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Author Topic: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?  (Read 30956 times)

Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2013, 11:03:15 AM »

Just give it a week or so see how you go
If the syptoms start back then take another one 3x10 see how that goes
You may find 2/3x7 is fine work it ut you know your own body
Then when rpt time comes just tell GP you have upped the dose NO arguments xxxxx


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2013, 11:15:48 AM »

Thanks SuzyQ. I have a review with GP in 3 weeks time. By then I will have  given it a fair chance. I have already had to use an extra one as I had a burning bladder after one week, but I also have IC and had a very challenging week of doing everything I shouldn't to irritate it, including sitting in a hot tub, so shouldn't really blame the Vagifem!!!



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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2013, 07:28:52 PM »

I have just dropped down last week,my Dr as oly given me enough 10,s for a month at. 2 x10 a week,I am struggling,last week I was in Spain on holiday ended up going to see Dr at health centre with water infection,I know it was from the lowering of the Vagifem as I have VA,Irritable bladder,all that contributes to being post menopausal,we had sex whilst on holiday- as you do! I ended up in sheer agony,literally overnight,UTI,soreness,up going to the loo all night,- dreadful, and getting antibiotics,I now have Thrush and have had to go and buy Canestan Duo,I have only been on 2x10mgfor a week and am already struggling like before,I am going to start using  the 10,s every other day,and going back and explaining to the Dr,I need more prescript s.,Certainly cannot go back to this way of life.


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2013, 08:48:17 PM »

Scriv i have Pm 'd you

Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2013, 02:27:49 AM »

It ends up in a way being quality of life
Women risk with HRT dangers ahead you all know about them and accept
But as Ive said prev imagine if HRT pills doages were lowerd by almost 2/3rd a pill thered be riots
People who cant take HRT and rely on Vagifem seem to becoming more and more for a myriad of reasons
My life before Vagifem was unbearable and last October when 2 started to fail I was incandecent
Ladies  here persuaded me to do a reload directing me to sites that GPS advised a reload EVERY year and that was 25s
I did 10 days in December and so far had about 5 iffy days since then to me my quality of life isbest
I decided that just like the Pill and HRT Pills that using Vagifem was a risk I was wiling and happy to take


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2013, 07:00:18 AM »

Eltonia, that's just like me really. Just one week after the 10s at twice weekly the flaring and burning started as before. It's not two weeks yet and I have had to have an extra one. Used another last night as per the usual routine and was more than ready for it I can tell you! That helped the burning, but it's not at all right.

Anyway, have decided to use them as I need them and bring forward my review date with the GP as this is in no way managing the condition which had been kept at bay for years with the 25s. Grrrr..
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 07:02:44 AM by scriv »

Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2013, 08:04:03 AM »

Honesdly its like saying to HRT pill ladies ok girls instead of 7 a week you can only take 3
Symptoms will return I grant you even so deal with it
Thats what Vagifem manafactureres and GPS are saying
Are they saying that Vagifems been dangerous for us all tihs time
We know HRT isnt the best but knowone suggesting women on HRT should have their dose lowered to 1/3
So either Vagifems OK or we have to take so little to keep it safe for us it doesnt work
Which is it?
Some company will come in soon as Vagifem must be running out of its patent and will make ageneric Vagifem
Wonder if they will up the dose to say 15mg


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #37 on: April 15, 2013, 10:11:51 AM »

I will be interested to hear how you get on with the Ortho- G pessaries... I didn't know about them.

After my big flare up after just 10 days, I am currently using the Vagifem every night for the 2 weeks to re-load it and I have an appointment with my doctor to see what to do about the maintenance dose. I am sure that 2 or 3 times will be no good whatsoever.

I am wondering whether they would agree to us using 5 x weekly? After all,that would be the same total?

This is all awful.



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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #38 on: April 15, 2013, 10:51:25 AM »

Unfortunately. the Ovestin cream irritates me  >:(

Are the Ortho-Gyn pessariies the same size or format as the Vagifem tabs?

I agree about this being the absolute worst part of the menopause. Grrrr


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #39 on: April 15, 2013, 02:16:55 PM »

I got a script for vagifem 25 last week from my gp, the pharmacist assured me that he would get some by last Friday.  Went this morning to collect them and guess what he still hasn't got any but says he will keep trying.  What's the betting he can't get them and I will have to see gp again ::)

Oh and I certainly agree that VA is by far the worst symptom of menopause.

Katy x


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #40 on: April 15, 2013, 02:33:36 PM »

I would be very surprised if your pharmacist does get them, Katy as they have definitely been discontinued.

Hope you are lucky though.


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #41 on: April 15, 2013, 04:31:11 PM »

I know that they have been discontinued but was really hoping the pharmacist could get some old stock, not looking forward to having to use the 10's at all as I was on them before the 25's and they didn't help at all.  Oh well perhaps I'll have to try Ovestin cream or the orthogynest pessaries and hope for the best.

Katy x


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #42 on: April 15, 2013, 06:32:46 PM »

It's had no effect on me but I only used the 25's for 3 months. If I get times when things do not seem to be working as well I just use an extra 10 in between and it all sorts out.  It really is only an extra 1 or 2 a month usually. My guess is that as the 25's are discontinued, they have been withdrawn from everywhere and you won't get them. Give the 10's a good go, the first few weeks I changed over I felt things were not as good but it all settled down.


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #43 on: April 15, 2013, 07:19:32 PM »

It's an awful shock to me as I have been on Vag 25 for at least 6 years for severe atrophy and dryness and I was doing very well on it. It's the only HRT that I use and as I had the menopause 20 years ago, it is my oestrogen supply. I am waiting to see if this burning will go away again  after the 2 weeks re-loading and then will talk with my doctor about what to do. It's grim.


Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #44 on: April 16, 2013, 12:16:43 PM »

Lynne you will read that over 1/3 of the ladies cant cope with only 20m a week instead of 50m
Its a huge difference over half less and the pain its not just sex that most could grin and cope with it
Its the rest the burning the aching throbbing suction feeling
The Bartholin glands swelling red raw peeing is like peeing battery acid the constant pressure to wee 20 times a day
In tuen makes oyur abdo ache like a 1000 bees in there I used to lie back and imagine there was a huge absess and it would pop and my lower abdo region would just go pain I mean Youe labias shrivel and burn your cliroras is blood red
VA is the worst thing and as was said about ortho press with no aplicator hellooo infection shoving it up with your bare hands OH very hygenic not money saving again these are all designed by men with dirty minds 
sure they are thinking we reg shove hands up ourselves YUK
Im in Ozz have 3 pkts of 15 left and 3 rpt scripts Im going back to chemists tomorrow see if theyve run out here yet
In Jan theyd never heard of lowering the dose GP or Chemist mind ozz is a dumping ground so new Vagifem tomorrow x
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