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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope without HRT  (Read 250156 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #165 on: November 17, 2020, 03:41:52 PM »

Hello JoanneF

I am no expert but I believe this term refers to Oestrogel, which you rub on your skin and is the oestrogen part of HRT and micronised progesterone otherwise known as Utrogestan which you can take orally or use vaginally.

I suggest you post your question again on another part of the forum where more ladies are likely to notice it.

Take care.



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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #166 on: January 03, 2021, 10:03:28 AM »

Im 67 years old and was moaning the other day about my menopause muffin top belly which I’ve spent the last 10 years trying to get rid of ( I’m ex bodybuilding) plus many other symptoms I have caused by what I see as estrogen dominance along with other metabolic problems. My 40 year old daughter was absolutely gobsmacked that I was unable to be prescribed HRT by my GP. Why she kept asking why? I explained that there is supposedly more risk at my age of various cancers with hrt but I first asked when I turned 60 and got told NO and it’s been no no no ever since. She still cannot get her head around it. I clearly have estrogen dominance now which I’ve suspected for some time plus the obvious fact that I no longer produce progesterone and have only testosterone and estrogen going on. So which is more dangerous estrogen dominance or balanced hormones? Perhaps I don’t fully understand hrt but women who get breast cancer usually have an estrogen blocker prescribed as has my friend. So why am I left with my estrogen dominance over hrt being prescribed? I was prescribed estriol vaginally but the vaginally unfriendly applicators put me off in the end and I also stopped the testrol because I was just uncomfortable taking it only having a vaginal hormone.

This is my view. I am annoyed that I’m left like this.

red elephants

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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #167 on: May 20, 2021, 12:33:17 PM »

2 years post surgical menopause.
The game changer has been to be able to finally get to see a menopause specialist. I really had to fight for it.
Estrogen therapies are out of the question for me as I had cancer (now cured) which was estrogen sensitive.
Given that the lack of estrogen causes people to be more susceptible to Alzheimers, Osteoporosis and Heart Disease I am surprised that advice has been so hard to obtain, especially if you fall into the category of not being able to have HRT.  It should be a standard thing for all women to be able to see a menopause specialist.

Things that have helped  me through thus far have been:
Oily fish 2 times a week. (for the mind and heart)
Collagen powder
Apple a day (for plaque formation prevention - Alzheimers website- can't remember which one but it was a specialized medical one)
A good quality multivitamin and mineral designed for women going through menopause.
Sometimes a small amount of seaweed (1g) to prevent cold sweats.



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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #168 on: June 19, 2021, 10:13:37 AM »

Hi red elephants
Thanks for the tip about apples. Funny that I didn’t know this as I do intermittent fasting for Alzheimers (a year and a half now), as my mom has it. Others can read about it here-

I have Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia (precursor to cancer) which is likely hormone sensitive, so sadly I’m going off HRT.
What collagen powder and seaweed do you buy?
I’m terrible with oily fish. I like salmon but it’s expensive in South Africa where I live. Basically I need to eat pilchards. :-\


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #169 on: June 28, 2021, 01:01:49 PM »

Hi. I'm a new member. Recently I suffered an unspecified Stroke. All my blood tests are normal, no blood clots issues, no cholesterol, I don't smoke nor drink. However I wanted to start with HRT because I started with symptoms of perimenopause but my GP can't prescribed me any type of HRT because of the unspecified Stroke I had. I'm frustrated because other options don't not protect me from Osteoporosis in the future, I struggle with my sleep, I'm getting Hot flashes, I'm struggling with my weight as well even though I have a good diet and I do cycling (well I stopped since I had my Stroke but soon I will go back to cycling).  I don't believe in placebo therapies to deal with the root cause of my symptoms. (Supplements, massages, cognitive therapy because none of this can supply the hormones I need and I can't accept that the best option I have  is to put up with it  :'(


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #170 on: July 04, 2021, 07:35:44 PM »

Hello nanettepr and welcome to the forum.

It seems that your post was overlooked unfortunately. This can happen  when people put their questions in one of the large subject categories so perhaps next time try posting your message in the main part of the forum where it is sure to be see by everyone.

I am sorry that you have had a stroke and I hope that your recovery is going well. It is a shame that your GP has ruled out HRT however if there is one thing that comes up time and time again on this site it's that GPs know very little about the menopause generally and HRT in particular. For this reason I suggest that you ask to be referred to an NHS  menopause clinic or, if you can, become a patient of a private clinic. You may also want to look at the YouTube videos of Dr Louise Newson who runs a private clinic and offers Zoom appointments. She has said that  just as doctors use thyroid replacement drugs to treat lHypothyroidism, they should also use HRT for the symptoms of the menopause. It is also possible that a specialist will have helped other women in your position.

I hope that you get the help that you need and please post an update when you can.

Take care.




