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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope without HRT  (Read 250174 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #135 on: April 26, 2018, 08:42:47 AM »

Hi willowrannoch - I am not a doctor or scientist so don't fully understand all these things, however, I do know that FSH is linked to the activity of the ovaries which drive the oestrogen and progesterone production, so is the indicator of where we are in the menopause.
If ‘Hurdity' is around to respond, hopefully she will fill you in more about this, as she has a science background so can give you much more specific answers.

My understanding is that it is the ovaries dying off that results in the loss of oestrogen and progesterone which are the key hormones that result in most of the menopausal symptoms but you are right in thinking there are quite a number of factors involved.   It is still a mystery as to why around 50% of women experience far more meno symptoms than the rest and the severity will vary from women to women - there is still much to learn. I am convinced that genetics has a lot to do with it all.
However, I don't think there is the money of the will to research this too deeply as there is no money in it for the pharmaceutical companies!!!!  The fact that so many women have to give up work and drastically change their lifestyle in very restrictive ways, during and beyond the menopause, should result in more research but I think it is widely believed by our medical profession that our current HRT treatments are sufficient - unfortunately too many GPs simply put women on antidepressants which is not the correct front line treatment for menopause symptoms !!!!  Personally I believe there would be much to gain from finding better and more positive treatments for the, sometimes, awful symptoms so many women experience.

I think you mentioned in your other thread, that you were put on the PCB continuously to help reduce the migraines you suffer with?  If this is the case I also assume your migraines were specifically linked to the natural hormone fluctuations during your productive years, so by giving you the PCB continuously this would have prevented the fluctuations, thereby reducing the trigger for the migraines. When you stopped the PCB to have your children did the migraines return? Did you get migraines during your pregnancies - I suffered terrible headaches in my first trimester!

You are clearly peri menopausal and as you will now be experiencing more erratic fluctuations in the hormones, if you are not taking any hormone supplementation then, if your migraines are hormone related, logically your migraines would increase - has this happened? Many women find they develop migraines when they become peri menopausal due to these fluctuations and these often settle once deeper into post menopause - HRT will help these women avoid so many of these headaches.

You were prescribed a sequential HRT because you are peri menopausal, so you could have experienced migraines as the sequential HRT is designed to mimic the natural hormone cycle - sequential HRT is given through the peri and early post meno phase to prevent erratic bleeding from occurring.  Transdermal HRT is usually prescribed for women who suffer migraines as the hormones do not go through the digestive systemic, as I believe this can be a migraine trigger. Unfortunately the combined HRT patches are medium dose and this would probably have been too high a dose at this stage in your meno journey. 
Had your doctor understood that it was important you have a constant dose of hormones to help prevent the migraines, then they might have suggested having a Mirena fitted, which gives progesterone in lower doses more locally thereby reducing progesterone side effects, and you would then have a daily dose of oestrogen as either gel or patch.  If your migraines do return with a vengeance (and they may not if they are not hormone related) and flushes and night sweats become a real problem, then I would suggest you discuss the option of the Mirena as this may give you the hormonal balance you require. 
There is treatment to shut down you own hormones completely (Zoladex) but I'm not sure how successful this would be for you - I'm sure this would have been tried if you doctors had thought is appropriate.

I think you are right to have time without hormone supplementation at this stage and concentrate on lifestyle choices to see how things go.  You may be surprised and sail through with few problems and your migraines may go away once you are in post meno.   Do let us know how you get on.  DG x


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #136 on: April 26, 2018, 02:13:16 PM »

Thankyou DG, your info has been very informative.

I can't remember having headaches during my pregnancies.  With my first I was in rude health, positively bouncing.  Not so with the second, he appeared on the scene very quickly after my first so I don't think my body was quite ready yet and my pregnancy symptoms were more 'normal'.  Still don't remember headaches though.
Since he was born I've been more aware of my hormones and they've been bouncing around a bit for a while now.  Was diagnosed peri about 3/4 years ago so has probably been going on longer than that.  As I'm on the 'wait and see how it goes' watch with my gynaecologist the mirena is the first option, then HRT, then perhaps Zoladex (thanks for giving me a name for it), but happy to just keep healthy and eat well meantime.  This is a very helpful and informative forum.  Thanks.


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #137 on: May 05, 2018, 07:08:50 PM »

Again just soldiered on and regret my decision not to take HRT!


