything abnormal. These symptoms all seem to be part of the menopause and while scary and not very nice most seem to be harmless. It is good that your Dr is getting it checked it will give you peace of mind. Try not to worry. xx


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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2013, 06:36:13 PM »

Thanks jgr, thats put my mind at rest a little x


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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2013, 07:15:49 PM »

I've had the 24 hour thing too which showed ectopic beats but nothing to worry about. Did you ask about the irregularity on the heart trace which showed up last time?

Taz x


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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2013, 07:20:49 PM »

I find Caffiene can aggrevate this, i now drink de-caf.


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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2013, 07:29:59 PM »

I've had the 24 hour thing too which showed ectopic beats but nothing to worry about. Did you ask about the irregularity on the heart trace which showed up last time?
 Doc had another look at them and then said looks like AF, so I presume that what was what he was talking about, Im useless at the docs! go in with all these questions in my head then forget to ask :(



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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2013, 07:44:50 PM »

You can read about the symptoms etc. of AF here   It's good that you are getting further tests done. I was a bit concerned when the doc seemed happy to leave it as a "small irregularity" without finding out more. I am sure that he is just being cautious.

The meno blood test is probably for FSH which is the hormone responsible for stimulating the ovary to release egg. When you are really fertile and young the reading is normally less than 20 (ish) and the further you go into meno the more hormone is released to try to get the ovary to respond. 84 shows you are in peri-meno but it is difficult to tell how far. Mine was 178 and I was still having periods.

Taz x


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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2013, 08:23:24 PM »

You can read about the symptoms etc. of AF here   It's good that you are getting further tests done. I was a bit concerned when the doc seemed happy to leave it as a "small irregularity" without finding out more. I am sure that he is just being cautious.

The meno blood test is probably for FSH which is the hormone responsible for stimulating the ovary to release egg. When you are really fertile and young the reading is normally less than 20 (ish) and the further you go into meno the more hormone is released to try to get the ovary to respond. 84 shows you are in peri-meno but it is difficult to tell how far. Mine was 178 and I was still having periods.

Taz x

Im post meno tho, no periods for 8yrs :-\

Ali d

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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2013, 01:53:02 PM »

Hi everybody. I have only just become a member and am very interested in your accounts of palpitations and ectopic beats. I am now post menopause (1 year since my last period). I have had the usual hot flushes, irritability, tiredness for ages but the most worrying is the palpitations and ectopic beats. I have had ectopics for around 9 years, which might not have anything to do with the menopause, and had 24 hour monitors and checks done which I was told all was okay. Back in November, however, I had my first palpitation episode which was so scary I called an ambulance. The hospital picked up the palpitations and some ectopics but again nothing abnormal. I have been keeping a diary of these symptoms and have found for the last 3 months they mostly occur at the beginning of the month, so I do wonder if it is monthly cycle connected. The palpitations and ectopics are scary when they happen though. I only drink decaf drinks now too as I was told this can make things worse.


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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2013, 11:38:01 AM »

I too am having really bad palpitations. the scary bit is the big jump and flutter that happens as I wake up and go to sleep. do any of you get this too? also the palpitations go on all day even without caffeine. I like green tea but this makes them worse. dare not have coffee!


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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2013, 08:36:06 PM »

Been told today ive high BP and ectopic heartbeat causing the bad palpitations so have to have an ecg done now. Still not sure if its the kidney cyst or the ectopic that could be causing the high BP tho.

Suzi Q

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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2013, 01:12:21 AM »

I had the first attack of what I call the skippies at 26 my MUM sent a letter saying I was dead as id come to Ozz
I was put on Beta Blocas Inderal for a month or so then it went
12 years later when pre meno happened it started again palpitations and skipping beats it was horrible really scarey
Went to another gp Id moved and he put me on the same he said it was stress with in 4 days or so it went
Had the odd blip a few times took the pills then they went In 2004 my brother died and 5 months later i had it again
MY heart would miss beats Id feel light headed dizzy sickly feeling this time it took months to go properly
Then last June I had an attack whih lasted 29 days all the same symptoms except for no skipping beats
Got it now started a week ago taking Betas from last year its eased not gone yet by any means but no skipping beats
I have still a feeling of fear and tummy rolling
I wake and am OK for a few mins then it starts feeling of sickly terror heart races but better than a week ago
IM 23/4 beats per 15 secs Im normaly 19/20 per 15secs but I just feel weird no pain no tightness bit breathy fear type
IT started right after the fight on the train a week last Wednesday felt off Thursday on Friday last friday BOOM
I hate it its really scarey but what can GP do Ive got the pills and they do help and too be honest im scared to go
I know tests tests tests if it skips or if I get a pain then I will go but otherwise take the pills and see what happens
Ive no skipping beats I just feel scared like a planes taking off Im terrified of flying Its hard to explain the feeling
 its a feeling of real fear weird or what


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Re: Heart again!
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2013, 10:18:00 AM »

Do you need meds for an ectopic heart beat or just when you have high BP too?