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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #171 on: October 24, 2021, 08:51:47 AM »

I’m only on day four of taking Everol 50 and utrogestan 200mg a day for 14 days but my hot flashes and anxiety seem to be getting worse not better, is this normal? Am I expecting too much too soon?


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #172 on: October 17, 2022, 02:34:47 PM »

I started on patches in February and instantly found improvement and found the anxiety I had been experiencing was definitely reduced which was amazing. I got Covid at the beginning of August and unfortunately the anxiety seemed to increase again. Although it’s calmed down a bit again it’s still a bit tough to deal with. I have health anxiety and most days find myself overthinking every ache and pain I have which as you ladies will know varies from day to day. I’ve had bloods done and a recent smear test and all good but sometimes I can’t convince my brain of this.


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #173 on: October 19, 2022, 05:19:14 PM »

I’m only on day four of taking Everol 50 and utrogestan 200mg a day for 14 days but my hot flashes and anxiety seem to be getting worse not better, is this normal? Am I expecting too much too soon?
Sorry to hear they are getting worse.
I hope some more knowledgeable ladies can help you.
I have had a return of meno symptoms and I am 56, it started at 42, I am back on 100mcg, as I feel odd wearing summer vests walking down the street at this time of year.
I have not told my doctor, I got them privately, as they want to do a colonoscopy.
They did about 8 years ago, before I moved up to 100mcg, and the IBS went.


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #174 on: October 23, 2022, 05:51:15 PM »

I started on HRT patches in February and found it helped my anxiety and other physical symptoms almost immediately until in August I had Covid. Soon after this I could feel the anxiety creeping back in and my mind was racing with every ache and pain I experienced. I went back to thinking everything was sinister. I found myself back at the GP again asking for reassurance and had some bloods etc done. It’s taken a few weeks to calm down but do get episodes still and wonder if I need to ask to have HRT increased to support the health anxiety any thoughts ?


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #175 on: February 21, 2023, 11:42:00 AM »

I’m starting HRT today just waiting on doctor phoning to see what I’m starting on as there’s a shortage and she wants to make sure she can get an items before starting me on something! Was only diagnosed today, finally getting help…


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #176 on: February 21, 2023, 11:48:33 AM »

 :welcomemm:   welcome new members.  Browse round the 'rooms' - make notes. Ask away.

Without HRT - so far, apart from requiring vaginal atrophy treatment I've been OK.  Initially, 10 years ago, A few cold or hot flushes from nape to waist after my baths, along with intense itching down my back.  Also my insteps itched, I would wake in the night with one heel scratching the other!  Now I know that any itching is probably a movement in oestrogen levels .  As well as a few aches and pains which I take 'nurofen' for as necessary.

When you get a prescription do put the product name/s into the search box and read the appropriate threads - make notes ;-).  Let us know how you get on.



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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #177 on: September 11, 2023, 03:47:02 PM »

I'm struggling with mood swings and the constant Tinnitus causing depression and fatigue. Brain fog has been bad too and some episodes of dissociation. I think that's been worse than the hot flushes and joint pain!

I didn't want to go on HRT due to family history of breast cancer and have made it this far (54 now symptoms started mid 40's) ...about 7-8 months without a period (for second time)

Used to use Capsiplex supplement for quick burst of energy to get through an appointment or workout but they no longer seem to sell it and I haven't found anything else that gave me the same burst of quick instant energy so haven't managed to exercise for ages now. Maybe why the joint pain and Tinnitus just seems to be getting worse I'm not sure???


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #178 on: September 17, 2023, 08:45:18 AM »

Hi ladies I started Peri about 4years ago and the biggest issue for me was anxiety particularly health anxiety which I had never experienced before. I eventually started on HRT which really helped apart from the odd spike here and there. Recently I’ve noticed I’m getting more spikes and also feeling nauseous in the morning which makes me think things have shifted again with my hormones. I’m currently also waiting to go back after a mammogram recalled, and as you can imagine this is doing the anxiety no favours at all. I’m hoping when this is complete this week and I am given a clean bill of health that I can focus on the anxiety and maybe the nausea will subside 💕


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Re: Tell us how you cope without HRT
« Reply #179 on: September 17, 2023, 12:33:14 PM »

Hello Trandall,
I dont think I suffered horrendous anxiety before peri, and it's only recently I think I have become more health fixated. I think the hormonal fluctuations can be so wild and symptoms appearing from out of the blue that anything ' new ' feeling can lead me to a sense of doom. Too much going on it feels overwhelming.
As you sense, peri  fluctuates so it is hard to have stability on hrt as or hormones alter. Atm, I am doing good hrt wise.

Of course the mammogram recall has worried you, that's natural. Sensibly we all know it is unlikely to be anything, but the anxiety doesn't always allow us to feel that.
I wish you well on your appt. Let us know how you Get on and if it does indeed settle some anxiety symptoms. X
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