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #138 on: May 21, 2018, 10:42:03 AM »

 >:( I don't do too well.  Hi everyone I am new to the boards x so please be gentle lol.  First started having peri menopausal symptoms around the age of 46 and by the time I was heading towards my 47th birthday and constant visits to the Doctors with the final visit going along the lines of.... "imagine tears, bags under the eyes larger than an ikea blue bag... I think you get the drift and the words "if you do not do something today, I think I may kill someone!!!" Then the Doctor finally succumbed to the fact that I was suffering pretty badly.  So he prescribed my first script for HRT.  Femoston 1/10.  Well for the next 2 months I waited and waited for the Femoston to kick in.  Eventually it did but it really only just took a bit of the edge of the horrendous sweats.  Mood swings were still in full force, with various members of the family (mainly the husband) already scanning the exit doors when he could sense a full on meltdown occurring!!! and me acting like a person who had a complete personality split!!! I could not control the things that were coming out of my mouth and I hated everyone.  I wanted to just lock myself away and hibernate until the dreaded M Passed over me!!! No such luck.  Anyway headed back to the Doctor thinking this HRT malarkey is not all that it's cracked up to be.  The Doctor who by this point had received further hormone test results back happily said I am going to increase the dose due to how much your hormone levels have dropped!! hurrah... so for 12 months I was prescribed Femoston 2/10.  Well they did the trick.  Within the space of around 3 weeks my face changed from Ninja Warrior to a more normal happy go lucky me.... the flushes - gone - night sweats gone..... sleep.... plenty and the ikea bags sent packing!!!!! but!!!! after regular visits to the Doctor for check ups my blood pressure decided to play silly buggers... it was sky high!  Dr decided there and then no more!!!!  I felt like someone had literally eaten the last piece of my birthday cake!!! I cried like a blubbering baby, begging the Doctor but it was no use.  My Dr who doesn't mince his words basically said "If I continue to allow you to take HRT then you face the risk of dying due to a heart attack or Stroke".  Wow!!! so tail between my legs I left the Dr's in a mess knowing what I was facing all over again.

Skip to a few more months and more regular BP checks.  Dr then decides he will try me on HRT again but this time the patches.  So I go armed with my new script of Evorel Conti patches and hey ho!!! within a week I again start to feel normal again.... Skip a few more months and the patches decide to start burning through my skin and marking me to the point that I felt Like I had been prodded like a horse on it's backside with a hot iron!!.   Back to the Dr's I go....

Today I am back to where I started with the Femoston 1/10 patches.  One week in and no let up as yet but!! I am hopeful oh God I am hopeful that this time the symptoms will subside so I can feel at least a little bit normal again.....


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #139 on: May 21, 2018, 11:23:00 AM »

Hi and welcome to MM Mushyjam49

Your story is not unusual.  High blood pressure is not a reason to stop HRT as you can take blood pressure pills alongside HRT.  HRT will protect your heart and bones for the long term so there is much to be gained from using HRT especially as you are still young. 
I assume you are keeping your weight under control, eating a sensible diet and getting plenty of exercise? It's amazing how some small changes to lifestyle can reduce blood pressure and other health issues. Do try cutting out all caffeine and alcohol?  If you are carrying a few too many pounds then cutting out as much sugar as you can and reducing portion size at meal times can work wonders.  I find grabbing a small handful of cashew nuts mid morning curbs my hunger and stops me reaching for the comfort food. I love walking and this is really the best exercise but I also run up and down my stairs a lot through each day to deliberately get my heart pounding and strengthen my legs.

Was your blood pressure high before the HRT? Did you get high blood pressure during pregnancy (if you had children)?  Did you ever take a BCP and did that make your blood pressure go up?
I'm not sure if or why HRT should make the blood pressure go up - one would think that if you are feeling less stressed and tired when on HRT then your blood pressure would be better????

You clearly need the slightly higher dose of HRT to control your symptms  - I didn't get on with patches so you are not alone with this - we all have to find what works for us. 
I do wonder if having a Mirena fitted and then use Oestrogel ( oestrogen in gel form you apply each day) alongside might work better for you? 

Has your doctor prescribed anything for the blood pressure? Have you tried some Mindfulness and relaxation techniques to help bring the blood pressure down?

Read up all the info on this site to get really clued up - keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #140 on: May 21, 2018, 12:23:59 PM »

Hi Dancinggirl,  I was actually suffering with BP before HRT but with medication it was kept well under control, having good readings every time I visited - well I say good readings, ones that the Dr was happy with should I say.   The Hypertension came as a bit of a surprise to be honest, but all those years of bad practice, ie; lifestyle choices does creep up on you and boy do you know about it!!!  Bad diet, ex smoker, not really into alcohol to be honest and never put salt on food, but... the processed meals, meats etc have gradually taken their toll and I am now probably going to be on medication for the rest of my life with regards to the High Blood Pressure.  I have made changes to my diet and lifestyle as much as I can that fits in around my busy work/life schedule but obviously the Weight gain is something that I have to manage.  My Dr, you know the one that doesn't mince his words one lol.... he basically said you don't gain weight!! he says what happens is that due to everything slowing down etc your weight doesn't distribute itself as well as it used to.. like having a really good metabolism.  It slows down so the weight actually just decides to plonk itself in one place... that place is usually the tummy, hips, etc.  So you do have to incorporate at least 30 minutes exercise around 2-3 times a week.  This is what I try to do, but the little happy tummy tyre seems really happy at the moment just sitting right where it is!!!


