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Author Topic: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?  (Read 30959 times)


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2012, 11:46:47 AM »

I don't know, i have a metabolic disorder and don't process things at all well, drugs alcohol anyhting synthetic so maybe because it was a synthetic oestrogen (I was joking about my own oestrogen i am a crackpot anyway  ::))

Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2012, 12:41:47 PM »

Join the club hehehehehehe
OM an actor the world outside my house never knows whats going on in my life or mind
Im everyones idea of a real happy go lucky dippy chick people flock to me all wanna be with me cos Im fun
Not boasting its the truth they see me with the big smile and always up for fun take jokes on the chin
Yet none of them know the real me its all a mask only on here my family and 4 long time pals know the real me
IM very serious very anylitacal even if I cant spell it Im quite clever I act daft so knowone will expect anything from me
Its all a game none of them know about my AV or my nerv breakdown i was seeing most of them at the time too
I was being treated i tell kowone anything yet everyone tells me everything cos they know I will never tell anyone
Sometimes it would be nice to be able to undurdsen myself as they are telling me ll their worries and problems
Some seem so silly to me but to them its not and i try every day to be the nicest person i can be
One girl said to me are you like you are all the time I said like what she said HAPPY so FUNNY I said yes its just me
Id like to have said NO i get hurt angry upset like everyone but who wants that in a social setting so i act a part
Is it a good thing no its bad cos i have a wall and i dont let anyone in except 1 girl  these are the ULY group people
Yet my old pals over 30 years see a diff me they know the real me with them I can relax but its ny fault maybe???


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2012, 01:21:57 PM »

Someone once said i was a chameleon because i will be whatever i think is expected of me in any situation, rarely be real, it is a personality disorder but i am learning and getting better.


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2012, 02:27:07 PM »

Oh no are you saying they are withdrawing Vagifem 25s? For why? I love em. Almsot normal fanny again!

I know I could do 10 every other night bu it more expensive. Struglling as is with cost of oestrogel, cyclgets and vagifem. Held together with pills and patches as Abfab said. 


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2012, 06:57:15 PM »

Does anyone know why Vagifem25 has been withdrawn?


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2012, 07:05:28 PM »

It all stemmed from the USA where the FDA there asked Novodisk to use as low a dose of oestrogen as possible. Now the same guidelines are being applied to the product in the UK. We had this thread running on it,18986.msg292478.html#msg292478  - well it mentions it anyway - and there are probably others if you do a search.

The advice with Vagifem used to be to use for so many months and then have a withdrawal period but Vagifem then said that it was ok to use it continuously. Now the dosage is being lowered so maybe it is to take the continuous usage into account.

Taz x

Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2012, 10:14:57 AM »

IM nto disagreeing with you Taz
BUT Vagifem 25m x 15 just over 9.00 pounds
Vagifem 10m pk 24 is 125 less Vagifem and yet it just over 16.00 pkt
So over 7.00 more for 125m less product ahmmm I think dosh plays a massive part
Ladies will need more scripts OK not all but bet at least 50% will need the 50n a week


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2012, 08:59:53 AM »

Hi All -

For information purposes -

Well, I'm back on this thread to eat my words.  VF 10mcg x twice weekly has now proved to be insufficient - all of a sudden, almost overnight things seemed to get worse in the undercarriage - had an awful UTI, haven't had one since a succession of episodes in 2009/2010, antibiotics cleared it up but thought 'OH NO, not this back again' - also notice bladder sensitivity / urge incontinence has stepped up again, plus intimacy more painful - so I'll have to up the dose of 10 VF to x 4 per week or alternate days.

Just hoping my new GP (recently moved area) will be obliging with upping the prescription as I'll need to take more - hopefully I'll get the meno clinic to recommend it so there won't be an issue.



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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2012, 10:06:31 AM »

Good luck with this night owl i use 4 a week and occasionally an extra one for luck, less than this i get dryness soreness and feeling of needing to p.u.


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2012, 11:34:45 AM »

Thanks Jane R, will have to work out which days to take it and get into a new routine, maybe alternate days will be the easiest.

Six years on and still in disbelief at what meno can do to the body (but only for some, not others eh!) - maybe one would expect vag/bladder issues later in life but not at 50, sigh.  Tena Lady is not something I want to add to my weekly shop now or in the future.  Uro-gynae says my whole vag/bladder atrophy is made worse by weakened pelvic floor muscles from lifelong constipation/straining, nice eh - sorry if TMI.

The meno clinic have been trying for years now to find me a tolerable HRT regime - now on ultra low dose - HALF of lowest (25) patch - plus separate progesterone pessaries - sequi regime, but I get no bleed.  Just about bearable - however symptom control is not that good.  VA often requires systemic as well as topical estro replacement, this may be the case with me as it's all dropped down so far!

Jane, I am the same re hypersensitivity to meds, alcohol, certain foods (mum is the same too) - I must have a metabolic disorder (allergy related maybe) never had it diagnosed - do you mind me asking if/how you had yours diagnosed?  Life would be so much easier if I could just take the flipping meds without always getting the worst side effects, in spite of perseverance.




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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2012, 05:14:43 PM »

I started of on 25 mg Vagifem nearly two years ago but changed to 10 mg twice a week summer 2011. i was really worried about changing but it soon settled down and if I have an off day I just use an extra one.
 My bigger worry is getting it prescribed at all ,as new gp doesn't believe in presecribing it for ever. It had made a world of difference to my quality of life especially the irritable bladder I had .


Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2012, 11:58:43 PM »

Some ladies now have the stress of the pain reacuring the fear of not being able to persuade GP to give more rpts
So also for some a real dear doo using 4 or even 5 =50 only 2 so in the end 16.00 maybecome nearer 32,00
Dont ever say to them or me it wasnt done for dosh reasons first and forenost
NOw since change some ladies will be paying 32.00pounds to get pain relief that in  2011 it was 9.00pounds
Sorry Mammno rules xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

English Rose

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2013, 09:10:41 PM »

Got prescription today - still 25mcg, and obtained them easily enough - maybe the change hasn't quite filtered through to pharmacy stocks yet.......

Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2013, 04:54:56 AM »

Oh Pinch Punch forst of the month


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2013, 08:57:48 AM »

I have been on the 10mcgs now for just 10 days after having done so well on the 25s for years and am really worried about how effective it will be.

I am 60 and was prescribed Vagifem 25 several years ago now for really bad atrophy. A little bit of oestrogen did get into my system, I know, and it was really great and suited me very well.

Please can anyone share their experiences eg  barchesterlass and lynne who were facing the same problem a while back I think.

Thanks in advance, folks.

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