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Author Topic: Feeling physically sick with back pain  (Read 21393 times)


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2012, 03:57:24 PM »

Hi CB,  I've been reading this thread daily and feeling completely useless as to help.  So will just send good wishes for relief and a good Christmas for you. It figures that Your auto accident would be in Florida.  Half the old ladies driving can't see over the dashboard.  Retirees are dangerous!!

Take care you. :)


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2012, 02:04:29 PM »

Headed for doctors this morning and have been given Amitryptiline as gp thinks it's nerve pain from a previous surgery on my back 10 years ago. There is a lot of scar tissue in that area.


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2012, 10:52:32 AM »

Sorry to hear about scar tissue cubagirl its a real pain to deal with they gave me Amitrypline as well but didn't agree me so only on cocodamol 15/500 useless but anything stronger gives me severe C, hope you get some relief soon and have a better New Year. :foryou:


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2012, 12:57:36 PM »

I have just been using cocodamol 8/500 from chemist. Gp said they could give stronger if necessary.  Not keen on that as don't want to end up relying on pain relief. Gp also suggested physiotherapy which I may look into come the new year.


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2012, 09:25:11 AM »

Now on about sending me for therapy so its official i am nuts having to live with someone who has PTSD doesn't help but what can i do can't run away or can i ?. :cuss:


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2012, 04:02:34 PM »

Hi Cubagirl.  Have you tried or considered myofascial release or deep tissue massage for the scar tissue?
I think you live in the North East of Scotland, so I am not sure who might offer that specialist massage technique there, however, here is a link to another practitioner in Edinburgh - just so you can read about the techniques and perhaps do some research in your area.   I have just located a physiotherapist who does this specialist massage in Central Scotland so will be using her in the new year.




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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2012, 12:08:17 PM »

I have relatives in Scotland cubagirl and they tell there is a place in Edinburgh that does deep tissue massage don't know if its expensive but worth a try if it works if your anywhere near there. Happy Hogmanay ;D


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2012, 11:55:56 PM »

Will check into that, thanks FW & Leony.

Billie Blaster

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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2012, 02:27:38 AM »

Hi Cuba girl, just a thought, but you might want to think about what was going on in your life when the pain started.  Often there's a pointer there, as shoulder and upper back pain can point to feeling like you are carrying too much of a load or responsibility, or just plain old stress and strain from being under too much pressure (I carry all my stress in this area).  Pain is often the body's way of getting a message across and getting us to take notice, once and for all. Then if you can pinpoint something you can try to address it and see if this helps.

Billie Blaster


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2013, 10:21:46 AM »

Hi Cuba girl, just a thought, but you might want to think about what was going on in your life when the pain started.  Often there's a pointer there, as shoulder and upper back pain can point to feeling like you are carrying too much of a load or responsibility, or just plain old stress and strain from being under too much pressure (I carry all my stress in this area).  Pain is often the body's way of getting a message across and getting us to take notice, once and for all. Then if you can pinpoint something you can try to address it and see if this helps.

Billie Blaster

I echo what Billy Blaster has said.  My chiropractor deals with emotional releases as well as physical problems and has been a life saver.   My back went out just before my holiday and I could hardly walk/get in and out of the car.  I just wanted to lie down and not move (not advised).  Went to the chiropractor who checked me for physical and emotional.  On this occasion it was emotional through worry about my mum.  She helped me to release that, adjusted me, gave me counter-strategy and said it would be unlikely I would need to go back (she does not milk her clients!).   Heyho, 48 hours later it was sorted.   We cope with our heads and our body takes the strain, so to speak -  it is called a physiological reaction to an emotional situation/event.



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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2013, 10:39:54 AM »

Hi Leony

I don't think anyone responded to your own issues listed in this thread.  That sometimes happens when focus is on the person who started the subject.

I, too, had a car accident.  It was in 1985.  I had three broken ribs and broken T12 vertebrae.   I attended a Chartered Physiotherapist about 2 years ago.  He is a specialist in myofascial release and 'shorter leg syndrome' caused by out of alignment pelvis; easily caused by accidents when we are children, the muscles adjust and slowly our skeletal alignment adjusts to the new out of alignment position.   He told me that he knows of some women who have had hysterectomies trying to eliminate discomfort and pain - when it is the skeletal alignment.
This particular physio travels to various countries and he treats people with PTSD.  I think he is based in Troon when in Scotland, and Calgary, Canada. I do think he may be semi-retired and does the travelling work as part of his retirement.   His specialism is myofascial release.

From what he said, the IBS could indeed be caused by skeletal alignment.   I had one version of it for years until I had chiropractic treatment.  My chiro also identified one version as caffeine triggered (not just coffee). 

I notice you mentioned that there is a group in Edinburgh offers myofascial.  I think that may be the same link I also sent to CG, so that is interesting.

I hope your pain has been less over the festive period.



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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #26 on: January 04, 2013, 01:22:12 PM »

I've just self-referred myself for Physiotherapy.  I've upped my Amytriptiline to 2 tablets, but I'm still getting a lot of discomfort at night.  I've been getting tingling in that area too, which I've mentioned on my form.  Appointment not for 6 weeks though.  Grrr. 


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2013, 01:21:03 PM »

Thanks Firewalker50 just about given up on the old NHS beginning to think they couldn't find a bad smell in a loo, did have Physio 2 sessions after broken pelvis was told i had a trapped nerve and he couldn't do anything for me good of him this was 20 years ago, retrained as a special needs classroom assistant pushing and lifting wheelchairs, played basketball, running and badminton fell on same hip a few times just got up and hobbled off felt stupid in front of pupils they laughed can't blame them must have looked a sight grown woman lying sprawled on the floor just come back to haunt me now i guess. :-[   


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2013, 02:43:01 PM »

Well I've now seen physio and she spotted problem straight away. I've got a pronounced curve in my spine at point of pain. It's not noticeable to most people. She took one look, pressed and hey presto OUCH!  Got exercises to do and need a lumber posture cushion, to ease the problem.  Hopefully this will help. If no improvement in about 4 weeks I've to phone her direct for another consultation.


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Re: Feeling physically sick with back pain
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2013, 04:19:50 PM »

Hi Cubagirl sounds like you have the same as me, mine is in my lower back, I went for massage and spinal manipulation last Friday, it has eased it, at least I can get comfortable in bed now, but yesterday I did some  hoovering through the house and today I feel the discomfort again in my lower back.

I have two very sore points where she pressed and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

I must admit I had stopped doing the exercises that I was given by the physio (different lady) so I will have to start them again.

I already sit on a leather lumbar posture cushion (It has a hole in it) when at the computer and I put a pillow over it for more comfort.

Hope the discomfort eases for you.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 04:30:38 PM by Rowan »
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