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #141 on: May 21, 2018, 01:34:09 PM »

Most of us can relate you your ‘tummy fat' issues -so common when memo hits.
It's well worth having a further look at the diet and really reducing the amount you eat. I'm afraid 30 minutes exercise 3 times a week is not enough to keep weight down and reduce the blood pressure - lots of brisk walking every day e.g. 10mins 3 times a day is recommended. If the hrt gets your sleep and flushes better, maybe you'll have the energy to do more physical stuff.
Keep us posted.
DG xxxx


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #142 on: May 22, 2018, 11:04:51 AM »

Dancinggirl I used to walk 2 miles every day for 5 days with my previous job but my new post is literally a 10 minute walk away so what I tend to do is walk to work and back and at lunch time a brisk walk home for a spot of lunch and a break away from my desk.  Nowhere near enough I agree and I do love to walk.  I am already looking at walking clubs in my area so I could possibly do some more walking with company which I really enjoy.  A good head clearer too!! ;)


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #143 on: May 22, 2018, 01:57:55 PM »

That sounds good Mushy - you're clearly trying to do all the right things.
Everything gets so much harder when meno hits. DG x


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #144 on: May 22, 2018, 03:10:11 PM »

DG doesn't it just.... it just hits you so hard!! For me it felt like a loss.... I am sure you all understand where I am coming from here.... I questioned everything about myself, my life as a wife, lover, mother.  All my nurturing and caring feelings seemed to just dissipate before my very eyes.  I became bitter, angry.... so angry.  Feelings of why the hell is this happening?? What is my role in life, in society... I became invisible.... I became introvert... much preferring being on my own with my own thoughts.... have I mentioned angry!!!... so bloody angry... my mind thinking some pretty awful things.... my poor Husband must have thought what the bloody hell is going on here!!! I couldn't help it.... Crying, shouting for no apparent reason, questioning myself, hating myself.... wow the emotional rollercoaster was sometimes so hard to bear.... fast forward a few years on and I am slowly, yes slowly becoming more accepting of my new's such an uphill battle though..... phewwww exhausted just talking about it.... :o


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #145 on: June 18, 2018, 06:19:28 PM »

Hi folks,

I've just joined this forum - I have been trying to survive menopause without HRT - I've been using a mixture of verbena, borage and sage - this is a good mix for emotional support and is good for treating night sweats.

I feel that it has made a difference  - sleeping better, less emotional and for sure far less night sweats. That said I have other symptoms and am now thinking about HRT as I'm not convinced that I'm getting the quality of life that I would like. However I am torn - with the herbs it is for sure soooo much better than it was this time last year, but could it be better? Is it worth trying HRT. I was against it due to cancer risk and other side effects but it's all relative - I don't smoke, and I exercise quite a bit so reasonably fit - hopefully that reduces my risk

For those who cant use HRT I would totally recommend trying herbs - however there are lots of different herbs and so think you will need to try a few different ones and dosage levels to see what works for you. You can also consult with herbalist specialists.

Good luck everyone - hope you can find something that works for you.




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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #146 on: October 05, 2018, 02:54:10 PM »

