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Author Topic: Pains, pains and more pains!  (Read 11868 times)


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Pains, pains and more pains!
« on: April 05, 2013, 06:38:30 AM »

Not been on for a while, but I'm starting to struggle  :'(
I went to see Dr Currie in January, she was lovely and after listening to my history of complaints (patches not sticking, joint aches, weight gain) she advised me to try Elleste Duet conti tablets, even though I've just turned 40 she said it was ok, so I'm almost finished my second month, I've been having symptoms of tender breasts,stomach cramps, ibs, bleeding, and the worst of all hip and back pain also knee pain, generally all over stiffness and aches.
The pain is so bad it's started disturbing my sleep  :'(
I don't know what to do! Dr Currie told me I needed to get my bloods checked for Thyroid problems (I've not got round to it yet) and also recommended an alternative hrt to try if I didn't like this one!
Is it all settling in symptoms? is it to early to ask for the alternative, my symptoms are worsening, I'm struggling to exercise now, so weight control is difficult!
Please help girls, if I'm to return to the GP I need to be armed with info to support my symptoms, hope someone can help or just reassure me, although I'm not sure how long I can cope with this pain!
thanks for listening Anne x


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Re: Pains, pains and more pains!
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2013, 07:24:29 AM »

Sounds awful Anne.  I cant help with HRT info as I am not on it myself.  I do have  underactive thyroid though.  You really need to get that looked into sooner rather than later

Someone will be along soon to help re. HRT advice I'm sure.


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Re: Pains, pains and more pains!
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2013, 07:26:35 AM »

Hi Anne. I don't think that you can blame this amount of pain just on HRT settling in symptoms and the first step is to do as Dr Currie suggested and get your thyroid levels checked. You could also have some tests to rule out inflammation within the body which could be causing the pain. Low thyroid levels can cause joint pain, fatigue, bowel problems (mostly constipation) and weight gain. It is important to rule this out I think.

If you have hip and back pain then this can lead to knee pain due to the change in posture so can you work out which came first - the hip/back or the knee pain?

Taz x  :hug:



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Re: Pains, pains and more pains!
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2013, 08:54:23 AM »

To my mind mummypower its your body telling you that it does not like the HRT you are on, as you are only 40 you are still producing your own hormones ( that is if you have not  had a hysterectomy) HRT is suppose to make you feel better not worse and you did say your symptom were getting worse. You maybe overloading you body with hormones.

I think that you should see your GP explain what is happening and ask for your thyroid levels to be checked, Dr Currie recommended an alternative HRT so she must have had in mind that it may not suit you, its often the case that a woman will have to try several formulas before she find one that suits her, or in some cases HRT will not be suitable at all.

I agree with Taz that you should also have your  inflammation levels tested to see if anything is going on.



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Re: Pains, pains and more pains!
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2013, 08:55:15 AM »

Hi Anne.  An under functioning thyroid will affect your hormone balance.  If you can get that checked and if required, get it under control, any HRT may settle down well for you.

It is probably a bit like trying to build a house on no foundations.  Doesn't matter how many bricks you add, it will collapse.   

I had low functioning thyroid and corrected that with chiropractic and supplements.  What a difference it made.  As Taz said, there could be other causes - inflammation, low Vit D, low magnesium.   

Sometimes it is a journey to identify and correct or eliminate more than one cause.

I am not on HRT - I tried it for a year and what I tried did not suit me.   If it were me, I would take Dr. Currie's advice and start at the beginning with your thyroid levels and then take it from there.

Good luck.  It is so miserable feeling unwell, tired and sore all the time.  I think it is when it goes and we actually feel a sense of wellbeing that we realise how long we were without it :-).



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Re: Pains, pains and more pains!
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2013, 11:27:12 AM »

Hi Anne - sorry to hear of your problems. If you are seeing Dr Currie you are in good hands. Just to add to what others have said re the HRT - once you have sorted out your other problems I would agree with Rowan that as well as other issues eg thyroid, the HRT may well not be suiting you.

The fact that it is Elleste Duet conti means you are taking a synthetic progestogen (norethisterone) all the time and this particular one can cause problems for some women - I didn't get on with it. I presume because you are on conti you are post-meno and have had an early meno?

What other HRT did she suggest?

Pity about the patches not sticking but if you decide to give another one a go you may like to try going back onto a cycle (which would give you a regular bleed) - this way you can settle down on the oestrogen and then find a progestogen to suit you.

Personally I would always recommend patches or gel for the oestrogen - because the oestrogen (as oestradiol)  goes straight into your body and doesn't have to go through the liver - together with bio-identical progesterone (Utrogestan) again (usually taken orally but many of us use it vaginally) as this is the most natural to us. However since you are on it long term and are still young you may not like the idea of this, as pills are more convenient. Some women find Femoston more agreeable.

Hope this helps and you feel better soon.

Hurdity x


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Re: Pains, pains and more pains!
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2013, 04:07:41 PM »

Thank you so much for all the reply's, I'm making an appointment to get blood taken on Monday and will tell my GP of all my other symptoms.
I started with peri almost 4 years ago, not had a natural bleed for at least a year before that, Dr Currie thought the constant dose of progesterone would reduce bloating and weight issues, I'm not sure the name of the other hrt she mentioned, but my GP has a note of it.
I'm convinced there's more to my aches and pains than just menopause and have done for a while, so it will be interesting to see what the blood results show.
I feel so much better having some advice from you all, and will be back in touch when I've seen the GP.
Anne x


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Re: Pains, pains and more pains!
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2013, 04:08:18 PM »

Stellajane - can I ask how you managed to persuade your doc to give you treatment for underactive thyroid when you were showing in the normal range? I have all the symptoms and my doc is constantly surprised that my blood results come back as normal but she wont prescribe.

Taz x


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Re: Pains, pains and more pains!
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2013, 06:59:28 PM »


sounds as if you are having a rough time.  Re thyroid perhaps get a thermometer and take your morning temperature for 6 days , take it before you get up. If its below normal it may be because of thyroid. Low temp indicates other issues too .  My waking temp was 34.0c and I was always frozen.  My gp picked up on my thyroid when i was in for a regular HRT check and was amazed at how cold I was. She treats borderline thyroid ( i was at bottom of normal range) and what a difference it made. Aches and pains gone  and now 3 years on waking temp is 36.. Its took nearly  2 years to get it up there so no instant results. I would say energy levels etc started noticeably improving after 4 months.  :)

Suzi Q

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Re: Pains, pains and more pains!
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2013, 04:02:51 AM »

Go get bloods done OK
Then your in a better position as is Doctor Currie to sort things out
I cant advise anyone on HRT I didnt take it so I would never presume
But to help you you need to do the blkoods OK xxxxxxxx