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Author Topic: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?  (Read 30958 times)

Suzi Q

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Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« on: November 16, 2012, 06:35:46 AM »

Lady on another post wondered if there was a list out there
To see how Vagifem 10s working is it as good as 25m
Are you taking more? please reply xxxxxxxxxxx

Anne B

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2012, 10:57:06 AM »

I never had the 25 only the 10 and I seem to be ok. My specialist did say that if I felt like it I could use more often if required.


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2012, 10:59:48 AM »

Suzi I started off on the 10's and was having to use 4 a week and still didn't feel right so my gp upped it to 25's which was better.  Don't know what I am going to do when I can only get 10's.  Having been stocking up! :)

Katy x


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2012, 11:36:16 AM »

Suzi, I've got quite bad VA plus Bladder Atrophy - have been on the 10mcg twice weekly for a few months now in readiness of the withdrawal of 25mcg. 

Haven't really noticed a difference, however I am on ultra low dose systemic HRT too - plus I'm taking fish oil which I think also helps a bit.

Meno clinic said I can take 10mcg 3 times a week (or on alternate days) - it could be better taken that way - ie. only 30mcg a week - also potentially more benefit, as evenly spread.

[I don't like the amount of waste with those blue plastic applicators - they're not biodegradable - 156 a year if taking x 3.  Spoke to Novo Nordisk, however no interest whatsoever from the person who logged my comment!]

Being very sensitive to HRT (and all meds), I find I get less of a "rush" with the 10mcg, think I prefer it.  However, time will tell if I get the return of the awful dryness and "cactus" stuck up there sensation on the lowered dose - then will experiment with dosage - for now though, overall I'm finding 10 twice weekly is okay.  As we know though, we're all so different, no one size fits all.


« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 11:41:33 AM by Night_Owl »

Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2012, 12:14:19 PM »

Hey Night owl where ya bin girl xxxxxxxxxx
It was a lady on here who wondered IM still on Vagifem 25 and have 7 pkts of 15 in my draw plus 2 rpts so 4 more pks
Chemists here in ozz have heard nothing but in Ozz we will get all the pks no longer sold in the Nrthn Hem till all gone
Theyve it before Pharm companies use the Southern Hemp to get rid of stuff no longer  in USA and EU/UK
Then it just vanishes overnight with OHH we decided not good for you THE hypocrytes
I dont take HRT and at 58 and 16 years posteno wouldnt be given it I dnt suppose never had it only had the mini pill
Took that as a b/control for 2 years in UK as I couldnt take the normal pill so I uderstand sensativity to stuff
I dont get a :rush: what do you mean? I hope you dont get a cactus fammy back and the lower dose and hrt is fine x

As for the blue aplicators  theres nothing we can do really short of burning them but thnk of the toxins if we did?


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2012, 02:49:37 PM »

I am on the 10mcg 3 -4 (every other night) times a week and i like it, little and often. I don't like a big hit of something and then nothing for several days. I am quite happy with the 10s.


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2012, 02:56:58 PM »

My GP changed me to 10 and I had to use 4 or 5 a week, so she gave me 25 again, I have stocked up a bit!

Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2012, 01:16:40 PM »

It sounds liike so far 10m is fine but used 3/4 times a week
Maybe in the end that is the way to go 3/4 times but what a palaver Id be forgetting hehehehe xxxxxxx


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2012, 01:38:42 PM »

You get used to it, either every other day or Tues, Thurs Sat and Sun  :)


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2012, 09:02:01 PM »

Hey Suzi, re: VF 'rush' - being highly 'medication sensitive' (lucky me) when I use the 25mcg, the absorption/effect seems to be systemic,  maybe because everything has thinned out so much, even the teeny tiny dose of estro gets into my bloodstream - difficult to explain the 'rush', a sensation, makes me feel strange, a bit headachey, woozy, spaced out, how I felt on high dose HRT - know it definitely is the VF as I've been taking it for quite a few years now and it's the same woozy feeling every time - however the 10 doesn't do this, so much prefer it.  I'm also on a miniscule dose patch HRT + prog.

Lately I've been having a really rotten time, both parents in hospital, meno cr@p still getting me down and other health issues now kicking in, so nothing positive to contribute I'm afraid.

At least you're stocked up - hopefully when the time comes to use the 10, you'll do good on it or maybe even find it better.



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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2012, 09:11:11 PM »

Night owl i got the same effect with the 25s it is why i changed to the 10s. I don't get it with the 10s even though i use it 4 times a week so i agree with you.


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2012, 09:29:40 PM »

Interesting, Jane R, that you get the rush too - amazing isn't it how such a small dose can have quite an effect.  On the non-VF days, I use Vitamin E Pessaries and always wash with aqueous cream, not soap.  It's a real battle isn't it!


Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2012, 12:18:04 AM »

you mean side affects? Like Headaches etc
When you said rush I thought you meant a HIGH like speed?
Thank good nes for that hehehe


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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2012, 09:42:06 AM »

Night owl i have also started using aqueous cream i made a thread about it a few weeks ago. Since then i have not had any trouble with any soreness dry skin or itching it is amazing. In the past i can get through a tube of E45 itch relief in a few weeks at this time of year.

My doctor said i am hypersensitive to oestrogen as i could not tolerate even the smallest dose of HRT either perhaps that is why i was such a crackpot when i still had my own oestrogen  ::)

Suzi Q

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Re: Has the lowering of Vagifem from 25m to 10m affected you?
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2012, 10:41:16 AM »

Glad its working for you
Wonder why your sens to your own hormone?
Did they give you a reason?

I did watch a TV show Em Bodies where a women had all her bits inside removed cos of PMT at 28
They put her on some drug for a few months if it worked then she had the operation they did so she did!
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