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Author Topic: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...  (Read 4761 times)


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6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« on: September 19, 2013, 09:46:19 AM »

So peed off this morning....not had a period since February (turned 50 in June) and guess what I got this morning, the red flag has been raised with avengence, really thought I'd finished for good.

I've started taking B6 tablets in the last month or so, surely this wouldn't have restarted my periods would it :-\


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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2013, 09:48:34 AM »

Plus my bp is up, dr needs to see me in 4 weeks to check it - never had high bp before although my late Mum did.....feeling really hacked off :'(


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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2013, 03:35:23 PM »

Hi yorkshire rose - it is common to go for six months or even longer between periods during early meno - it is a pain because you have to start counting again to get to that magic one year without periods.

You may find that you go back to regular ones for a while or this might be the last one. Mine were like that for around three years and then I started HRT so I have no idea when I would have finally stopped.

Sorry about the high blood pressure but best to get it checked out. You can do lots to change it yourself such as exercise and lowering the salt in your diet - hidden salt in foods is so high.

Let us know how you get on.

Taz x



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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2013, 04:20:44 PM »

Must be so annoying rose when you think you're well on the way to getting through it and coming out the other side, must feel like back to square one. Sorry that must sound a bit depressing. This one might be your last one, try and be positive.
If like me you started hrt before periods finished, how do you ever know when to swap to conti hrt?  i've just turned 51 and i'm pretty sure my doc said he would put me on conti at 52, but what happens if i'm actually still ovulating??

Who'd be a woman!!  Take care both, it'll all be over one day ::)

Delilah x


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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2013, 08:51:20 PM »

I have spent past 4 years thinking this is it only to get another period after 8-10 months so never getting to that magic one year.  I am now 52 and have gone 8 momths this time but who knows >:(

I have found that I  would get very erratic periods for a few months before they stopped again and the last two before stopping again would be just some spotting two weeks apart. 


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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2013, 10:06:29 PM »

I went nearly 11 months and then had 3 periods one after the other, so back to one month and counting again now! ::)


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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2013, 10:56:44 AM »

Yes, this happened to me too.  It's such a pain but not unusual ... unfortunately!  Hang on in there!  How high is your bp?  I don't understand it - mine can go from around 97/60 - 117/80 (ish)  first thing in the morning to around 117/80 mid day then it has been as high as 131/97 before going to bed, and I have no idea why!  Once it was 151/something at night, which scared me!  Whenever they check it at the surgery it's less than 120/something.  Blood pressure is crazy!  It fluctuates so much I don't see how they can use it to diagnose anything ???


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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2013, 09:22:05 PM »

Re blood pressure.My GP told me that if somoene has high blood pressure that will cause a problem it will be persistantly high and you won't get any normal or low reading if taken many times a day. I have worlds worst white coat syndrome so I had to take mine three times a day for 6 weeks. I also had to take it three times 10 mins apart each time.

He won't prescribe blood pressure meds unless someone has either had the 24 hr test or done as I did as he says more problems are caused by someone taking drugs who doesn't need them.


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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2014, 04:10:23 PM »

not been on here for ages, but thanks Countrybumpkin for your post about the high bp.  It has made me feel much better!


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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2014, 05:39:19 PM »

Well I thought my last period was October 2012 when I was 57.  I desperately needed a hip replacement but vowed not to have it done until my periods stopped.  However It got so bad I could not walk and my leg was getting longer so had to have it done.  The night before my op last May my period arrived after 7 months.  I was very anxious but thankfully it wasn't a mega haemorrhage.  By last September I thought an end was in sight, could walk, felt well and flushes subsiding albeit things down below were resembling the Kalahari desert!  By December everything back with a vengeance plus more and 2 days before Christmas migraine headache for 3 days and yet another period for 14 days so have gone 7 months again, 58 now and wondering if this will ever end.  At least this is better than the periods just running into each other and making me anaemic.


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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2014, 05:52:26 PM »

Hi Busylizzie

I can't remember your history but from what you say, have you been to the doctors just to check all is OK re periods continuing at your age? Of course someone has to be at the extreme end of the spectrum but sometimes late bleeding can mean other problems eg fibroids etc. It must be very frustrating but at least you have gone on longer with your own oestrogen than some of us!

Hurdity x


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Re: 6 months with nothing then it starts again...
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2014, 08:02:05 PM »

Hi Hurdity,
Thanks for asking, the support on this forum is so supportive and caring and I do appreciate everyone's kindness here.  I did have a hysteroscopy done in April 2012 after some mega bleeds that went on for weeks and weeks and I was told that everything looked fine.  I'm hypothyroid, on thyroxine which I know can cause a late meno and heavy bleeding, but they say my blood levels are fine so will not increase it.  They offered me a Mirena Coil which I declined as had had one for 3 years and although it reduced the amount of bleeding, it caused me to have ovarian cysts and womb infections.   I have been told that 60 is the magic number when they will do further testing if I am still bleeding then.  I am going through some other health tests at the moment which is proving very stressful as they make you wait so long and a period on top was the last straw over Christmas.
Hugs Busylizzie