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Author Topic: Can't Sleep?  (Read 50117 times)


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Can't Sleep?
« on: June 01, 2012, 11:12:29 AM »

I know problems with sleeping can be a menopause problem, but I wondered just how many of you actually DO suffer with this?  I haven't slept very well for a few years, in fact, some nights I have to go into the guest bedroom because I toss and turn so much and OH has to be up at 5.30am! It is definitely getting worse and worse. The irritable leg syndrome I seem to get with it is also really troublesome :( Does anyone take anything for this or has it improved with anything? Help with this would be very much appreciated! Last night, I couldn't get to sleep as per normal, managed to dose off sometime after 12.30AM, woke at 1.30AM and then was awake until 4.30AM. I watched it get lighter and lighter, read my kindle, went to the loo 5 times -  this now seems quite a normal night for me. I must have dozed off sometime after 4.30 and then woke at 8.50AM (late for me) in an absolute panic!! It's thrown me out for the day! I'm getting to dread bedtime because I can't stand the battle I have to get to sleep and then stay asleep! Perhaps I should get a night time job?!! Lady of the night is out because of the other meno issues!!! #readyfortheknackersyard


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2012, 11:48:03 AM »

Personally, I didn't have any sleeping problems until peri hit. I ended up waking up with a jerk every hour with an adrenaline surge and became completely exhausted. I used a hypnotherapy recording to get to sleep (still do) but that was no help when it was every hour. Thankfully, HRT has sorted it for me. I still occasionally have a wakeful hour in the middle of the night and if the recording doesn't work, I get up, have a cup of tea and do a sodoku and usually get back to sleep ok after that.
Bette x


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2012, 12:15:50 PM »

Oh yes, you are definetely not alone.  My sleepless nights started a couple of years ago at peri .  My main problem is actually getting off to sleep which can take hours and hours and is so frustrating particularly when hubby is fast asleep and snoring  >:(  Used to be just in the time leading up to my period for quite a few nights but has now progressed to any time of the month.  Haven't had a period since April and now the hot flushes are so much worse I am waking with those as well.  It's great fun isn't it?


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2012, 03:12:49 PM »

I've had sleep problems for years too and its sooo frustrating when you get so tired during the day. My sister gets the same thing and I wonder if there might be a genetic link there. As far as leg problems at night I know some ladies have had relief with extra iron or calcium also there is a tablet (OTC) called Restless Legs by Hylands that might help.  I take Melatonin every night or I would'nt get any sleep at all plus a milky drink before bedtime (Ovaltine) also I stay off the computer that seems to make matters worse. Hope this helps:) :o


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2012, 03:42:12 PM »

Seems we are all nocturnal at the moment! I probably didn't word the email well, I meant had anyone found anything to help with the irritable leg syndrome? I realise that the sleeping issue is a bigger ask!! Well I will have to see what tonight brings.  I dread going to bed. I don't have a TV in the bedroom (I know! 1960's or what!!!) and I only resort to the ipad if I am so wide awake it is apparent that unless someone hits me over the head with a hammer I am not going to sleep!!!


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2012, 04:40:07 PM »

I used to sleep really well before meno hit, during peri i only slept 2days before my period and 2days during, then it was back to hot sweats, had them nearly 13yrs now, been on HRT for 3yrs, but it as not stopped night sweats, so like Susan i have to take sleeping tabs, although i cut them in half and only use 2per week..I do not have have Tv in room, but read before going to sleep on nights with tablet i sleep 4hrs, without tablet i sometimes fall to sleep about 2am, have sweats evey 40mins, then zonk out around 7am for 90mins..but i do feel i could sleep longer if the sweats did not wake me..

Susan what tablet do you take?..Annika what dose of Melatonin do you take? 

Lynne really hope you do find something to help with RLS. and its not a hammer.. :o  xx


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2012, 05:29:53 PM »

LIke Susan and rosebush and others, I found that one of my main menopause symptoms was sleep! I use to take zopiclone ( half a tablet) a couple of times week, but am finally sleeping well without them ( over two months now) what I do use is melatonin in the form of a spray, this is the one

It is a little expensive but lasts for ages, it contains a few other things and it works for me.

silverlady x
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 05:32:29 PM by silverlady »


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2012, 07:58:05 PM »

Lack of sleep is just awful, my sleep has defo gone to pot since hitting peri. A side effect of the ads I take does help me, but sometimes I can takes ages going to sleep. I often feel tired around half ten then bingo, as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm wide awake. It's very annoying, but to be honest a lot of my friends had problems with sleeping once menopausal, thankfully it has improved for some. I have to say (and I know he can't help it) my hubby's snoring does not help.


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2012, 08:07:05 PM »

Yep my husband's snoring is just awful when I'm awake which is one of the reasons I go to another room! Not great I know!! Silverlady, with the melatonin, I notice there are sprays and tablets, is there a difference? With the spray, do you have to spray it in your mouth? In the past (before perimeno) I have taken Nytol and they DID work but gave me dreadful headaches so I have been afraid to take them since. My GP also gave me atarax (more to relax me to stop me running to the loo!) - I found that helped me sleep better but I stopped taking it because I felt it was causing me the RLS!! Vicious circle and all that!!! x

meno lesley

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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2012, 08:44:09 PM »

When all meno symptoms hit i went from sleeping like a log to laying virtually all night with no sleep. Some days i went into work on only half an hours sleep. Not sure how i did it. I am on hrt and take 10mg amitriptyline which does help me sleep. I do get about 7 hours now on a good night. Do listen to a relaxation cd when i get a bad night - it does seem to help.

Lesley x


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2012, 09:18:35 PM »

I suppose that if you have always been a good sleeper then getting poorer sleep must hit much harder than for someone who has always slept badly. I have never slept well even from a baby and when the sleeplessness got worse with meno I just sort of adjusted my going to bed time. I eventually discovered that going to bed at 1 meant I got to sleep faster than if I tried at 11. I am in bed for around five hours but I wake up quite a lot during this time. It is this lack of sleep which has apparently led to fibromyalgia. I find that if I worry about it or get uptight about it then I am much more tired in the day but if I just go with it then it evens out. I expect I am lucky in that I don't appear to need that much sleep - not to function anyway - although I do realise that it is not good for you overall to sleep too little. To be honest I have always hated being asleep - scared I might miss something.  :lol:


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2012, 09:29:29 PM »

Irritable legs can be helped by eating lots of bananas, it is caused by low potassium.  I'm aware of mine in the day but the moment I get into bed they start  >:( I may take Nurofen tonight because I forget to eat a banana today ...........

Nigths when I can't sleepw ell I have my NintendoDS to play with.  So long as my mind doesn't begin racing I don't feel too bad as I know I will catch up another night .........


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2012, 09:59:36 PM »

I'll let you know what tonight's events are like! I've taken an atarax and I've eaten a banana! Lets see if it goes any way to getting me to sleep!!


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2012, 10:03:03 PM »

What time do you actually go to bed Lynne?

Taz x


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Re: Can't Sleep?
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2012, 10:06:14 PM »

It all depends. Usually about 11.30. I read a bit to try and relax. Honestly, if I was told standing in the garden naked an hour before singing Abba songs would help, I'd do it (in fact, I may have done this before anyway!!)
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