>:( I don't do too well.  Hi everyone I am new to the boards x so please be gentle lol.  First started having peri menopausal symptoms around the age of 46 and by the time I was heading towards my 47th birthday and constant visits to the Doctors with the final visit going along the lines of.... "imagine tears, bags under the eyes larger than an ikea blue bag... I think you get the drift and the words "if you do not do something today, I think I may kill someone!!!" Then the Doctor finally succumbed to the fact that I was suffering pretty badly.  So he prescribed my first script for HRT.  Femoston 1/10.  Well for the next 2 months I waited and waited for the Femoston to kick in.  Eventually it did but it really only just took a bit of the edge of the horrendous sweats.  Mood swings were still in full force, with various members of the family (mainly the husband) already scanning the exit doors when he could sense a full on meltdown occurring!!! and me acting like a person who had a complete personality split!!! I could not control the things that were coming out of my mouth and I hated everyone.  I wanted to just lock myself away and hibernate until the dreaded M Passed over me!!! No such luck.  Anyway headed back to the Doctor thinking this HRT malarkey is not all that it's cracked up to be.  The Doctor who by this point had received further hormone test results back happily said I am going to increase the dose due to how much your hormone levels have dropped!! hurrah... so for 12 months I was prescribed Femoston 2/10.  Well they did the trick.  Within the space of around 3 weeks my face changed from Ninja Warrior to a more normal happy go lucky me.... the flushes - gone - night sweats gone..... sleep.... plenty and the ikea bags sent packing!!!!! but!!!! after regular visits to the Doctor for check ups my blood pressure decided to play silly buggers... it was sky high!  Dr decided there and then no more!!!!  I felt like someone had literally eaten the last piece of my birthday cake!!! I cried like a blubbering baby, begging the Doctor but it was no use.  My Dr who doesn't mince his words basically said "If I continue to allow you to take HRT then you face the risk of dying due to a heart attack or Stroke".  Wow!!! so tail between my legs I left the Dr's in a mess knowing what I was facing all over again.

Skip to a few more months and more regular BP checks.  Dr then decides he will try me on HRT again but this time the patches.  So I go armed with my new script of Evorel Conti patches and hey ho!!! within a week I again start to feel normal again.... Skip a few more months and the patches decide to start burning through my skin and marking me to the point that I felt Like I had been prodded like a horse on it's backside with a hot iron!!.   Back to the Dr's I go....

Today I am back to where I started with the Femoston 1/10 patches.  One week in and no let up as yet but!! I am hopeful oh God I am hopeful that this time the symptoms will subside so I can feel at least a little bit normal again.....

This is just summing me up this now especially husband bit.  I am newly married and I am feeling hopeless and as if I am letting him down.  He says I am speaking to him really horrid and I dont even know I am doing it!!!    I am not a hurtful person and would never intentionally hurt anyone especially him. 

We recently moved house which meant I had to move doctors.  My last doctor was fantastic and just got it.  I am going to see my new doctor next week but way things normally pan out is come Tuesday I will feel more upbeat.

Just feel like I will never get this under control.  Don't want to be around anyone and feel myself now avoiding people.  I go to work everyday paint a face on it but inside my stomach is constantly in knots.  Even thought of going for counselling  :'(   


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #147 on: October 19, 2018, 12:59:07 PM »

Bradenton69 aww lovely I really am with you honest.  Listen don't give up hope. Keep us posted on how you get on at your new Docs.  Hopefully you get an understanding one that listens and can relate.  I really do feel for some women who do not get the support or understanding from their GP's it must be so frustrating.  I find it quite inexcusable that in this day and age some GP's continue with the old fashioned methods of grin and bear it attitude... ridiculous!!! I digresss again I'm sorry just having one of my usual daily rants >:( >:(

Let us all know how you get on Bradenton69 xxx 


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #148 on: October 19, 2018, 02:47:24 PM »

There have been two posts on this thread from a ‘guest' called silverlady.  Both these posts are promoting compounded hormones.  There is a section on this site that covers these compounded hormones and they are not recommended because there is no regulation for the production of these preparations and therefore they can carry risks.  Compounded hormones are still HRT and this particular thread is for ladies to share their experiences WITHOUT ANY FORM OF HRT.

The information in these posts is also incorrect, as most prescribed HRT preparations contain bioidentical oestrogen - you do not have to go to an alternative practitioner to get bioidentical hormones, as they are available on the NHS.

DG x


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #149 on: November 06, 2018, 01:48:30 PM »

Well i managed not too bad for almost 10 yrs with the hot flushes. I did go through some bad spells where the flushes were very severe coming every 10 mins night and day but battled on.

Then, out of the blue, an anxiety came on me from nowhere. It just arrived with no reason at all, i had no reason to be anxious. Nothing in my life had changed but it became all consuming. I have no previous history of anxiety or depression and it just was so unusual. It affected my driving badly. I became obsessive about checking road position and mirrors all the time and i had a horrible gnawing ache in the pit of my stomach all the time.

It was about 18 months like that. My friend suggested it could be menopause related. My periods had stopped by now but i never stopped with the flushes.

My gp put me on femi conti. Within 3 weeks, the anxiety just lifted away. It was marvellous driving again so relaxed and totally back to my old self.

After 2 yrs feeling great, i started bleeding on femi conti. I had to have a biopsy. All was fine but they said i couldn't use that again.

So i went onto tridestra and felt great on that.

And now there is a supply problem on tridestra. So i am on indivina and my anxiety is back. Not as bad as before but definitely back again. And my flushes are back. And i have been bleeding on it.

So back to gp soon
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