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Author Topic: What's the best thing your partner has done to help you through the menopause?  (Read 504981 times)


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Mine is very understanding and very patient with the ''No Sex''..He hugs me when i feel down and i don't know how i'd get through it without him,he's 45 and i'm 51,we have 1 Daughter who's 10..He's the best!!


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My husband works 6 days a week, usually a minimum of 12 hrs. He drives a water tanker truck, and delivering water for cisterns, pool etc.. More often than not, he gets quite wet. Even is the summer, he can get chilled to the bone, because of air conditioning, but doesn't say a word when he comes home, and I have the air on so cold, you can almost see your breath. He'll grab a hot shower, and sit with a blanket on him, just so I can stay cool.

Driving in the car used to be hell. He'd turn the heat up, I'd lean in and turn it back down...he'd turn it up again, then I crack the window open, being the driver, and having electric windows, he'd close it....this would go on, and on the entire trip. After many arguments, he's finally understands that he can put on more clothing, blankets etc., and that I am down to the minimum, I can't take anything else off, he has given in. He even bought me an oscillating, stand up fan, to enhance the air conditioning, for when I can't cool down.

He see's me looking soaked and sad, and he will go out, and buy me a rose, or a sweet treat, or a lottery ticket, whatever he can think of to make me smile, and feel better,. Last year, he went out and bought me a beautiful, overstuffed recliner chair, to help me be more comfortable when the Fibromyalgia is acting up, and I am in pain.

On Sundays, his only day off, he takes me out to play bingo, or to the casino, and then a bite to eat. If I don't feel like going out, that's OK too. He'll go alone if need be, on his only day off, and do the groceries, and other errands that need doing. When I look at the way I treat him sometimes, it makes me so very sad. I think, if the roles were reversed and he treated me the way I've been treating him, I wouldn't live with him. Then I think I would. After all it took 25 years to make him into an understanding man..he didn't come that way LOL

I guess what I'm saying is, he is now considerate of my physical distress. He's still struggling with the mood swings, and the lack of sex, (he always says he misses the way I used to love him. But I still do love him, I wish he could get that through his head).

I know he's trying to be supportive. He goes to the OB/GYN with me, he sat with me for 14 hrs. last March, while waiting to get into surgery for a simple D&C. I was scared of the anesthetic, and he calmed my irrational thoughts. I was horrid to the nurses because of the long wait, he must have been embarassed, but said nothing, just held my hand.

There are so many more ways he's tried to be there for me. After 25 yrs., he still loves me, and spoils me whenever he gets the chance, and now that I've thought about it, I'm going to tell him when he gets home, how much I appreciate him, and how much I love him.  He looks so handsome when he smiles, and this will make him smile.

There is one problem with it though, he'll think it's foreplay, and I may just had to grin and bear it:)...he's worth a bit of discomfort.

Sorry, i didn't mean to hog the spot light again. I just start typing, and all these feelings come rushing out. I guess I've been holding way too much inside.

I'm finished now. Thanks for the opportunity to talk once again.




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that's lovely  :)
Don't worry about hogging the spotlight, as long as it makes you feel better  :)


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Thanks Hotnbothered, for saying that, and for being so kind and understanding. It really is a tough time for us ladies, and our families too. Sometimes, I'm so angry I'd could spit, and other times it's tears and frustration. No rhyme or reason for it either. I really hate this.

I am grateful for the love of a good, strong, kind man. I made him smile tonight by telling him that, in fact, even before I told him, I just looked at him kindly, and he simple and uncomplicated is that?!   :yes:




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awww thats so nice to hear ... I think my OH feel he is living with a raving lunatic, poor thing...

Platte - like your Hubby mine misses the sex as it is so far and few between dont think he really understands and like you I g omnet et so angry I could spit, I cant even stand him mentioning it sometimes thats probably my own guilt tho !

He said something so lovely last night and I was taken aback , the story is my grandparents are apart at the moment thru ill health so nan in a rest bite home and my pap would do anything to have her home and my OH said on way home last night " I guess he loves her so much he doesn't know what to do without out her and I know i would feel just the same "  awwwwwwwwww how sweet !...

He doesnt fully understand what going on and its hard for me to explain as I am sure he thinks everything is just in my mind ! but still at least he sticking by me even tho i can be a nasty cow :-\ :-\ :-\



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My hubby has been brilliant throughout the dreaded meno. Although he has recently lost his Mum, and his Dad has been placed into care
in Scotland, which involves a lot of travel for him. He is kind and understanding when i'm down. Does the shopping when i can't move
outside the door, walks the 3 dogs when i can't manage. Recently i found him reading one of my meno books, to help him understand.
This is a man who rarely has sex, gets a lot of grief with me sometimes. But he always makes me feel loved and safe. I'd be totally lost
without him.


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That is really lovely Spursgal.

The best thing mine does is to leave me alone - I am dreadful at being helped at anything and hate being looked after. I am trying to accept some help from people but it doesn't come easy to me at all. As my mum used to say "You are your own worst enemy"  ;D

Taz x


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Hi Taz,

I know what you mean, sometimes i feel i need to just be left alone, other times i simply need him with me for comfort.
Us women feel that we should cope with all the crap life throws at us without complaint.  But everyone needs a little help sometimes,
and our other halves need to feel wanted, at least in some way, if not in the bedroom.Lol.
At the minute i'm stressing about the mud the 3 mutts have just bought in from the garden AAGH !!!!!!!!!!!

Be kind to yourself.  xx

Suzi Q

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That was lovely  and the type of thing Id like to say too
My Bobbles loves me I moan about my fanny all the time every single day ttheres something
Its a never ending saga when I think back to even 3 years ago
I was up for it anytime we laughed(we still do) we did things
Again we still do but it must drive him mad me and my fanny
Yet he loves me spoils me hence the trip hes my everything
Hes home tonight after a week away I know gifts will fall out of his case
There will be tops and shoes and last time he got me jeans he knows me so well
Yet I feel I do nothing for him but of course thats not right
His clothes are always washed ironed our house is always clean and looks nice
He doesnt have to do hardly anything around the house except for diy which he loves
Yet I still feel hes got the raw end of the deal I didnt expect this I m sure he didnt either
Suzi Q


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I so love a cuddle from my Hubby, and its great he knows just when i really need one, i also make a point, of letting him know how much i love him..he is my rock and has suffered with me during my 10yr ongoing meno..poor sod...

Suzi hope you like your prezzies.. :-*


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My husband listens whilst I moan, groan etc and is never ever critical.  He's always been like that. My rock!   I'm one of the lucky ones.  :) :) :)

jaded jean

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When I have days -like we all do when I just start to cry and I apologise cos I dont know why I am crying... and he will just hold my  hand and say Its going to be ok you know , you are stronger than this and you will get through it. bless him.I seemed to have  upped my intake of chocolates as well,, he encourages me- not that it takes much specially when I feel like poo :'(


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I thank God for husband. He doesn't get it all the time but he is patient. His listening helps and when I cry he always asked is it meno or something else. He hugs me and just lets me cry and that helps alot.

Sometimes when he can he takes the load of me by doing supper, going to the store, or just catering to me.

I am blessed!


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Just wanted to say Welcome to the Forum Meinpatches.

You will find lots of help and friendship on here.

Taz x  :)


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My partner is helping me through this pretty hellish time by being very patient, giving me lots of cuddles and just generally being there for me.  I have to say, after reading quite a few of the previous posts, it is quite heartening to see how lucky us ladies are with our 'ordinary' men considering everytime you pick up a paper or turn on the tv/radio you hear about yet another famous male cheating on his wife!

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